文字文字 1o{Mck
The nice girls are ugly. /h|#J
The pretty girls are not nice. 1=Z0w +v{
The pretty and nice women are lesbians. dDLeSz$b
The pretty, nice and heterosexual women are married. I51@QJX
The pretty women without money are after our money. NqWdRU
The pretty women, who are not so nice and somewhat nZYBE030
heterosexual don’t think we have enough money. /f;~X"!
Now...who in the hell undestands women? t;\Y{`
The women who are somewhat pretty, somewhat nice and have some money and thand god are heterosexual are shy and never make the first move! Once we make the XU(eEnmom
first move, automatically lose interest on us when we take the initiative. 4@ai6,<