吃里爬外live on sb. while helping others secretly
u *#-7 3j[w
-Lfp G_7ks]u- 痴心妄想、 胡思乱想wishful thinking
%[+a[/ e<: 4czh8 ~ wJ3AqNC? 持之以恒preserve
9-X{x95] mR!&.R? .:#_5K 叱咤风云ride the whirlwind
%zIl_/s &r5&6p a:(: :m 愁眉苦脸pull a long face snoot
iq ba1$kU 4{Yy05PFS 愁眉苦脸的,愁眉苦脸地woebegone 、 morosely
V'f&JQA I8pv:>EhC EL2 hD$ 臭名远扬,臭名昭著flagrancy, notorious
[F BCz> JsWq._O{/ _k"&EW{ Ii 出乎意料unexpected
R9|2&pfm(M O=!)})YG QTrlQH&p 出口成章have an outstanding eloquence
priT7! /I`bh tNi%}~Z 出类拔萃,鹤立鸡群fill the bill supereminence
c+7 D~i@. k g~$GE},, 出谋划策give counsel suggest
+cE tm 6|"!sW`%N Gn2bZ%l 出奇制胜defeat sb. by a surprise action
I]WeZ,E [Q.4]K2 wn A%Nh7 出生入死go through fire and water
SceCucT h3;o!FF _:fO)gs|1 触类旁通comprehend by analogy
5E oWyy hB GGs 9Sj:nn^/u 垂头丧气,无精打采 down in the mouth lose one"s spirits with the tail between the legs
w?$u! X ZR01<V ]ZryY
EB 垂头丧气的blue about the gills crestfallen downhearted
]zwqG A 0Z);.l^ /Vm}+"BCS 绰绰有余more than sufficient
r~D~7MNl sY;gh`4h cf[u%{
6Y 此起彼伏as one falls,another rises
Sfoy8<j ?od}~G4s# N;`[R>Z~ 从容不迫go easy take one"s time
YaJ{"'} U3j~}H.D1 \gI:`>-
x 从容不迫的leisured unhurried
iP?ASqo{ moJT8tb r)#"$Sm 从容不迫地by easy stages
vb"dX0)< Vg,>7?]6h nwZr3r 粗枝大叶careless slapdash sloppy
Y1E>T-Ma noUZ9M|hz Zqs-I8y 粗枝大叶的broad-brush
3P^gP32 ">vYEkZ3 ]-5jgz" 措手不及unaware unprepared
^3)2]>pW G>ptwB81KM *"QE1Fum' 错综复杂、 扑朔迷离 anfractuosity
u g:G9vjQ PSQ:' On.x~t 错综复杂的anfractuous daedal reticula sinuous
$-9@ /%Y =E~5&W7 wh m tEY 打草惊蛇act rashly and alert the enemy
B%g :Z ?6YUb; $t
H.np 大材小用waste one"s talent on a petty job
hC,-9c 4d._Hd=' pn%|; 大公无私selfless
AB&wn>q ^RyTK|SQ rD
U6 5j 大海捞针look for a needle in a bottle of hay
T!xy^n]} 9H%xZ(`vN 大惑不解be extremely puzzled
L%O8vn^3 AW&s-b%P JX0_UU 大惊小怪a storm in a teacup 、 foofaraw 、 fuss 、 like a hen with one chicken
OZ14-}Lr5 yqb<<4I RGA*7 大惊小怪的spoffish
9q 5/] P5xmLefng Hr*Pi3 dSI 大快人心affording general satisfaction
*n_4Rr f uNXY-; RowiSW 大名鼎鼎famous well known
/N{@g.edL ftH%, /, HWfX>Vf>}k 大器晚成great minds mature slowly
A}Dpw[Q2@8 j4SGA#;v Ahbu >LPk 大千世界the boundless universe
L.:QI<n \Y[)bo6s )9 jQ_ 大失所望greatly disappointed
3* 1`_)%Y[ZJ ViT 5Jn7 大同小异largely identical but with minor differences
w]-iM htrj3$q(4 }~'Wz*Gm 大显身手、 大显神通strut one"s stuff
+vSE} |B$\3, DMN H?6 大言不惭、 夸夸其谈fanfaronade rodomontade
]]o[fqD-Zn "[S
6w AR6vc 大义凛然inspiring awe by upholding justice
k[) @I;m PM>XT Z2jb>% 大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty
",V5*1w 5m?$\h }V;]c~Q/H 大智若愚Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water runs deep
Py]ci`27 Hbc&.W;g7[ mM{v>Em2K# 呆若木鸡dumbstruck transfixed
hX'*{3k dKTAc":-} :Rj,'uH+h) 待人接物the ways one gets along with others
K61os&K .{Oq)^!ot :Ia&,;Gc 殚思极虑rack one"s brains
9G/2^PI AK?j1Pk *v/*_6f* 胆小如鼠cannot say boh to a goose
l8Qi^<i/ JW'acD A_|FsQ6$P 胆战心惊的funky
yvisoZX ]sAD5<; +aqo8'a 淡泊明志not seek fame and wealth
}_;!E@ &ru0i@?) D~&e.y/gHN 道貌岸然be sanctimonious
vGT.(:\-, 5305N! eJp-s" % 得过且过drift along muddle along
;}'<`(f&nX [`\Qte%UH 7b2<,
.E 得天独厚的advantaged
M'zAhb ZS_f',kE rNyK*Wjt 得心应手handy with facility
6E]rxps}" :zRboqe(cc #?6RoFgMe 得意忘形、 得意洋洋 bloat get dizzy with success
F|Q#KwN x)L@xQ *$D-6}Oay 得意洋洋elated、 elation、 exaltation、 jauntiness
=T$- #bA) 5wX>PJS K_n%`5 得意扬扬ride high
q/?_djv =C)1NJx&~ 4/>={4Y9 得意洋洋的cock-a-hoop、 high-blown 、 perky
@CF4:NNHw 6u7wfAf V}qmH2h 得意扬扬的triumphant
fif<[Ax 55p=veq \ >,3
3Jx 德才兼备have both ability and moral integrity
0aWb s$FyU 7!%"8Rl- {8RGW0Y 德高望重sainted 、 saintlike
J]B5w{??b ,qB081hPG D9en 登峰造极reach the limit reach the peak of perfection
[ 此贴被小迪宝贝在2008-02-18 16:56重新编辑 ]