>.>5% ; About this file ;
B`Pi\1H6% ;
; 关于这个文件
d^>s e'ya ;
cH ?]uu( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
ypVr"fWB ;
:6{HFMf" ; This is the recommended, PHP 4-style version of the php.ini-dist file. It
2Ta F7Jn ; sets some non standard settings, that make PHP more efficient, more secure,
e&nw&9vo ; and encourage cleaner coding.
ZrBxEf$f ;
qxh\umm+2 ;
gUQCKNw ; 这个是推荐的,PHP 4 版本类型的 php.ini-dist 文件,他设置了一些非标准的设置,他们使得
vkLG<Y ; PHP更加有效,更加安全,鼓励整洁的编码。
;rbn/6 ;
5ztHar~f ; The price is that with these settings, PHP may be incompatible with some
YII1Z'q ; applications, and sometimes, more difficult to develop with. Using this
cy%JJ)sf ; file is warmly recommended for production sites. As all of the changes from
Z/n\Ak sE ; the standard settings are thoroughly documented, you can go over each one,
|]kcgLqj ; and decide whether you want to use it or not.
xXp$Nm]: ;
35|F?Jx.r ;
-HutEbkjx ; 这样做的代价是,某些应用程序可能在这样的配置下不兼容,在某些情况下,开发会更加困难。
?=}~]A5N ; 使用这个文件是我门对建设站点的热心建议。每个标准设置的改变都有彻底的说明稳当,你可以
zkHwoAD;t8 ; 处理没一个,决定是否使用他们。
^vw? 4O ;
0.7*2s- ;
J\VG/)E ; For general information about the php.ini file, please consult the php.ini-dist
|E/U(VS3l~ ; file, included in your PHP distribution.
_1TSt%L ;
u2%/</]h ;
MLf,5f;e ; 关于 php.ini 的一般信息,请参考 php.ini-dist 文件,包括你的 PHP 的说明
>U?HXu/TJr ;
~Y]*TP ;
zJY5@^'7 ; This file is different from the php.ini-dist file in the fact that it features
f-!t31?XK ; different values for several directives, in order to improve performance, while
Hry*.s - ; possibly breaking compatibility with the standard out-of-the-box behavior of
1<g,1TR ; PHP 3. Please make sure you read what's different, and modify your scripts
'Pyeb`AXE9 ; accordingly, if you decide to use this file instead.
YbjeM6#E ;
Twi:BI`. ;
`hJSo?G> ; 这个文件和 php.ini-dist 的区别在于它给予了一些指示不同的值,来提高性能,同时可能破坏了
fS2 ^$"B| ; PHP 3 的标准的 out-of-the-box 特性。
f~nAJ+m= ;
^,F8 ha ; - register_globals = Off [Security, Performance]
3}y( ; Global variables are no longer registered for input data (POST, GET, cookies,
=73""ry ; environment and other server variables). Instead of using $foo, you must use
G ,,c, ; you can use $_REQUEST["foo"] (includes any variable that arrives through the
` ; request, namely, POST, GET and cookie variables), or use one of the specific
0{OafL8&l ; $_GET["foo"], $_POST["foo"], $_COOKIE["foo"] or $_FILES["foo"], depending
*/APe# ; on where the input originates. Also, you can look at the
~eZ]LW]) ; import_request_variables() function.
O[|_~v:^ ; Note that register_globals is going to be depracated (i.e., turned off by
OcE,E6LD ; default) in the next version of PHP, because it often leads to security bugs.
!C;$5(k ; Read
http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php for further
{UFs1 ; information.
hs*n?vxp3 ;
6@VgLa, ;
tZY6{,K%4 ; 全局变量不再注册输入的数据(POST,GET,cookies,环境变量和其他的服务器变量)。作为代替的是使用
w;490g ; $foo, 你必须使用 $_REQUEST["foo"] ( 包括所有的通过请求传来的变量,也就是说,POST,GET,和
25;(`Td5 ; cookies 变量)或者根据输入的来源使用指定的 $_GET["foo"],$_POST["foo"],$_COOKIE["foo"]
K8W99:v ; ,$_FILES["foo"] (访问他们).同时,你可以查看 import_request_variables()函数。
tpa<)\7KJ ;
MnP+L'| ; 注意,这个参数可能在下个版本去掉(默认为off),因为他经常引起安全 bugs.到
txiX1o!/L ;
http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php Js&.p9S2 ; 查看详细内容
lf\^!E: ;
YH&q5W,KX ;
NpxgF<G ; - display_errors = Off [Security]
zJ_y"bt ; With this directive set to off, errors that occur during the execution of
*#1J ; scripts will no longer be displayed as a part of the script output, and thus,
/z)Nz2W ; will no longer be exposed to remote users. With some errors, the error message
k3T374t1b ; content may expose information about your script, web server, or database
)|GYxG;8C ; server that may be exploitable for hacking. Production sites should have this
"TVmxE%( ; directive set to off.
qJJ},4} ;
iikMz|:7U ;
lHFk~Qp[ ; 设置这个指示为Off,在脚本执行期间发生错误时,不再将错误作为输出的一部分显示,这样就不会暴露给
<b?$-Rx ; 远端用户。对于某些错误,错误信息的内容可能暴露你的脚本,web服务器,数据库服务器的信息,可能被
|'j,|^< ; 黑客利用。最终产品占点需要设置这个指示为off.
_:%i6c*" ;
wlEK"kKU ;
\zeu vD ; - log_errors = On [Security]
|-HNHUF ; This directive complements the above one. Any errors that occur during the
^I{/j'b& ; execution of your script will be logged (typically, to your server's error log,
pwRCfR)" X ; but can be configured in several ways). Along with setting display_errors to off,
R+El/ya:6 ; this setup gives you the ability to fully understand what may have gone wrong,
k~?5mUyK< ; without exposing any sensitive information to remote users.
Yq'D-$@ ;
YetL ;
e>P>DmlW ; 这个指示补充上面的。所有的发生在脚本运行期间的错误都会纪录在日志中(代表性的,记录在服务器的错误
j^/=.cD| ; 日志中,但是可以配置不同的方式)。随着 display_errors 设置为 off,这个设置给你全面了解到底什么
I]%Kd(' ; 发生错误的能力,而不会向远端用户暴露任何信息。
uDLj*U6L ;
s{*bFA Z1F ;
f@k.4aS ; - output_buffering = 4096 [Performance]
#|T2`uYotf ; Set a 4KB output buffer. Enabling output buffering typically results in less
5?0~7^de ; writes, and sometimes less packets sent on the wire, which can often lead to
HQnc`2 ; better performance. The gain this directive actually yields greatly depends
dK4w$~j{k ; on which Web server you're working with, and what kind of scripts you're using.
XSk ;
X|aD>CT ;
vOq N=bp ; 设置 4KB 的输出缓冲区。打开输出缓冲可以减少写的次数,有时减少线路发送包的数量,这样能提高性能。
HBZ6 Pj ; 这个指示真正得到的益处很大程度的依赖于你的工作的 WEB 服务器,以及你使用的脚本。
*m2?fP\ ;
7EVB|gTp ;
'<>?gE0Cd ; - register_argc_argv = Off [Performance]
>hzSd@J& ; Disables registration of the somewhat redundant $argv and $argc global
Qkw?QV-`k ; variables.
[,{Nu EI ;
3#Iq5vT ;
D G|v'# ; 禁止注册某些多于的 $argv 和 $argc 全局变量
Vt,P.CfdC ;
M%g2UP ;
13*S<\ ; - magic_quotes_gpc = Off [Performance]
Ug384RzHN ; Input data is no longer escaped with slashes so that it can be sent into
?6HnN0A) ; SQL databases without further manipulation. Instead, you should use the
4$81ilBcL ; function addslashes() on each input element you wish to send to a database.
4aW[` ;
xSDTO$U8% ;
saDu'SmYV ; 输入数据不再被斜线转义,以便于无需更多的处理就可以发送到SQL数据库里面。作为代替,你可
KT17I&: ; 以对每个要发送到数据库的输入元素使用 addslashes()函数。
r ;
:F9Oj1lM% ;
4P"XT ; - variables_order = "GPCS" [Performance]
y.s\MWvv>u ; The environment variables are not hashed into the $HTTP_ENV_VARS[]. To access
drvrj~o: ; environment variables, you can use getenv() instead.
8n:N#4Dh^ ;
JcMl*k ; 环境变量不再进入 $HTTP_ENV_VARS[],你需要用 getenv()来访问环境变量。
>UV}^OO ;
73nM9 ;
J#q^CWN3R ; - error_reporting = E_ALL [Code Cleanliness, Security(?)]
18p4]:L ; By default, PHP surpresses errors of type E_NOTICE. These error messages
&C)97E ; are emitted for non-critical errors, but that could be a symptom of a bigger
PIdGis5G ; problem. Most notably, this will cause error messages about the use
s%8,'3& ; of uninitialized variables to be displayed.
dK0H.| ;
awjAv8tPO! ;
'&2-{Y [! ; 默认的,PHP 给出 E_NOTICE 错误类型,这些错误信息不是核心错误,但是可能是个更大错误的隐患。
TQPrOs? ; 大多数提醒是那些没有初始化变量引起的错误信息。
YYN/+W ;
$~VIx% h ;
zbGZ\pz ; - allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off [Code cleanliness]
;*ni%|K ; It's not possible to decide to force a variable to be passed by reference
8 ; when calling a function. The PHP 4 style to do this is by making the
w9mAeGyE ; function require the relevant argument by reference.
~|N,{GaL ;
/a9CqK ;
mIPDF1=) ; 在调用函数时,不可能决定强制传递变量的引用。PHP 4 里通过函数请求相关参数的引用来实现
id" l" ;
iX WB ;
)vpYVr- E|jU8qz>P ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2E`mbT,v& ; Language Options ;
gv D*^ ;
MOay^{u ;
wAJ=rRI ; 语言配置
Qpj[]c5 ;
q~Al[`K ;
d @ l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
qJ<l$Ig 71ab&V il ; Enable the PHP scripting language engine under Apache.
XHOS"o$y ;
E@#<p-@~ ;
|sl^4'Ghc ; 允许在Apache下的PHP脚本语言引擎
Q1x15pVku/ ;
@; I9e ;
;>;it5 l= engine = On
.yUD\ZGJu Z-CA9&4Uh ; Allow the tags are recognized.
>clVV6B ;
(N3 ;
; 允许 标记
K($+ILZ ;
V+>RF ;
={o4lFe3v( short_open_tag = On
9fbo R3_;!/1 ; Allow ASP-style tags.
W=S^t_F ;
qrOesSdc ;
"S{GjOlEDF ; 允许 ASP 类型的 标记
F\;l) ;
py~[M'p(H ;
ueW/i asp_tags = Off
V0,5c`H c 7Y.yl F: ; The number of significant digits displayed in floating point numbers.
`3K."/N6c ;
}&dvd ;
~9!@BL\ ; 浮点数显示的有意义的数字(精度)
P&c O2 ;
8EiS\$O- ;
(Y&gse1}! precision = 14
fK@UlMC]7 k?3mFWc ; Enforce year 2000 compliance (will cause problems with non-compliant browsers)
~:"\P ;
h>xB"E|. ;
H,/=<Th;i ; 强制遵从 2000 年(会在不遵从的浏览器上引起错误)
g rQ,J ;
FDGzh/ ;
vsA/iH. y2k_compliance = Off
IA=\c z:Ru` ; Output buffering allows you to send header lines (including cookies) even
f0g_Gn $ ; after you send body content, at the price of slowing PHP's output layer a
Y.52`s6F ; bit. You can enable output buffering during runtime by calling the output
SZxnYVY ; buffering functions. You can also enable output buffering for all files by
5P);t9O6 ; setting this directive to On. If you wish to limit the size of the buffer
qMO(j%N5 ; to a certain size - you can use a maximum number of bytes instead of 'On', as
~:0U.v_V ; a value for this directive (e.g., output_buffering=4096).
B ;
lYm00v6y ;
Kx;l a ; 输出缓冲允许你在主体内容发送后发送头信息行(包括 cookies),作为代价,会稍微减慢一点PHP
|D;I>O^"R ; 输出层的速度。你可以在运行期间通过调用输出缓冲函数来打开输出缓冲。你也可以通过设置这个
=ZV+*cCC=q ; 指示来对虽有的文件打开输出缓冲。如果你想限制缓冲区大小为某个尺寸,你可以使用一个允许最大
M4(57b[` ; 的字节数值代替 "On",作为这个指示的值。
"z*.Bk ;
'KDt%?24 ;
Y8 output_buffering = 4096
Swh\^/B8 d0R;|p''Z ; You can redirect all of the output of your scripts to a function. For
+;4;~>Y ; example, if you set output_handler to "ob_gzhandler", output will be
?d+ri ; transparently compressed for browsers that support gzip or deflate encoding.
0!oqP1 ; Setting an output handler automatically turns on output buffering.
AN3oh1xe: ;
P+BGCc%);B ;
gu:vf/ ; 你可以重新定向脚本所有输出到一个函数。例如,你可以设置 output_handler 为 "ob_gzhandler",
a,(nf1@5 ; 输出将会被明显的被压缩到支持 gzip 或 deflate 编码的浏览器。设置一个输出管理会自动打开
RA?_j$ ; 输出缓冲
Jg)( F|>o ;
8!YQ9T [ ;
*6eJmbFG output_handler =
^VW]Qr! mG$N%`aG ; Transparent output compression using the zlib library
{]dG 9 ; Valid values for this option are 'off', 'on', or a specific buffer size
g9CedD%40 ; to be used for compression (default is 4KB)
UBJYs{zz ;
P_'{|M<? ;
;u[:J ; 使用 zlib 库进行输出压缩,可以指定 off/on 或者用于压缩的缓冲大小
Bex;!1 ;
y5F"JjQAa ;
^M%P43 zlib.output_compression = Off
WrcmC$ff m.!LL]] ; Implicit flush tells PHP to tell the output layer to flush itself
}V*?~.R ; automatically after every output block. This is equivalent to calling the
$gN\%X/n"1 ; PHP function flush() after each and every call to print() or echo() and each
,]nRnI^ ; and every HTML block. Turning this option on has serious performance
'n>44_7 L ; implications and is generally recommended for debugging purposes only.
8)>T>-os ;
<T;V9(66 ;
g],]l'7H ; 隐含的通知PHP的输出层在每个输出块后自己自动刷新。等同于在每个 print() 或者 echo()
ZZZ`@pXm; ; 和每个HTML块后面都调用 flush()函数。打开这个配置会引起严重的隐含执行,一般推荐在用于
x;`Gn_ ; 调试目的时使用。
l1|*(%p?X ;
|&xaV-b9W ;
o5 ~VT!'[ implicit_flush = Off
H }]Zp 6rj iZ% ; Whether to enable the ability to force arguments to be passed by reference
oV;sd5'LG ; at function call time. This method is deprecated and is likely to be
9C2pGfEbn} ; unsupported in future versions of PHP/Zend. The encouraged method of
YFPse.2$a ; specifying which arguments should be passed by reference is in the function
^;h\#S[% ; declaration. You're encouraged to try and turn this option Off and make
D\+x/r?-I ; sure your scripts work properly with it in order to ensure they will work
)/JVp> ; with future versions of the language (you will receive a warning each time
jnbR}a=fJ ; you use this feature, and the argument will be passed by value instead of by
B~k{f} ; reference).
("ix!\1K@ ;
}No #_{ ;
R+0gn/a[ G ; 是否允许在函数调用期间有强制参数以引用的形式传递的能力。这个方法不赞成使用,在将来的
`GBJa k ; PHP和Zend版本里面可能不支持。鼓励的方法是在函数声明时指定哪个参数通过引用传递。鼓励你
k{lo' ; 尝试关闭这个参数,确认你的脚本能够正常运行,以便在以后版能里面正确运行(你会在每次使用
uL-kihV:- ; 这个特性时得到一个警告,并且参数以值来传递,代替引用)
f*rub. y ;
}~=<7|N. ;
Ws1|idAT allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off
Lg(G&ljE@k W( sit;O wBg?-ji3< ;
l3u+fE,;_ ; Safe Mode
/DH`7E ;
Oi& 9FS ;
x9\{a ; 安全模式
Q?LzL(OioN ;
aM1WC 'c&) ;
>T*BEikC ;
eN|zD?ba& safe_mode = Off
#K@!jh)y^ 0YL*)=pD, ; By default, Safe Mode does a UID compare check when
/;p ; opening files. If you want to relax this to a GID compare,
BR?DW~7J j ; then turn on safe_mode_gid.
.t>SbGC ;
!Sy9v ;
roAHkI ; 安全模式默认的在打开文件时进行 UID 比较检查,如果你想放宽他为GID比较,打开这个参数
SeS ZMv ;
}id)~h_@ ;
~H?v L c;> safe_mode_gid = Off
4IB`7QJq zA$ Y@f ; When safe_mode is on, UID/GID checks are bypassed when
-L2 +4 ; including files from this directory and its subdirectories.
I4s ; (directory must also be in include_path or full path must
QD^= ;! ; be used when including)
@>~S$nw/ ;
k5bv57@ ;
NcwUK\ ; 在安全模式,当包含如下目录和子目录文件时,绕过 UID/GID检查(路径必须在 include_path下面
{~}: oV ; 或者在包含时使用完整路径
Ekrpg^3qp" ;
Gb'ii=A safe_mode_include_dir =
5oYeUy>N WTt
/y\'6 ; When safe_mode is on, only executables located in the safe_mode_exec_dir
0e]J2> ; will be allowed to be executed via the exec family of functions.
wod{C ! ;
%Gu=Dkz ;
F/p1?1M ; 在安全模式下,只有给出目录下可以通过 exec 族函数执行
X%iqve"{nB ;
hhylsm ;
3)&rj 7 safe_mode_exec_dir =
#&S<{75A E6G;fPd= E ; open_basedir, if set, limits all file operations to the defined directory
Kb5}M/8 ; and below. This directive makes most sense if used in a per-directory
+U<Ae^V ; or per-virtualhost web server configuration file.
c(?O E'
"Z ;
[vY)y\W{ ;
ko!aX;K ; 如果设置,则限制所有的文件操作都到下面给出的目录下。这个指示在每个目录,每个虚拟主机的web
>2mY% ; 服务器配置文件里给出更多的认识。
;tD?a7 ;
:t+LuH g ;
[ CU8%%7 ;open_basedir =
T%}x%9VO7 <bv9X?U ; Setting certain environment variables may be a potential security breach.
ND 8;1+3 ; This directive contains a comma-delimited list of prefixes. In Safe Mode,
Dn~t _n ; the user may only alter environment variables whose names begin with the
Pm24;' ; prefixes supplied here. By default, users will only be able to set
=<=[E:B ; environment variables that begin with PHP_ (e.g. PHP_FOO=BAR).
Xa>c]j ;
i~HS"n ; Note: If this directive is empty, PHP will let the user modify ANY
KHaYb5(a[ ; environment variable!
: NH'>' ;
%-!:$ 1; ;
F20%r 0 ; 设置某些环境变量可能是隐藏的安全缺口。这个指示包含一个逗号分割的前缀指示。在安全模式下
OW> >6zM ; 用户只能修改下面提供的为前缀的变量名字。默认,用户只能设置以 PHP_ 前缀开头的环境变量(
Z>@\!$Mc ; 例如 PHP_FOO=BAR).
9B3}LVg\ ;
z5[Qh<M ; 注意:如果这个设置为空,则 PHP 可以让用户修改任何环境变量。
2fUz}w ( ;
hM(Hq4ed, ;
D%'rq safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_
IifH=%2Y hJ V* ; This directive contains a comma-delimited list of environment variables that
VK4" ; the end user won't be able to change using putenv(). These variables will be
bqR0./V ; protected even if safe_mode_allowed_env_vars is set to allow to change them.
-f(<2i ;
jRjQDK_"ka ;
E|B1h!!\c ; 这个指示包含用逗号分割的不允许最终用户通过 putenv()修改的环境变量的列表。这些变量即使
MS%h`Ypo ; 在 safe_mode_allowed_env_vars 设置允许改变他们的情况下也被保护。
>LR+dShG ;
<{1 3Nd'o ;
FCYZ9L5uF safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+(hr5 LGVGr ; This directive allows you to disable certain functions for security reasons.
v[?eL0Z ; It receives a comma-delimited list of function names. This directive is
;|K(6) ; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off.
H*dQT y, ;
aw0xi,Jz ;
v*e=oyx[ ; 这个指示用于在由于安全原因的情况下屏蔽某些函数。接受用逗号分割的函数名列表,这个指示不受
x "PMi[4 ; Safe Mode 是否打开的影响。
a,p7l$kK ;
TqMy">> ;
<H!;/p/S disable_functions =
r|7 hm:F) PR1% ; Colors for Syntax Highlighting mode. Anything that's acceptable in
nF|m*_DW ; would work.
j6$_U@)%O ;
-U_<: ;
&"EhA> ; 语法加亮模式的颜色,任何 正常工作的都可以接受
C0Ti9 ;
[ 5kaF" ;
mh`VZQ@ highlight.string = #CC0000
[mk!]r highlight.comment = #FF9900
s"]LQM1| highlight.keyword = #006600
$X;fz)u highlight.bg = #FFFFFF
-T-h~5 highlight.default = #0000CC
^k?Ig.m highlight.html = #000000
u7<s_M3%N :ITz\m 47XQZ-}4 ;
r@(hRl1k' ; Misc
"n@=.x ;
7uRXu>h ; Decides whether PHP may expose the fact that it is installed on the server
ve /Q6j{ ; (e.g. by adding its signature to the Web server header). It is no security
} Pc6_# ; threat in any way, but it makes it possible to determine whether you use PHP
C'}8 ; on your server or not.
GVp2|\-L ;
Ye_)~,{,p ;
X"{s"Mc0G ; 是否让服务器暴露 PHP(例如在 web 服务器头增加标记)。他不会有安全威胁,但是可以让你
hU `H\LE ; 检测一个服务器是否使用了 PHP.
b-+iL ;
wLC|mByq ;
8a1G0HRQ expose_php = On
CxtH?9# | |nj%G< /Et:',D ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
_D(F[p| ; Resource Limits ;
.yF7{/ ;
(byFr9z ;
@&2bLJJ+ ; 资源限制
:U<`iJwY ;
h^bbU. ;
*, o)` nMXSpX>!| ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
|k> _
jO TP oP%Yj" ;
b07 MTDFH7 ;
I"9S ; 每个脚本最大执行的秒数
r!etj3 ;
O&irgc! ;
@QMMtfeLj max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
,?7URx* r/fLm8+ ;
F\&R nDJ ;
4L\d ; 一个脚本最大消耗的内存
icHc!m? ;
A3 bE3Fk$ memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
2rf-pdOvG s&!g ) o|AV2FM) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"wT[LA9\ ; Error handling and logging ;
a%sr*` ;
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X)xQKkL0 ; 错误处理和记录
j/#} ;
sUcx;<|BC ;
,Rk;*MEMJ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
`$7j:<c= 8AVM(d@ ; error_reporting is a bit-field. Or each number up to get desired error
Edc< 8- ; reporting level
tD.md_E ;
&mKtW$K` q ;
@]t} bF] ; 错误报告是一个位字段,每个数值代表错误报告的等级
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P|_>M SO1' ; E_ALL - All errors and warnings
u!];RHOp| ;
Q(36RX%@ ; 所有的错误和警告
.cbC2t95 ; E_ERROR - fatal run-time errors
s VHk;:e>x ;
(zh[1[a ; 致命的运行期错误
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