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专辑名称:Bittersweet World fcb:LPk;
歌手姓名:Ashlee Simpson k+44ud.j
唱片公司:Geffen Records gh}FZs5P
发行日期:April 22, 2008 ~)D2U:"^xm
专辑流派:Pop/Rock "uCx.Q9ef
音乐格式:mp3 E=w $r
压缩比率: ?V#%^ 57p
文件大小: jHBn^Nly
简介: JGSeu =)
艾希莉·辛普森(Ashlee Nicole Simpson;1984年10月3日-),是美国流行摇滚歌手、词曲创作人及女演员,她亦是流行歌手洁西卡·辛普森的妹妹。艾希莉一共推出过两张个人专辑,分别是2004年发行的《我就是我》和2005年发行的《艾自己》。 WUAjb,eo
艾希莉打从3岁起开始跳芭蕾舞,11岁时便成为美国芭蕾舞学校中最年轻的学员。艾希莉那段时间有饮食失调,曾经瘦得只有31公斤,但最后也痊愈了。 bOux8OHt*
后来艾希莉举家迁往洛杉矶,艾希莉开始往幕前挺进,在姊姊洁西卡的表演中客串演出。但是艾希莉本身也是个出色的演员。她在美国华纳电视网的热门影集《7th Heaven》中演出;又在迪士尼电影《辣妈辣妹》原声带中首度献唱《请让我哭》,艾希莉独特的歌喉亦吸引了唱片大厂 Geffen 总裁的青睐,立即签入旗下力捧,在2004年6月推出了第一张专辑《我就是我》,成绩相当惊人,短短一周就卖出三十九万八千张,还三度登上告示牌排行榜第一名。首支单曲《艾的点滴》销量惊人,而接下来的《影子》和《啦啦》销量亦不错。 bXc7$5(!VB
MTV还特别为她倭作了《The Ashlee Simpson Show》的真人秀,节目内容记录了艾希莉首张专辑的制作过程,此节目令艾希莉更加为人认识。从去年10月起她就让摄影机跟着她,在节目中忠实呈现了她这段日子从默默无闻到她成功出道的经过,还真实记录了艾希莉第一次搬出家里独立生活、学着自己洗衣服打扫、甜蜜初恋、还有为失恋心碎的画面。这部影集在美国播出时,不但创下3.5的高收视率,吸引了400万美国观众守在电视机前收看,除了收视告捷, MTV台还预先把影集po在网路上让网友免费试看,结果在短短的时间内,就有250万的网友点选观赏,打破小甜甜布兰妮所创下的纪录! jt
Ashlee Nicolle Simpson (born October 3, 1984) is an American pop rock singer, songwriter, and actress. Simpson, who is the younger sister of pop singer Jessica Simpson, rose to prominence in mid-2004 through the success of her number-one debut album Autobiography and the accompanying reality series The Ashlee Simpson Show. Simpson received widespread criticism when she used a pre-recorded vocal track on Saturday Night Live in October 2004. Following a North American concert tour and a film appearance _x z_D12
Bittersweet World is the third studio album by singer Ashlee Simpson. It is scheduled for release on April 22, 2008.[1] Simpson worked on the album with producers Timbaland, Chad Hugo, and Kenna. It has been described by Simpson as having a more beat-oriented sound than her first two albums, Autobiography and I Am Me, although still retaining some of those albums' pop rock sound. OCo=h|qBp
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专辑曲目: ' rHkJ
01 Outta My Head 1QE-[|
02 Boys wsP3hE' ]
03 Rule Breaker #@Zz
04 Not Time For Tears 17H_>a\`
05 Little Miss Obsessive aC X](sN
06 Ragdoll %fh
07 Bittersweet World u7fae$:&