mY1Gm| A share A股;甲类股份
!CGpE=V abatement of tax 减税;减扣免税额
`:>N.9'o ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 荷兰银行
yRyUOTK above-the-line expenditure 线上项目支出;经常预算支出
]I<w;.z above-the-line receipt 线上项目收入;经常预算收入
4A{6)<e ABSA Asia Limited 南非联合亚洲有限公司
y`Nprwb absolute change 绝对数值变更
2P(6R.8;6 absolute expenditure 实际开支
C4H$w:bVk absolute guideline figure 绝对准则数字
-2/&i absolute interest 绝对权益
]H$Trf:L absolute order of discharge 绝对破产解除令
Svl;Ul absolute profit margin 绝对利润幅度
$2J[lt?% absolute value 实值;绝对值
h%UM<TZ]" absolutely vested interest 绝对既得权益
qe<xH#6 absorbed cost 已吸收成本;已分摊成本
>.o<}!FW absorption 吸收;分摊;合并
W Yo>Md
8 absorption rate 吸收率;摊配率;分摊率
RE%25t| ACB Finance Limited 亚洲商业财务有限公司
;ZtN9l acceptable form of reciprocity 合理的互惠条件
fG_<HJS(~ acceptable rate 适当利率;适当汇率
? l>Ra0 acceptance agreement 承兑协议
D_)N!,i acceptance for honour 参加承兑
!(8)'<t9 acceptor 承兑人;接受人;受票人
(t acceptor for honour 参加承兑人
#Y%(CI accident insurance 意外保险
$No^\.mV Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong 香港意外保险公会
_fM=J+ accident insurance scheme 意外保险计划
f>zd,|)At accident year basis 意外年度基准
P|tNmv[; accommodation 通融;贷款
3'zL,W W accommodation bill 通融票据;空头票据
nIEIb.- accommodation party 汇票代发人
!~_6S*~ account balance 帐户余额;帐户结余
HrS-o= account book 帐簿
ym;I(TC+ account collected in advance 预收款项
l0K_29^ account current book 往来帐簿
9'Cu9nR account of after-acquired property 事后取得的财产报告
*ORa@x account of defaulter 拖欠帐目
L}UrI&]V$: account payable 应付帐款
]MmFtdvE account payee only [A/C payee only] 只可转帐;存入收款人帐户
x,j%3/J^2 account receivable 应收帐款
3S=$ng account receivable report 应收帐款报表
W!R7D%nX account statement 结单;帐单;会计财务报表
.$U=ngj\t account title 帐户名称;会计科目
Sah!|9 accountant's report 会计师报告
h )% e Accountant's Report Rules 会计师报告规则
P/,ezVb= accounting and auditing procedure 会计与审计程序;会计与核数程序
FG5YZrONx Accounting Arrangements 《会计安排》
oEJxey]B7 accounting basis 会计基础
O^DLp/vM accounting by Official Receiver 破产管理署署长呈交的帐目
fi Accounting Circular 《会计通告》
iit 5IV accounting class 会计类别
&~ '^;hy= accounting date 记帐日期;会计结算日期
P%y9fU2[ accounting for money 款项核算
)u=46EU_ Accounting Officer 会计主任
U&o~U] rm accounting period 会计报告期;会计期
hH]oJ}H \ accounting policy 会计政策;会计方针
t; b1<TLn0 accounting practice 会计惯例
5;CqGzgoP accounting principle 会计准则
>>T,M@s-: accounting record 会计记录
nU23D@l accounting report 会计报告
3b O Accounting Services Branch [Treasury] 会计事务部〔库务署〕
,E&W{b Accounting Society of China 中国会计学会
PnJA'@x accounting statement 会计报表
!N74y%=M accounting system 会计制度;会计系统
#SR )tU accounting transaction 会计事项;帐务交易
l<UA0*t accounting treatment 会计处理
4bq+(CI6 accounting year 会计年度
&QKK accretion 增值;添加
[H=l#W@ accrual 应计项目;应累算数目
<Q@{6 accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制
.ls accrual basis accounting 应计制会计;权责发生制会计
rI'kZ0& accrue 应累算;应计
,veo/k<"r8 accrued benefit 应累算利益
1[]V @P^ accrued charges 应计费用
]T>|Y0 | accrued cumulative preference share dividend 应累算的累积优先股股息
c|F2 6$rv accrued expenses 应累算费用
{4B7a6 accrued interest payable 应付利息;应计未付利息
')Qb,#/,% accrued interest receivable 应收利息;应计未收利息
7,3 g{8 accrued right 累算权益
A",Xn/d accruing profit 应累算的利润
JpZ3T~Wrf accumulated fiscal reserve 累积财政储备
0IxHB|^$ accumulated profit 累积利润;滚存溢利
l'RuzBQr accumulated reserve 累积储备
SD .c9 accumulation of surplus income 累积收益盈余
K_}81|= acquired assets 既得资产
^:2>I $ acquisition 收购;购置;取得
b4CXif acquisition cost 购置成本
(Eo#oX acquisition expenses 购置费用
2 acquisition of 100% interest 收购全部股权
fO}Y$y\q acquisition of control 取得控制权
P,bis7X. acquisition of fixed assets 购置固定资产
7p' acquisition of shell “买壳”
]8|peo{ acquisition price 收购价
ar:qCq$\ act of God 天灾
keS%w]87 acting partner 执事合伙人
DG/<#SCF active market 买卖活跃的市场;交投畅旺的市场;旺市
N#8$pE active partner 积极参与的合伙人
6Z!OD(/e active trading 交投活跃
rp!>rM] s actual circulation 实际流通