01- 01
6AmFl< Where: Nevado Ampato, Andes Mountains, Peru
q0\$wI When: 1995
9Mv4=k^7|4 Photographer: Stephen Alvarez
9893{}\cB “Once wide enough for rituals around a ceremonial platform, Ampato’s avalanche-narrowed summit now only admits visitors single file.”
+T7FG_ Quoted from “Peru’s Ice Maidens,” June 1996, National Geographic magazine
E95VR?nUg Related site: Andes Expedition—Searching for Inca Secrets
w/Hl/U 01-01
0+S'i82=M 秘鲁安第斯山脉Nevado Ampato
F=kiYa} 1995
;nf}O87~ Stephen Alvarez
JhB$s 一度宽阔到足以举行仪式的Ampato顶峰现在已经告别了如织的人群,只剩下寥寥几个旅者
?T_hK ”Once wide enough for rituals around a ceremonial platform, Ampato’s avalanche-narrowed summit now only admits visitors single file.”
.O.fD 引自《秘鲁冰封的处女地Peru’s Ice Maidens》国家地理杂志1996年六月号
WJ]g7!Ks :#W>lq@H w;^7FuBaC 01-02
0'*'%Iga Deer Valley, Utah
Z 1993
<NM Os"NB James P. Blair
UgLJV2M6 在攀登“世界上最伟大的雪山”的招引下,尤他州吸引了来自世界各地的近500000名滑雪者。这些世界顶级的运动健儿们将在此展开针对2002盐湖城冬奥会的特训。
mHC36ba 引自《尤他》,国家地理杂志1996年一月号
_Hq)mF 01-02
3bB%@^< Deer Valley, Utah
u+e.{Z! 1993
oRCD8b? James P. Blair
~bJ*LM?wOP “Claiming ‘the greatest snow on earth,’ Utah attracts close to 500,000 skiers annually, not counting the locals. The world’s top athletes will put the slopes to the test in 2002, when Salt Lake City and surrounding ski areas host the Winter Olympic Games.”
gJBk&SDgtP —Quoted from “Utah,” January 1996, National Geographic magazine
*yA.D? Utah facts, maps and more
,3AdA 22m'+3I~Y {eo?vA8SE 01-03
G{oM2`c'#8 夏威夷歐胡島
p&;,$KDA 2000
:~9F/Jx Jodi Cobb
J7rfHhz 一位滑翔机手翱翔在夏威夷的海水之上。
cV)~%e/ 引自《ZipUSA: Waimanalo, Hawaii》,国家地理杂志2001年二月号,照片为该文拍摄,未随文章刊发
<3Hu(Jx<O 01-03
iD9hqiX& Waimanalo, Hawaii
MMUw+jM4 2000
#Y<b'7yJ Jodi Cobb
b~FmX A hang glider soars over Hawaiian waters.
aD3Q-a[ (Photograph taken on assignment for, but not published in, “ZipUSA: Waimanalo, Hawaii,” February 2001, National Geographic magazine)
'@u More photos from the assignment, plus field notes, an article excerpt,and more
DV_/BI SYTzJK@vZJ 01-04
rW3fd.;kss 以色列戈兰高地
9Uh nr]J. 1984
Y~M H James L. Stanfield
]7{-HuQ8>} 在太巴列湖的东岸,以色列竖起了一个由塑料做成的水上滑梯。这个滑梯靠近出产有名的圣彼得鱼的安基夫集体农场
S b3@7^ 引自《Israel: Searching for the Cente》,国家地理杂志1985年七月号
uw@|Y{(K r 01-04
jDc5p3D&[] Golan Heights, Israel
x;R9Gc[5 1984
Ar*<,6 James L. Stanfield
Z?-l-sK “On the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israelis on holiday plummet down a water slide enclosed in plastic. The slide is near En Gev, a kibbutz that harvests the famous St. Peter's fish.”
T/C1x9=? —From “Israel: Searching for the Center,” July 1985, National Geographic magazine
W1J7$ James L. Stanfield photo gallery
(wIpq<% ouUU(jj02 \6${Na'\ 01-05
=i6 加州威尼斯沙滩
e 1985或1986
)Hy|K1 Jodi Cobb
pc%_:> 健壮与美丽、力量与技巧,这是在健美者的圣地肌肉沙滩上看到的一幕
1{V* (=Tp 引自《美的秘》,国家地理杂志2000年一月号,照片为该文拍摄,未随文章刊发
5 ERycC y 01-05
C zvi': Venice Beach, California
<[]W 1985 or 1986
D*j\gI Jodi Cobb
`p%&c%*A Tight, taut, ripped and strong is the scene at Muscle Beach, the famed al fresco iron pumping mecca.
$Mp#tH28 (Photograph taken for, but not published in, “The Enigma of Beauty,” January 2000, National Geographic magazine)
4m6E~_:F Gallery—Photography by women at National Geographic
'U Gp @YTZnGG* 01-06
bXiT}5mJU 法属波利尼西亚群岛,社会群岛, 大溪地岛首府芭贝地
A3N<;OOk 1996
AHhck?M^ Jodi Cobb
9_GR\\ 在远方模糊的巡洋舰的背影中,当地人正在为欢庆节日而起舞
cv["Ps#;`W 引自《法属波利尼西亚》,国家地理杂志1997年六月号,照片为该文拍摄,未随文章刊发
|ldRs'c{ 01-06
6(}8[i: Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands, French Polynesia
SpY%2Y.Dy 1996
iB 5 Se Jodi Cobb
PZ"=t! With a cruise ship looming in the distance, locals stand posed for a festival.
9YpD\H` (Photograph taken on assignment for, but not published in, “French Polynesia,” June 1997, National Geographic magazine)
PGHl:4`Es! 6l>$N?a xGeRoW(X 01-07
Y75,{1\l0 俄罗斯莫斯科
RW|3d<Fj 1985 或 1986
]W%<<S Jodi Cobb
?c^0%Op 在冬日难以承受的低温之下,顽强的泳者仍在这个游泳池内运动
2@aVoqrq# 引自《美的秘》,国家地理杂志2000年一月号,照片为该文拍摄,未随文章刊发
sD*8:Hl 01-07
LQs2!]?HT Moscow, Russia
LEkO#F( 1985 or 1986
:WTO*M Jodi Cobb
fgP_NYfOj In the dead of winter, die-hardmmers use this pool to keep in shape.
tq^H) (Photograph taken for, but not published in, “The Enigma of Beauty,” January 2000, National Geographic magazine
T?c:z?j_9 Remote Russia—photos and more from National Geographic magazine
snV,rZ n||/3-HDj 01-08
_}7N,Cx 纽约Adirondack山脉Lower Ausable 湖
RI"A'/56 1996
-lm\~VZT3 Maria Stenzel
0p_/eWww- 在一八六九年时,Reverend William H. H. Murray曾这样提及此处:美景环绕,空气清新,这般轻松浪漫的氛围让它成为彻底的天堂。他最为畅销的作品《荒野历险》使人们抛弃了对Adirondack的怀疑,而彻底成为这座天堂的信仰者。
g~Zel}h# 引自《Adirondack高地》,国家地理杂志1998年六月号
,\f!e#d 01-08
`Q*L!/K+ Lower Ausable Lake, Adirondack Mountains, New York
`|;R}"R; 1996
;K0kQ<y-Y Maria Stenzel
W@1Nit-R “‘In beauty of scenery, in health-giving qualities, in the easy and romantic manner of its sporting, it is a paradise,’ wrote the Reverend William H. H. Murray in 1869. His best-selling book Adventures in the Wilderness converted hordes of urban skeptics into Adirondack believers.”
?*a:f"vQ —From “Adirondack High,” June 1998, National Geographic magazine
5TVDt Gallery—Photography by women at National Geographic
: \w\K: ajW[}/) 01-09
_.OajE\T 印第安纳州纳什维尔市
^'~+ w3M@ 1941
}}v;V*_V Willard R. Culver
[|\~-6"7N| 一只多伯曼短毛猎犬正在印第安纳州纳什维尔市的Wilsonia Kennels面前轻快地展示着它强劲的跳跃能力。此处各种狗类都在接受着各自的训练,而多伯曼短毛猎犬所接受的则是消除犯罪的训练。这一训练将使它们成为极好的警犬。
8|`4D 'Ln 引自《狗的工作世界》,国家地理杂志1941年十二月号
qde.;Yv9 01-09
]z,W1Zs? Rushville, Indiana
&<-Sxjj 1941
<5A(rDij Willard R. Culver
:~pPB#)nk “Terrifically fast and agile, a Doberman pinscher demonstrates his leaping powers at Wilsonia Kennels, Rushville, Indiana, where various breeds are trained. The Doberman pinscher, taught to run down and disarm criminals, becomes one of the best of ‘police dogs.’”
m0W5O gk —From “Working Dogs of the World,” December 1941, National Geographic magazine
1+PLj[;jJ: <DCrYt!1}c 01-10
Y6/'gg'&5 1984
DJ;G0* Sam Abell
d$/BF&n 在奥林匹克半岛寂静的雨林中,老死的树养育着新的幼苗,藓蕨等职务也在这无比的空气中生息。
U&|=dH]- 引自《奥林匹克半岛》,国家地理杂志1984年五月号
h84}lxT^] 01-10
^PfFW Hoh River Valley, Olympic National Park, Washington
[Zk|s9 1984
_gjsAbM Sam Abell
e7ixi^Q “Where no ax has been raised in the luxuriance of the Olympic rain forest, wind-toppled trees provide nourishment for saplings, while moss and ferns feed on the very air.”
G@anY=D\EB —From “The Olympic Peninsula,” May 1984, National Geographic magazine
CEE`nn Washington State facts, maps, and more
;Id%{1 6)kF!/J