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Teacher:Class,we will have only half a day of school this morning. Bo%NFB;
老师:同学们,今天早晨只上半天课。 0'?L#K
Class:Hooruy! %z4Nl$\
学生:万岁! u!qP
Teacher:We will have the other half this afternoon. QGmn#]w\\
老师:今天下午再上半天课。 f^XOUh
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Pupil:I don''t think I deserved zero on this test! fMyti$1~
学生:我觉得这次我不应该得零分。 O#S.n#{
Teacher:I agree,but that''s the lowest mark I could give you! '}bgLv
老师:我同意,可是我这里没有更低的分数了。 #"iu|D
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㈢ QbpFE)TYJ|
Mother:How was your first day at school? w%BL
母亲:第一天上学感觉怎么样? =^ 50FI|
Son:It was all right except for some man called "Teacher"who kept spoiling all our fun! cY. bO/&l
儿子:挺好的。不过有个叫“老师”的家伙老是让我们玩不愉快。 tS8u
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Son:I''m not going back to school ever again. =]Jd9]vi
儿子:我再也不去上学了。 A#'8X w|
Mother:Why ever not? H@8sNV/u
母亲:为什么? 2JcjZn
Son:The teacher doesn''t know a thing,all she does is ask questions! HYSIN^<oy
母亲:为什么? JQHvz9Yg