(1)a big fish in a small pond 小地方的大人物 /C8(cVNZ
例 句:In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small pond,but after she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions. L@R%*-a
在她家乡,她很了不起。可是搬到纽约后,她就不过是芸芸众生之一了。 kk5i{.?[
(2)a stone‘s throw 一箭之遥 M!6bf
例句: He lives only a stone‘s throw from here. TbU9
他住的地方离这儿只有一箭之遥。 Ez1*}
(3) all gone 希望等的"消逝", 物品等的"丢失"。 9'8oOBqm3%
例句:My goodness! My bag is all gone. f&cG;Y
天呀!我的包不见了。 3yD5u
Our hopes were all gone. |-aj$u%~
我们的希望成泡影了。 1aMBCh<}JN
(4)all for it 对别人的看法或意见"完全同意","完全赞成" ;%z0iZmg
例句: Go ahead with your plan. I‘m all for it. 0Rk'sEX,
进行你的计划吧, 我完全赞成。 01q7n`o#zf
(5)all in all 常用的片语,表示"总的来说","总而言之", K6oXnz}
例句: He has his faults, but all in all, he is a good guy. x!.VWG tb
(6) as clear as mud 不清晰,混乱 qK1V!a2
例句:Your explanation is as clear as mud. (1}Ndo^;w
你的解释一点都不清晰。 `y6l^ep
(7)as soft as down 柔软如绒毛 ?HcA&
例句:I lay fast asleep on the couch, which was as soft as down, and did not wake until late in the morning. E:E&Wv?r
我在软如绒毛般的长沙发椅上睡着了,一直睡到早晨很晚才醒来。 =L
`Zi #rr|)L
(8)at full blast 全速地;大规模地 YV940A-n
例 句:When we visited the place, work on the construction site was at full blast and all the workers seemed to be working very hard. K+$c,1wb
当我们去参观时,建筑工地的工作已经全面展开,而且所有的人都在忙碌着。 t@ JPnA7~
(9) be above board 光明正大的 ft6^s(t
be crazy about 爱的发狂 Z "=(uwM
例句: I am really crazy about Michael Jackson‘s rock‘n‘roll. A>g$[
我对麦克杰克逊的摇滚爱的发狂。 9FLn7Y
gX _BJ6
(10) be for the birds 荒唐可笑的;毫无价值的 J+|ohA
例句:Their opinions on art are simply for the birds. q@-qA]
他们对艺术的见解真是荒唐可笑。 7VXeu+-P
(11) beat it 叫人"走开"的口语,和"Be off!差不多,不过比后者更流行。 d,+n,;6Cf
例句:He kept on bothering me, so I told him to beat it. jb![ Lp
他不停地烦我,因此我叫他走开。 i
(12)beat ones brains (out) 指做事困难,"伤透了脑筋" K]Cvk%
例句:I beat my brains (out) to get a job. v(7A=/W_
为了找寻工作,我伤透了脑筋。 E 6@;e-]j
(13)beat sb to the draw 抢先某人行动 dGteYt_F
例句: Mary wanted to buy that painting by Picasso, but another millionaire beat her to the draw. )|a9Z~#x
玛丽想买毕加索的那幅画,不过另一个百万富翁捷足先登了。 9c7}-Go
Wkk Nyg,
(14) beat someone by miles 远强于某人 1;gSf.naG
例句:When it comes to fishing, I beat him by miles. 2!otVz!Mh
讲到钓鱼,我比他棒得多。 ,<
(15)beef 口语上常用来指"抱怨"或"发牢骚";作动词时后面跟about. QPcB_wUqu
例句:Tell me what‘s your beef? 你抱怨什么? kZ.3\
) IhY&?jk?
(16)before you know it 口语为"很快"。 GDB>!ukg
例句:I come back before you know it.
我很快就会回来。 )x7hhEk=^
*vO'Z &
(17)behave yourself 劝人要有礼貌和行为检点,意思相同的口语还有"Watch you manner.""Watch your P‘s and Q‘s".和"Don‘t get fresh." oX4uRc7wR
例句:Please behave yourself before the guests. OA=;9AcZ
在宾客之前你检点一些。 19u?^w
(18)behind bars 坐牢 .KsvRx
例句:The judge will put him behind bars for at least two years. feW9>f;
法官最低限度也会判他坐两年牢。 p,8Z{mLn
(19)behind the scenes(behind the curtain) 幕后 r?I(me,
例句:He is the man behind the scenes. "'#Hh&Us
他是幕后人物。 &Kp+8D*
(20)between ourselves 秘密地说 DS2$ w9!
例句: Between ourselves, there are no secrets. JrAc]=
咱们私下说说,没什么秘密。 "y0A<-~
(21)beyond the seas 在国外,在海外 8W>l(w9M
例句: He had a good time when he was beyond the seas. (B-9M)
他在国外时曾过得很快活。 5w1[KO#K|
,R =VzP&
(22)butt in 插手,介入 ~\G3l,4
例句: Pardon me for butting in on your conversation, but this is important. sD3|Qj;
请原谅我打断了你们的谈话,不过这件事非常重要。 xH[yIfHkG@
(23)by and large 大体上,总的看来 \^4$}@*]
例句: I cannot totally take your point,but by and large I think yours is reasonable. (F YJ^o
我不能完全同意你的观点,但大体上你的观点是有道理的。 <Y2!c,"