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级别: 经院本科
401. instead of (=in place of) 代替,而不是…
402. instruct…in (=teach) 教.指导.训练某人…
403. insure…for 把…保险(多少钱); ensure 使安全; assure…(of) 使…确信,保证
404. insure…against 保险…以防
405. intend…for 打算把…给
406. (be) intent on 专心致志, 坚决
407. in the interests of 符合…的利益
be interested in 对…感兴趣
408. interfere in干涉, interfere with打搅,干扰
409. at intervals 每隔一会儿, 每隔一段距离
410. intervene in 干预
411. invest in 投资
412. be involved in (=become connected or&nbs p;concerned) 卷入, 参加
413. by itself (=alone, without help)单独地,靠自己
414. in itself 本身; of itself 自发,自然
415. be jealous of 妒忌
416. jump at (=to be eager to accept)抢着接 受,
417. jump on (=scold, tell of) 叱责
418. junior to sb. 年纪较…轻, 职位较…低.
419. (be) keen on 喜爱, 渴望
420. keep a close watch on ( =keep a sharp lookout for) 密切注视
421. keep…to oneself(=keep secret)不告诉别人
422. to(the best of) one’s knowledge 据…所知
423. at large(=at liberty, free) 在逃, 逍遥法外&nbs p;
at large(=in general) 一般来说, 大体上
at large(=at full length; with& nbsp;details)详细地
424. lean against (背)靠着…
425. at least 至少; at most 至多
426. (not) in the least 一点(也不), 丝毫(也不)
427. at one’s leisure 在…有空的时候
428. lend itself/themselves to适合于(某用途)
429. at length (=after a long time, at&n bsp;last)终于
at length (=in detail, thorough ly)详细地
430. go to any length想一切办法, 尽一切力量
431. be liable to (=be subject to)易于..的,应受(罚)
432. be liable for 对…应负责任的
433. lie in 在于
434. in life 一生中
435. for life 终身
436. in the light of (=considering; taking&nb sp;into account) 考虑到, 根据
437. throw light on ( = make clear, ;explain) 使…更为清楚, 提供线索, 阐明
438. in line with(=in agreement with)符合,一致
439. long for(=want very much)渴望,希望得到
440. for long 很久,很长时间(否定句.疑问句中)
441. before long (=soon)不久, 过了不久以后.
442. in the long run (=in the end)从长远来说, 最后; in the short term (从短期来说)
443. (be) at a loss 不知所措
444.major in 主修(某课程)
445. as a matter of fact 实际上, 事实是
446. by all means (=at all costs)不惜一切.
(=certainly) 当然行;by means of用…; ; by no means 完全不, 决不
447. on memory of 为纪念…
448. on the mend (=in the process of&nbs p;recovering) 好转, 在康复中
449. mention sth. to sb. 向某人提起某事
450. at the mercy of (=in the power ;of) 任…摆布, 在…支配下
451. be in a mess 乱七八糟, 处境困难
make a mess of 弄乱, 打乱
452. bear(or keep)…in mind(=remember)牢记
453. bring(or call)to mind(=remember)使回想起
454. by mistake(由于粗心,健忘原因而)错误地
455. at the moment (=now) 此刻,现在
for the moment (=for the t ime being)暂时
just a moment 稍等片刻
at the last moment 在最后一刻
456. in the mood for 有情绪去做..,有心境做.
457. no more…than 和…一样都不…
458. for the most part 多半,大多数,一般来说
459. at (the) most 最多, 至多
460. make the most of 充分利用
461. be not much of(=not a good)不是很好的…
be something of 有点…,像…
462. name after 用…的名字命名
463. native to 所产的
464. by nature 天生的, 生来
465. in mature 本质上
466. (be) in the nature of 属…性质
467. none other that 不是别人,正是…
468. above normal 高于正常(温度)
469. for nothing (=free, without payment)免费
470. nothing but 只有, 不过…而已
471. to say nothing of(=not to mention)更不用说…
472. do sth. at short notice 只给很少时间准备
473. until further notice 在另行通知前
474. take notice of (=pay attention) 注意
475. object to (=be opposed to) 反对
476. objection to (接动名词) 反对
477. on occasion(=now and then)不时地,必要时
478. by occasion of (=because of) 由于
479. occupy oneself with (in) 忙于(某事)
480. it occurs to sb. that… 某人想到…
481. once and for all =once and forever永 远地
all at once (=suddenly, now)&nb sp;立即,马上
once in a while (=occasionally) 偶尔?自(没有别人帮助)
483. operate on sb. 给某人做手术
operation n. come/ go into operation开始 运转
put/bring sth. into operation 使…投产,运转
484. be of the opinion 持有…的看法
485. in one’s opinion 按某人的看法
486. be opposed to… 反对…
487. be opposite to 与…相反的
488. (be) in order(=acceptable)合适的,恰当的
in order 井井有条,处于良好状态; out of&nb sp;order(=in bad condition)出毛病,发生故障
489. made to order 定做的(衣服)
490. originate in/from(=begin)起源于,由..引起
491. on the outskirts (of) 在城郊
492. owe…to 把…归于…
493. on one’s own (=along, without help)单独
494. of one’s own某人自己的
495. keep pace with 跟…齐步前进
496. go to great pains=take pains 下功夫,努力
497. part with (=give up, sell) 舍弃,卖掉
498. participate in (=take part in)参加
499. (be) particular about 讲究,挑剔(吃,穿)
500. in particular (=especially) 特别是,尤其
501. (a) passion for 对…的热爱,热情
502. be patient with 对…耐心
503. pay for 赔偿, 付款, 报偿, 处罚
504. pay…for 付…的钱
505. (be) at peace with 与…和睦相处
in peace (=peacefully)安静,平安
506. peculiar to… 特有的, 独具的
507. penalty for 对…的处罚,罚金
508. perform on the piano(=play the piano)
509. persist in 坚持,固执
510. in person 亲自, 当面
511. in place (in right or proper place) 放在应放的地方
512. in place of (=instead of) 代替
513. take(a) pleasure in 喜欢做某事
514. be on the point of doing sth. (=be about to do sth.) 刚要去做
515. beside the point 不切正题,无关紧要
516. come to the point 谈主要问题
517. there is no point in doing sth.没必要做 某事
518. to the point 中肯, 切题
519. point at (=indicate, direct attention)指着
point out (=indicate, show) 指出, 指明
520. popular with/among大众所喜爱的,拥戴
521. in the position of 处在…位置上
522. in practice 实际上(状语);业务熟练(表语)
523. be(get) out of practice 荒疏,不熟练
524. bring(put)…into practice使…成为现实
525. prefer…to… (choose rather, like better) 宁要, 更喜欢
526. prepare for breakfast 准备吃早饭
prepare breakfast 作早饭
527. in the presence of 在…在场的情况下
528. for the present(=for the time being,&nbs p;for now)暂且,就现在来说; at present现在,此刻
529. preside over / at 主持(会议,业务等)
530. prevail over 占优势, 压倒, 战胜
531. prevent…from 使…不, 防止…做
532. previous to (=prior to) 在…之前
533. take pride in(=pride oneself on) 以…自豪
534. pride oneself on / upon 以…自豪
535. in principle (=only in regard to th e main idea) 原则上
536. prior to (=before) 在…之前
537. in private (=privately) 私下, 秘密地
in public 公开地
538. proceed from (=arise from, result from)& nbsp;由…发出, 由…引起(产生)
539. proceed with ( =begin and continue sth.) 继续进行
540. in progress(=in the state of be don e)进行中
541. prohibit…from (=forbid) 禁止, 阻止
542. in proportion to 与…成比例
543. protect…from 阻止..不受,保护不受
544. be proud of 为…自豪
545. provide for 为…做准备
546. in public 公开地, 当众
547. on purpose(=by intention, deliberately)故意
548. to the purpose (=useful for one’s p urpose)得要领的, 中肯的
549. be qualified in 在某种科目或学科上合格
be qualified for 在某种职业上合格
550. call…in question 对…表示怀疑
551. beyond (all) question (=without question)&nbs p;毫无疑问
552. out of the question (=impossible)不可能的
553. in question (=under discussion)所谈及的;
554. without question 毫无疑问
555. be caught in the rain 被雨淋了
556. at random (=without aim or purpose) ;随便地, 任意地, 胡乱地
557. range over (=cove, include) 范围包括
558. range between 范围在..与..之间不等
559. at any rate (=at all events)无论如何,总之
560. beyond the reach of 无法达到(得到,理解)
561. out of reach of 无法够到. within reach of (or within one’s reach) 够得到,能拿到
562. react to 对…作出反应
563. react on / upon 对…产生影响
564. react against 作出反抗或反对反应
565. (be) ready for 准备好做…
566. in reality (=in fact, really) 事实上
567. beyond all reason 没有道理的
568. by reason of (=because of) 由于,因为
569. it stands to reason that …理所当然
570. reason with (=argue) 劝说
571. in the red 亏损,负债,赤字
(be) get out of red 不再亏损
572. refer to…as 把…称做…
573. refer…to… (=send, take) 送交,呈交
574.with/in reference to(=concerning, about)关于
575. with/in regard to (=concerning)有关,关于
576. give one’s regards to sb. 向…问候
577. regardless of (=without worrying about, despite, in spite of) 不顾,不考虑
578. in/with relation to 关于, 有关
579. relevant to 与…有关的
580. to one’s relief 令…感到放心的是
581. relieve…of… 解除,解脱;帮助拿,辞退
582. rely on 依靠, 信赖
583. remark on(upon) 对…发表评论
584. remedy for 对…治疗法, 补救, 药物
585. remind sb. of 提醒某人…,使某人向想起
586. in good repair(=in good condition)处于良好状态;&nbs p;be under repair 在修理中
587. reply to 答复, 回答
588.beyond reproach不受责备的;beyond(all) reason毫无道理;beyond quest ion毫无疑问;beyond belief以相信;beyond hope绝望
589. resort to 诉诸于.., 求助于…
resort to force 诉诸于武力
590. in/with respect to (=concerning)有关,关于
591. respond to 对…反应, 响应, 对(药)有效
592. in response to(=as an answer to)回答,反应
593. be response for 对…负责, 是造成…原因
594. rest on/upon(=be supported by)依靠,寄托
595. rest with (=be in hand of) 在…手中,&nb sp;是…的责任; 由…决定; 依靠
596. restrain…from(=hold back from)抑制..不..
597. restrict…to(=keep within limits)把..限制于..
598. result in (=cause) 导致
599. with the result that 其结果是
600. in return (for) 作为报答; 以报答(for)
601. get rid of 摆脱, 去掉, 除去
602.be in the right正确的;in the wrong错误的
603. be within one’s rights(to do) 有权(做)
604. give rise to (=lead to) 引起, 导致
605. at the risk of(=with danger of)冒...的风险
606. run(take)risk of (=do sth dangerous)的风险
607. rule out (=exclude, eliminate) 排除
608. in safety 安全地
609. for the sake of ( =for the goo d or advantage of 为了…起见
610. be for sale 待售
611. on sale (=offered to be sold) 出售,&n bsp;上市
612. be satisfied with 满意
613. on a large scale 大规模地
614. on schedule(=at the planned or exacted&n bsp;time)按时,准时;ahead of schedule提前; in advance预先;behind ;schedule落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间
615. be schedule for 定在某时(进行)
616. scrape through(in) 勉强通过
617. from scratch(=from the beginning)从头开始
618. in search of 寻找;in honor of 为了...表示 敬意;in memory of 为纪念..;in hopes of为期待..;in pursuit& nbsp;of 为追求..;in behalf of为…的利益;in favor of 为赞成…;i n support of 为支持…
619. in season 旺季
620. in secret 秘密地; in private 私下
621. senior to 比…年长; junior to 比…轻;
superior to 比…更好; inferior to&n bsp;比…差
622. in a sense 在某种意义上
623. sensitive to 对…敏感; sensible (of)觉察到的; se nsational耸人听闻的
624. in sequence 按顺序, 按先后次序
625. share in (=have a share in) 分摊,&nbs p;分担
626. share sth. with 与…分享,分担,分摊,共用
627. be shocked at / by 对…感到震惊
628. fall short of 达不到
629. go short of (=be without enough of) 缺乏
630. for short (in a short form) 为简便,简称
631. in short (=in a few words, in brief)简称
632. in short supply 供应不足
633. be short of (=lacking enough)缺乏,不够
634. be shy of 难为情, 不好意思
635. at the side of 与…相比
636. take the side of 站在…一边
637. catch the sight of (=see for a ;moment)瞥见
638. at the sight of 一看见…
639. (be)in sight (=in view, visible) 看得见
out of sight 看不见
640. know sb. by sight 与…只面熟
641. on the sly (=secretly) 偷偷地
642. smell of 有…的气味
643. be sorry about/for 懊悔的,后悔的,难过的
644. speak ill of 说…的坏话;
speak well of 说…的好话
645. specialize in 专门研究, 专攻
646. in spite of (=despite) 尽管
647. on the pot(=at the place of the&nbs p;action)在现场gainst 采取某种立场反对
take a stand for 采取某种立场支持…
649. stare at 目不转睛地看, 凝视, 盯着
650. in step 步伐一致; out of step 步伐不齐
651. stick sth. on 把…贴在…上
652. stick to 粘着, 坚持
653. stick at (=continue to work hard at )继续勤奋地致力于…;stick one’s work坚持工作; stick at one’s bo oks 勤奋读书
654. stick to (=refuse to leave or chang e)坚持;
stick to one’s promise 比喻食言
stick to one’s friend 忠于朋友
655. in stock 有….货
656. be strict with 对…严格要求
657. be/go on strike 罢工
658. subject…to(=cause…to experience)使受..到 subject&nbs p;(adj.) to 易受到…的
659. submit…to 提交
660. substitute…for 以…代替…
661. suffer from 患…病; 受…苦痛
662. be suitable for (=fit) 合适…的
663. in sum 大体上, 总之
664. supply sb. with sth 向某人提供某物
665. superior to 优于…, 比…好
666. in support of 以便支持
667. be sure of (=have no doubt; certain )确信的
668. for sure / certain (certainly, definitel y) 肯定地.有把握地说
669. make sure about 弄清, 弄确实
670. be surprised at对..惊奇;take…by surprise使…惊奇; to one’s surprise使某人惊奇
671. suspect sb. of 疑心某犯有…
672. be suspicious of (=not trusting)对…有疑心
673. by sympathetic to/towards对…同情,赞同
674. sympathize with sb. or sth. 对…表示同情
675. be in sympathy with 赞同,同情
676. taste of 有…味道
677. in good taste大方,得体;(反意)in bad taste
678. to(one’s) taste 合…的口味, 中意
679. tell…from (=recognize) 辨别.认出
680. in terms of (=with regard to; respe ctively) 按照, 根据, 在…方面
681. be on good/bad terms with 关系好(不好)
682. thank sb. for sth. 因…感谢某人
683. think of(=have the idea of)想到;(=consider)考虑;& nbsp;(=remember)想起
684. on second thoughts 经再三考虑之后
685. be through with (=finish with) 做好,完成
686. at one time 过去一度, 以前曾经
687. behind the times (思想,看法)落后于时代
behind time (=late) 迟到, 晚点
688. for the time being (=temporarily)暂时
689. in time(for) (=early or soon enough)及时
on time (=punctually) 准时
690. at no time 无论何时也不…
in on time (=very quickly) ;立即,马上
691. at times (=occasionally) 间或, 时常
at all times (=always) 始终, ;总是
692. at a time 一次, 每次; 同时
693. on top of 在…上面
694. in total (=all have been added up)& nbsp;总计
695. be in touch with 与…有接触, 有联系
be out of touch with 与…没有联系或接触
696. be true of适合于…的;be true to 忠于…
697. to trust …to 把…委托给
698. place (put, have) trust in 依赖
699. in truth 事实上, 实在
700. by turns 轮换地
701. in turn (=successively; in order) 依次
702. be typical of 是…的特点
703. for use 以便使用
704. be in use (=be used)被使用; be o ut of use (=be on longer used)不再被使用
705. be used to+名词或动名词 : 习惯于
used to+动词原形 : 过去常常(做)
706. be unprepared for 对…无准备的
707. in vain (=uselessly) 徒劳
708. be valid for 对…有效的
709. in the vicinity 在附近; in close vicin ity to 在靠近…的地方; in the vicinity of 大约
710. with a view to +动名词 (=in order ;to do sth.) 以…为目的
711. in view (=in sight) 看得见
712. in view of (=considering) 考虑到…
in the view of 按…的意思
713. by/in virtue of (=as a result of,&n bsp;by means of) 由于…; 依靠…力量
714. a warning against 告诫…不要
a warning of 警告…存在…
715. (be) on the watch for不断监视看有没有..
(be) on the watch against不断监视为防范…
716. be in the way (=obstructive) 碍事, 阻碍
717. (be)under way (=moving forward)正进行
718. by way of (=by going through) 经由,取道
719. by the way(=in addition)顺带地(转移话题)
720. in no way 无论怎样也不…
721. in the way 对…方式
722. in a way 从某种程度上说
723. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论
724. on the whole (=generally, for the m ost part) 大体上说
725. against one’s will 违心地, 违背意愿地
at will 随心所欲; with a will& nbsp;有决心地
726. wish for 渴望某物;hope for 想要某物
727. “with+名词+分词” 构成复合结构,作状语
728. word for word (=literally) 逐字地
729. in a word总之;in other words 换言之; hav e a word with sb.谈一谈; have words with sb .争吵;have the last word有决定权
keep one’s word 遵守诺言
730. work out ideas 出主意;work out the amo unt of…计算出…的数量;work out a problem解决问题;work out a&n bsp;puzzle解谜
731. at the thought of一想到…worry about担心
732. at (the) worst 在最糟的情况下
733. yield to 对…屈服,投降,让步,顺从
734. be worthy of (=be deserving of)值得,够得上,&n bsp;配得上








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