有时要为每一篇文章统计其点击次数,如果每一次浏览都要更新一次库的话,那性能在访问量很大的情况下,服务器的压力就会很大了,比较好一点的方法就是先将要更新的数据缓存起来,然后每隔一段时间再利用数据库的批量处理,批量更新库。源码如下: 0h",.
CountBean.java xxC2F:Q?U
/* i*g>j <`
* CountData.java A ^wIsAxT
* c$[cDf~
* Created on 2007年1月1日, 下午4:44
* Y$ To)qo
* To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under j)neVPf%v
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose w-M,@[G
* Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. z&r@c-l@
*/ ?* %JGz_
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package com.tot.count; ",gWO8T
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/** BYBf`F)4
* Q-M"+ HO
* @author x^ruPiH
*/ 0X"D!G):
public class CountBean { #.kDin~!
private String countType; M@b:~mI[sw
int countId; J$X{4
/** Creates a new instance of CountData */ {"x8q
public CountBean() {} K~B@8az
public void setCountType(String countTypes){ "<y0D!&
this.countType=countTypes; 6!GO{2d"
} OcWzo#q4[
public void setCountId(int countIds){ y6*9, CF
this.countId=countIds; 6+hx64 =
} 2,,t+8"`
public String getCountType(){ hs5aIJ
return countType;
} m$X0O_*A
public int getCountId(){ qz
return countId; +7]]=e<[E
} VS{po:]A
} .+ w#n<
CountCache.java A/zZ%h
/* @1UC9}>
* CountCache.java ~Kr_[X:d5
* Nhnw'9
* Created on 2007年1月1日, 下午5:01 r(#]Z
* 9+o`/lk1
* To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under .7|kxJq
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose #o]/&T=N=
* Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. !b0ANIp
*/ U)n+j}vi
package com.tot.count; `Z3p( G
import java.util.*; A*r6
/** L\u6EMyV
* cU^Z=B
* @author Jbrjt/OG#I
*/ \<bar ~
public class CountCache { cn~M:LW23
public static LinkedList list=new LinkedList(); ^-yEb\\i
/** Creates a new instance of CountCache */ 9J0JSy
public CountCache() {} dfss_}R
public static void add(CountBean cb){ 4._U
if(cb!=null){ pW>?%ft.
list.add(cb); d 18>0R
} };z[x2l^
} &u@<0 1=
} B?cn5
$ MN1:ih
CountControl.java &r)i6{w81
/* P'dH*}H
* CountThread.java Q,.[y"m9Y.
* dF?:&oP]
* Created on 2007年1月1日, 下午4:57 sKvz<7pag
* ,W!v0*uxp&
* To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under >*hY1@N1
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose S8{S b>
* Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. xTy[X"sJ
*/ yMQZulCWE
@w H+,]xE
package com.tot.count; X~`<ik{q
import tot.db.DBUtils; lBbUA)z6
import java.sql.*; Z;nbnRz
/** K|n$-WDG}
* ^WZcM#~TL
* @author |)7dh B
*/ ? ^EB"{
public class CountControl{ Y~|C]O
private static long lastExecuteTime=0;//上次更新时间 wcdD i[E>i
private static long executeSep=60000;//定义更新间隔时间,单位毫秒 w;RG*rv
/** Creates a new instance of CountThread */ \sUk71L`j
public CountControl() {} -t<8)9q(
public synchronized void executeUpdate(){ O[tOpf@s.
Connection conn=null; ]Tb ?k+a
PreparedStatement ps=null; Vh.9/$xQ
try{ ^X&n-ui
conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); IwE{Zvr
conn.setAutoCommit(false); <0Mc\wy
ps=conn.prepareStatement("update t_news set hits=hits+1 where id=?"); 0nh;0Z
for(int i=0;i<CountCache.list.size();i++){ UJqDZIvC
CountBean cb=(CountBean)CountCache.list.getFirst(); vbDSNm#Yv
CountCache.list.removeFirst(); )<.BN
ps.setInt(1, cb.getCountId()); M:!Twz$
ps.executeUpdate();⑴ ~F</s.
//ps.addBatch();⑵ 'pJ46"D@m
} J^Dkx"1GD
//int [] counts = ps.executeBatch();⑶ y?t2@f]!XK
}catch(Exception e){ N^G:m~>
e.printStackTrace(); $6(,/}==0
} finally{ v-V#?+#
try{ tP?pN]Q$,
if(ps!=null) { (Hr_gkGtM
ps.clearParameters(); Mn-f
ps.close(); =`8%qh
ps=null; $*%ipD}f
} @Gh?|d7bD
}catch(SQLException e){} "|2|Vju%
DBUtils.closeConnection(conn); f`8]4ms"
} R::0.*FF
} 7+,6m!4
public long getLast(){ (-RZ|VdYg
return lastExecuteTime; y5td o'Ex
} sd@JQ%O
public void run(){ ^`W8>czi
long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); 5$v,%~$Xds
if ((now - lastExecuteTime) > executeSep) { 6vx0F?>_
//System.out.print("lastExecuteTime:"+lastExecuteTime); Hcp)Q76X
//System.out.print(" now:"+now+"\n"); F~NmLm
// System.out.print(" sep="+(now - lastExecuteTime)+"\n"); A,tmy',d"
lastExecuteTime=now; D[m+=-
executeUpdate(); P,$|.pd'
} k *a?Ey$
else{ e~Oge
//System.out.print("wait for "+(now - lastExecuteTime)+" seconds:"+"\n"); DrG9Kky{
} Rmq8lU
} q`l&G%
} $R\D[`y|
//注:如果你的数据库驱动支持批处理,那么可以将⑵,⑶标记的代码前的注释去掉,同时在代码⑴前加上注释 Ca SoR |
类写好了,下面是在JSP中如下调用。 6' 9ITA
<% ?,_$;g
CountBean cb=new CountBean();
cb.setCountId(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("cid"))); 8{m5P8w'
CountCache.add(cb); X=:|v<E
out.print(CountCache.list.size()+"<br>"); xKilTh_.6
CountControl c=new CountControl(); L(p{>Ykcc
c.run(); H`js1b1n
out.print(CountCache.list.size()+"<br>"); IfGmA.O