c {f:5 p ROONEY - Calling The World 发行时间:2007
YJ$Vn>6Z 压缩格式 MP3/压缩比率 VBR avg.214 Kbps | 44:00 min |文件大小 70 MB
zAkc67: 音乐风格:Genre: Pop Rock / Alternative Rock
`wn<3# 辑名称:Calling the World
A4 A6F< 歌手姓名:Rooney
] dm1Qm 唱片公司:Geffen Records
EMVoTW)z 发行日期:July 17, 2007
=ELDJt 专辑流派:Pop/Rock
*MnG-\{j pr[B$X.V BST7y4R)BS 专辑简介:
Q}=W>|aE. lJGqR0:r+ Rooney is a five-piece rock band from Los Angeles signed to Geffen Records. The band is composed of 5 members: Robert Carmine, Louie Stephens, Taylor Locke, Ned Brower, and Matthew Winter. The band is named after the character Principal Ed Rooney from the 1986 film Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
:XPC0^4s @aqd'O Their music is reminiscent of British Invasion rock and 1980s pop, and has been compared to The Beatles, The Cars and Blur. Having toured the nation with acts such as Weezer and The Strokes, Rooney's official website states that the band "manages to capture elements from the past four decades and make them sound modern today."
uK4'n+_>\ LEn=dU 受the beatles, tom petty and the heartbreakers, e.l.o., queen, the beach boys等的影响, 这个80年代出生的组合多少也有点这些人的风格,他们自称他们的音乐风格就是如海风沐浴般, 如威风徐徐吹来,节奏轻快,又不失现代感。和谐的音乐技巧,老少皆宜。
O$<%z[ aUIc=Z 1999 年就成立的这个组合,来自LA,2002年与Geffen Records 签约, 04年回来LA一起制作另外一张专集,由于05,06年一些事的耽搁,所以说这个7月份将出的第二个专集可是等待了3年之久了。
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Z#z 此专集 CALLING THE WORLD 将继续延续他们清新,美妙的风格,并由John Fields(Andrew W.K., Switchfoot)担当制作。 ROONEY已经和很多有名的乐人有过同台巡演经历了,如大家熟悉的WEEZER,the strokes,sloan,the sounds,the donnas,travis,keane,the redwall等,相信他们一定不会令大家失望的
Y?&DEKFbD 《红魔曼联,再度摇滚》
&0th1-OP_ 4mM2C`I 和Keane与Keane的关系一样,虽然两者从字母的数量到排列完全的一致,但却是一个代表单数,一个代表复数,而且分别在足球和音乐领域拥有
YvxMA# 1a=9z'8V 'Tru?y\ 响亮的名声。前者所说的是曼联曾经的二掌门,国际足坛响当当的恶霸大佬Keane,后者所说的则是继Coldplay之后,英伦乐坛涌现出的又一支挤身国际一流行列的Brit-Pop乐团,一支以不设吉它手为卖点、颠覆英伦传统的摇滚乐队。
YP$*;l 23(E3:. 一回生、二回熟,Rooney和Rooney的道理也是相同的。单数那个还是来自足球领域,而且居然又是曼联队,还是新赛季红魔新10号的球场小屠夫Rooney;双数那个则是成军于洛城,在Alternative界一直小有名气、但也是一直仅仅局限于小有名气的摇滚乐团——Rooney。有了这么两个惊天大巧合,如果有朝一日再出现几支Ronaldo或者Giggs的乐队的话,各位看官也就完全不用感到意外了。或许,只有当某天惊现出一支名叫Dong Fang Zhuo的乐队时,那才算是真正的意外。
]JqkC4| Bp$+ F/ 《Calling the World》是Rooney事隔四年后推出的新专辑。新唱片在封面上依然沿用了乐队四年前的那个复古Logo,一瞬间让我首先就迅速想起了上世纪70年代那支昙花一现的Prog-Rock和Art Rock乐团Quicksand,他们在唯一的一张传世专辑《Home Is Where I Belong》上,选用的正是这种腾云驾雾的字体。而此次的封面倒是换成了乐团真身的五人照,风格上也依然与上世纪六七十年代的纽约名团The Lovin’Spoonful的首张专辑《Do You Believe In Magic》相仿。这些虽完全属于个人记忆的联线,但从中却同样可以总结出一个道理,那就是Rooney音乐的本性是偏复古的,而他们的这张专辑,也依旧走在复古的路上。
t=E|RYC(k !CVBG*E^l Rooney的音乐有着欧美80一代生人乐队的一个典型特征,就是英伦与美国的混血,现代与传统的交杂。所以,你既可以在Rooney的作品里听到诸如The Strokes般的凌乱美和无序美,亦可以听到Travis的细腻平衡,还可以在他们发性子时听到Weezer式的EMO,同样,在他们的音乐养份里,也少不了The Beach Boys式的Surf,以及Blur式的上口小调和The Cars品牌的New Wave。
Bx>G9 C+L_61 相比四年前的同名专辑,Rooney还是有了一定的成熟,这种成熟主要还是体现在细节的细腻上,尽管对单纯歌曲本身的创作上,他们并没有做到突飞猛进。说的再细一点的话,就是说这张专辑做为歌曲的主体部分,其实依然是《Rooney》专辑的一种风格延续,不过包裹歌曲的编曲部分却显得更为丰满圆润,而编曲与歌曲之间的空间也更显得充实。Rooney的音乐从远观的角度来看,其实有着很浓重的Garage Rock Revival,所以让人总是联想起The Strokes也就不觉得意外了。但他们的特点也就在这种基本的定调上,有着一些细腻小元素的融合,虽然这些小元素都算不上创新,但做为点缀用在Rooney那种轻快又火爆、怀旧又动感的音乐氛围中,还是有一点小小华丽的听觉美感。
|$SvD2^ 8}pcanPg 专辑同名主打曲《Calling the World》,就是一首New Wave和Garage Rock结合的作品,键盘的运用甚至让人想起了还是《继续追寻》时期的“达明一派”,而二、三段那种简洁的旋律和声,不仅显示出了Robert Carmine对旋律的敏感,亦足以担纲任何一支足球俱乐部的队歌。《When Did Your Heart Go Missing?》是专辑的首支单曲,轻快的节奏让人怀念起一直古灵精怪的Blur,Brit与Punk兼而有之的吉它扫弦,也最大限度的呈现出Rooney活力无限的一面。《I Shouldve Been After You》是不是有点耳熟?那键盘、那唱腔、那和声,如果你这样想的话,那么你想起的肯定会是Freddie Mercury和那支传奇的Queen乐团,虽然Rooney还不能让人联想到Opera,但为摇滚小调添上渊博的怀旧感,这种目的还是达到了。而《Tell Me Soon》再多一点空灵的吉它Solo,可能就会成为英式标准曲,《Believe In Me》如果再加入一段彪悍的大嗓门副歌,它甚至可以伴Bon Jovi一起踏上Highway。
?5r2j3mqgv C<wj?!v,F[ 专辑的所有歌曲均由主唱兼吉它手的Robert Carmine完成,因此专辑在整体氛围上也更显得流畅与谐调,那种复古的动感也是自始至终与君相伴。当然,唱片最后的《Help Me Find My Way》算是一个小小的意外,一点点巴洛克式的弦乐,也让这首作品的风格有点游离与整张专辑之外,当然考虑到这是Robert Carmine献给已故父亲的作品,这点出轨也就不算什么了。在这里说点题外话,如果你在AMG的专辑介绍栏中看到创作人一栏里署的都是一个名姓Schwartzman的人的话,那么这并不算是网站的事故,因为Robert Schwartzman其实正是Robert Carmine的原名,而他之所以会改成Robert Carmine这个名字,还是缘于他用于纪念其Coppola家族中赫赫有名的配乐大师Carmine Coppola。
\:q e3Q JXSqtk= 沿着题外话,还有一点八卦的空间,要知道出身Coppola家族的Robert Carmine可是拥有无数的演艺圈豪门亲戚。父亲Jack是知名电影制作人,舅舅Francis Ford Coppola则是《教父》系列的导演,他的侄子Nicolas Cage更是无须多做介绍。母亲Talia Shire则曾经在1975年和1976年提名了“奥斯卡”“最佳女配角”和“最佳女主角”,哥哥Jason哥也曾演出《Rushmore》和《S1m0ne》等影片,就算是Robert Carmine自己也曾经在堂姐的《The Virgin Suicides》(原声是大名鼎鼎的Air做的)一片中出演过角色。这么看起来,Robert Carmine在家族史中,还真算是一个不起眼的小角色。至于他能否用音乐超越他的那些明星亲戚,看起来也比较难,毕竟Rooney音乐走的还是技术流派,在大众传播的流行性上,毕竟是有所欠缺的。
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Their second album "Calling The World" - a pop-rock manifesto and contribution to the rock-pop body of work initiated by The Beatles and The Beach Boys and propagated by subsequent groups such as Queen, E.L.O., Cheap Trick, The Cars, Jellyfish and Weezer. Producer John Fields (Andrew W.K., Switchfoot) recorded "Calling The World" with Rooney in Los Angeles by harnessing the band's expert musicianship via live takes and extemporaneous improvisations, at times even using a laptop to capture the urgency of the moment. "Rooney" sold 400,000 albums of their debut and toured extensively across the United States and Europe. The members of Rooney recently hosted a Monday-night residency at Los Angeles' renown Roxy nightclub during the entire month of April 2007 so they could play their new "Calling the World" material for their loyal, hometown fans first. They were joined on stage by friends to perform covers including Phantom Planet, The Donnas, The Chapin Sisters, Ben Lee, Susana Hoffs (who performed Walk Like An Egyptian with the band), and Cherrytree Records label mates The Feeling. Rooney is a favorite of other bands who are constantly asking to hit the road with them. They've toured with Weezer, The Strokes, All American Rejects, Travis, Pete Yorn. In May 2007, Rooney embark on a club tour of the UK and Continental Europe and return to the US for a national tour as opening act for Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas.
fa+W9 C#**) Rooney 是个来自美国 LA 的 Alt 摇滚乐队,Rooney 这个名字来自于 1986 年的一部电影 Ferris Bueller's Day Off 中的角色 'Principal Ed Rooney'.
;Xd\$)n ^pQo `T6 yf#%)-7( The first single from "Calling the World" is "When Did Your Heart Go Missing?" - an effervescent head-bobber with an infectious chorus. Other songs from the album include "Believe In Me", a driving synth-propelled call for a leap of faith, "What For" a breezy and melodic slice of friendly advice, and "Help Me Find My Way", a poignant ode to Robert's late father. Detractors may be tempted to label Rooney as little more than a retro exercise in pop history, since even when the songs diverge into new stylistic territory--as they do with the orchestral sweep of the mini-rock opera "I Should Have Been After You" or the angular jam of "Paralyzed"--they seem to reference famous art rock and new wave forebears. But Rooney aren't out to blaze new trails: this is fun, playful pop rock that is listener-friendly from start to finish.
0r$hPmvv8 JV?RgFy 专辑曲目: TOPPa?=vk F~Z 0 Tracklist:
[K)1!KK,L R26tQbwE 01. Calling The World
"$V 8y 02. When Did Your Heart Go Missing?
LD~uI 03. I Should've Been After You
x@ s`;qz 04. Tell Me Soon
n6!Ihip$ 05. Don't Come Around Again
ssr)f8R#,# 06. Are You Afraid?
X!+Mgh6 07. Love Me Or Leave Me
5%Fn^u: 08. Paralyzed
SX?$H~A 09. What For
dE}b8|</ 10. All In Your Head
Y="&|c=w#L 11. Believe In Me
fD#&: ) 12. Help Me Find My Way
ap'kxOf"1 B[0,\> . Robert Schwartzman - Vocals, Guitar
_E&vE5<-$ . Taylor Locke - Guitars, Backing vocals
I>8 @=V~ . Matthew Winter - Bass Guitar
"!6 B5Oz . Louie Stephens - Keyboards
t0V_ c'm . Ned Brower - Drums, backing vocals
}DUDA%U j]?0}Z* Residence: Los Angeles, U.S.
);uZ4PNK/? Label: Geffen Records
6U>jU[/ Audio CD: July 17, 2007
WtdkA Sj AINFua4 A 专辑试听:
http://www.purevolume.com/rooney @6!y(e8"J] Qqhb]<z http://www.purevolume.com/rooneyofficial H+#wj|,+\ http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/8/6/157525/callingtheworld.mp3 @aD~YtL"n a]wcA 打包下载:
/vbF http://rapidshare.com/files/47212430/T407R07CTW214G.rar >KClH'R2 ^n45N&916 Mirror:
?n9$,-^v [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/45328202/Rooney_Calling_The_World__2007__
ma-Y' Mirror:
pTX'5 http://www.live-share.com/files/244915/Calling_The_World.rar.html ZesD( >'|xQjLl