爱 情 赠 言: 8IpxOA#jQ
My love is like the grasses KxGKA
Hidden in the deep mountains. |x*{fXdMhr
Though its abundance increase, nD(w @c?
There is none that knows. TS/Cp{
我的爱情 9=H}yiJz
犹如青草, 藏在深山。 r+SEw ;
它郁郁葱葱, 却无人知晓。 'n>EEQyp'
`D4oAx d9
I have been sleeping all alone, `!] R!T@C
You have been staring in my dreams. 4n#YDZ
I want to kiss you, my baby, G]1(X38[si
I want to kiss you tonight. "^Y6ctw
我一直孤独入眠, e21E_exM0
睡梦中你出现在我的眼前, &3jBE--
我要亲吻你, Lf[G>0t&n
我的爱人, !-F ^VGD(8
今夜我就要亲吻你。 7 kEx48
Love me little, love me long! ---- John Heywood 爱不贵亲密,贵长久