作者:不详 来源:不详
http://www.csai.cn 2006年4月20日
xF8 8'p' 3DNow!(3D no waiting)
P\oLr9 3DPA(3D Positional Audio,3D定位音频)
UhbGU G 3DS(3D SubSystem,三维子系统)
;G4g;YHy| ABS(Auto Balance System,自动平衡系统)
[ AC(Audio Codec,音频多媒体数字信号编解码器)
wj-z;YCV ACOPS: Automatic CPU OverHeat Prevention System(CPU过热预防系统)
LLd5Z44v ACPI(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface,先进设置和电源管理)
!BEl6h AE(Atmospheric Effects,雾化效果)
';KZ.D AFR(Alternate Frame Rendering,交替渲染技术)
!"bU|a AGAS(Anti Glare Anti Static Coatings,防强光、防静电涂层)
N'=b8J-fF AGP: Accelarated Graphic Port(加速图形端口),一种CPU与图形芯片的总线结构
nRh.;G AGU(Address Generation Units,地址产成单元)
/*Z5p AH: Authentication Header,鉴定文件头
*ulkqpO AHA(Accelerated Hub Architecture,加速中心架构)
#OVS]Asn} AL: Artificial Life(人工生命)
6GsB*hW ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit,算术逻辑单元)
VY j
pl AMR(Audio/Modem Riser,音效/数据主机板附加直立插卡)
p&W{g$D> AMR(Audio/Modem Riser;音效/调制解调器主机板附加直立插卡)
IHe^ ?R Anisotropic Filtering(各向异性过滤)
2}kJN8\F API(Application Programming Interfaces,应用程序接口)
g$^I/OK? APIC: Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller(高级程序中断控制器)
A*TO0L APM(Advanced Power Management,高级能源管理)
bxvpj APPE(Advanced Packet Parsing Engine,增强形帧解析引擎)
Fg^Z g\X3 ARP(Address Resolution Protocol,地址解析协议)
WNo< 0|X ASC(Anti Static Coatings,防静电涂层)
@9\L|O'~? ASC(Auto-Sizing and Centering,自动调效屏幕尺寸和中心位置)
!xz{X ? ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange,美国国家标准信息交换代码)
`c /mmS ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit(特殊应用积体电路)
^ SW!S_&Z2 ASK IR(Amplitude Shift Keyed Infra-Red,长波形可移动输入红外线)
wb~ ASMO(Advanced Storage Magneto-Optical,增强形光学存储器)
\ 3FOI ASPI(Advanced SCSI Program Interface, 高级SCSI编程接口。它定义了当和SCSI主机适配器通讯时应用程序使用的一系列软件命令)
\>)#cEX5 AST(Average Seek time,平均寻道时间)
'WcP+4c ATA(AT Attachment,AT扩展型)
'I5~<"E ATAPI(AT Attachment Packet Interface)
VD+y4t'^ ATC(Access Time from Clock,时钟存取时间)
4j}uVGi{e ATL: ActiveX Template Library(ActiveX模板库)
r"=6s/q7 ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode,异步传输模式)
Gp}}MGk ATOMM(Advanced super Thin-layer and high-Output Metal Media,增强形超薄高速金属媒体)
&0JCZ/e ATX: AT Extend(扩展型AT)
t+2,;G Auxiliary Input(辅助输入接口)
zz1]6B*eX AV(Analog Video,模拟视频)
%-#rzeaW AVI(Audio Video Interleave,音频视频插入)
Or"+d 5 Back Buffer,后置缓冲
ZGC*BP/ Backface culling(隐面消除)
E2yL9]K2 BASIC:Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code(初学者通用指令代码)
N2\{h(*u Battle for Eyeballs(眼球大战,各3D图形芯片公司为了争夺用户而作的竞争)
%C~LKs5oH BCF(Boot Catalog File,启动目录文件)
oh.8WlI Benchmarks:基准测试程序数值
Y!fgc<]'& BGA(Ball Grid Array,球状矩阵排列)
*S] K@g BGA(Ball Grid Array,球状矩阵排列)
+hzS'z)n& BGA: Ball Grid Array(球状网格阵列)
IT0 [;eqR BHT(branch prediction table,分支预测表)
q+cx.Rc# BIF(Boot Image File,启动映像文件)
b";D*\=x Bilinear Filtering(双线性过滤)
B'~CFj0W%= BIOS(Basic Input/Output System,基本输入/输出系统)
4.xxc BLA: Bearn Landing Area(电子束落区)
,*Y^T BMC(Black Matrix Screen,超黑矩阵屏幕)
;}QM#5Xdt BOD(Bandwidth On Demand,弹性带宽运用)
~WX40z BOPS:Billion Operations Per Second,十亿次运算/秒
UwVc!Lys bps(bit per second,位/秒)
*$v`5rP BPU(Branch Processing Unit,分支处理单元)
{B)-+0 6 Brach Pediction(分支预测)
M\)(_I)V= BSD(Berkeley Software Distribution,伯克利软件分配代号)
f1TYQ?e BSRAM(Burst pipelined synchronous static RAM,突发式管道同步静态存储器)
$p~X"f?0 BTB/C: Branch Target Buffer/Cache (分支目标缓冲)
(#5TM1/A C2C: card-to-card interleaving,卡到卡交错存取
H3Sfz' CAD: computer-aided design,计算机辅助设计