吃里爬外live on sb. while helping others secretly
@54D<Lj j^}p'w Tu{ J)iy6{0" 痴心妄想、 胡思乱想wishful thinking
(5] |Kcp| jemg#GB8 e.%`
tK3J 持之以恒preserve
K%ltB& `w1|(Sk$h vd>X4e^j 叱咤风云ride the whirlwind
]?p&sI4 G%w hOIFRq 0!YB.=\{_q 愁眉苦脸pull a long face snoot
_4VF>#b G/Nb@pAy[ ixZ w;+h 愁眉苦脸的,愁眉苦脸地woebegone 、 morosely
q[#2` ,c#=qb8"" 8*;88vW"2 臭名远扬,臭名昭著flagrancy, notorious
sG`:mc~0 /pZ]:.A \-Mzs 0R 出乎意料unexpected
#wL}4VN V8w!yc 1H{M0e 出口成章have an outstanding eloquence
6H,n?[zTt A\9QgM R87-L*9B^0 出类拔萃,鹤立鸡群fill the bill supereminence
vkWh2z s)ymm7? 7{
zkqug 出谋划策give counsel suggest
5_@ u Be~ AOhfQ:E 4 Ly1V@ 出奇制胜defeat sb. by a surprise action
fGDR<t3yiQ sf\p>gb 47b=>D8 出生入死go through fire and water
g/&`NlD 6\ g-KO m0+X 109 触类旁通comprehend by analogy
:|3n`, SnsOuC5Ah kYBy\ 垂头丧气,无精打采 down in the mouth lose one"s spirits with the tail between the legs
t(YrF, j^
VAA\ u/3[6MIp 垂头丧气的blue about the gills crestfallen downhearted
1@*qz\ YY @Omgk=6 ;v0M
:: 绰绰有余more than sufficient
aV?dy4o$ WZ@/' [ @~v|t{G 此起彼伏as one falls,another rises
T2-n;8t t{n|!T& D7.|UG?G 从容不迫go easy take one"s time
.}W#YN$ JX%B_eUlAs ,;LxFS5\ 从容不迫的leisured unhurried
t .*z)N x9Veg4Z7 /g}2QmvH 从容不迫地by easy stages
f$Fa*O- ;Z%PBMa \~|+*^e) 粗枝大叶careless slapdash sloppy
qP6Yn JWl q 65mR!) "L'0" 粗枝大叶的broad-brush
..46G /,v>w, 0Q^ -d+! 措手不及unaware unprepared
YY~BNQn6d V7}5Zw1 34ij5bko_) 错综复杂、 扑朔迷离 anfractuosity
Ve,h]/G acd8?>%[ <T?H
H$es) 错综复杂的anfractuous daedal reticula sinuous
P%`|Tu!B w E^6DNh C{mL]ds< 打草惊蛇act rashly and alert the enemy
tHlKo0S$0 4 [2^#t[ R%)ZhG*
大材小用waste one"s talent on a petty job
Aig ;8z40cD i[obQx S94 大公无私selfless
U40adP? a Jj=0{(X [C)JI; \ 大海捞针look for a needle in a bottle of hay
,MkldCV K:Mm?28s P|mV((/m4 大惑不解be extremely puzzled
MFGKz O "vVL52HwB :2#8\7IU^' 大惊小怪a storm in a teacup 、 foofaraw 、 fuss 、 like a hen with one chicken
MRzrZZ%LQ .I%p0ds1r sU>!sxW 大惊小怪的spoffish
)Ih'0>= LwDm(gG &w@~@] 大快人心affording general satisfaction
fAMJFHW e_3KNQ`kA L@> +iZSO 大名鼎鼎famous well known
H]v"_!(\ (ATvH_Z !FwR7`i 大器晚成great minds mature slowly
x!$Dje} Ta;'f7Oz QIl![% 大千世界the boundless universe
'^Kmfc uM3F[p%V^ 4Y>v+N^ 大失所望greatly disappointed
jA ?tDAx` Fa]fSqy@; 'M"JF;*r 大同小异largely identical but with minor differences
E]x)Qr2Ju hVQ
TW[ s':fv[% 大显身手、 大显神通strut one"s stuff
H`!%" YDEUiZ~ ejY|o
Bj 大言不惭、 夸夸其谈fanfaronade rodomontade
Efo,5 qucw%hJ r $.Fti-5 大义凛然inspiring awe by upholding justice
)3O0:]<H Y XC?q 2?; =TJo$ 大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty
HA}pr6Z )*&I|L<1 #@h3#IC 大智若愚Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water runs deep
(GnwK1f ). +!/x JI1O( 呆若木鸡dumbstruck transfixed
o* qF"xG z?C;z7eT BaSNr6
YW 待人接物the ways one gets along with others
j!c[$; {4\hxyw qK
,mG{ 殚思极虑rack one"s brains
~i)O^CKq k&\YfE3* UloZo?
e` 胆小如鼠cannot say boh to a goose
;bJ2miO"e l@}BWSx&ms !6:q#B* 胆战心惊的funky
F">>,Oc)U" !A>VzW Y~=]RCg 淡泊明志not seek fame and wealth
}P-4Sg #A|~s;s>N .hh2II 道貌岸然be sanctimonious
Up|\&2_ I0\}S [+H -"L)<J@gQ? 得过且过drift along muddle along
QiU!;!s "Fv6u]Rv X8T7(w<0%f 得天独厚的advantaged
B"O5P> FrSeR9b [ e4)"A" 得心应手handy with facility
!x9j~D'C` 9g"
1WZ! ^'8T9N@U 得意忘形、 得意洋洋 bloat get dizzy with success
@Yua%n6]#D :j/PtNT@ C7=Q!UK`\ 得意洋洋elated、 elation、 exaltation、 jauntiness
1XZ|}Xz ]Y[8|HJ8 v2<roG6.V 得意扬扬ride high
K8JE, m,nV,}@J Fj c+{;x 得意洋洋的cock-a-hoop、 high-blown 、 perky
\6B,\l]$t@ @Kri)U
i \mZ\1wzn'{ 得意扬扬的triumphant
uNLB3Rdy} w;$@ </ S3"js4a 德才兼备have both ability and moral integrity
M%7H-^{ JL1%XQ
z"BV+ 德高望重sainted 、 saintlike
rVkoj;[ J.x>*3<l D5X;hd 登峰造极reach the limit reach the peak of perfection
[ 此贴被小迪宝贝在2008-02-18 16:56重新编辑 ]