有时要为每一篇文章统计其点击次数,如果每一次浏览都要更新一次库的话,那性能在访问量很大的情况下,服务器的压力就会很大了,比较好一点的方法就是先将要更新的数据缓存起来,然后每隔一段时间再利用数据库的批量处理,批量更新库。源码如下: 9c/&+j
CountBean.java /& qN yo
f* +eu@
/* |"7^9(
* CountData.java QasUgZ
* N*k` 'T
* Created on 2007年1月1日, 下午4:44 -Qt>yzD3
* Z#n!=kTTm
* To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under }~Am{Er<l
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose 8z?q4
* Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. 8veYs`
*/ oZ)\Ya=
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package com.tot.count; v=(L>gg
/** ,ZVC@P,L
* -I#]#i@gX
* @author i[gq8%
*/ sj)$o94=
public class CountBean { gtcU'4~
private String countType; `%8by y@$
int countId; gC}r$ZB(
/** Creates a new instance of CountData */ M]S&vE{D
public CountBean() {} JN9
public void setCountType(String countTypes){ 7TTU&7l~
this.countType=countTypes; CC(At.dd
} ) o)k~6uT
public void setCountId(int countIds){ b*-g@S
this.countId=countIds; \2F$FRWo
} )czuJ5
public String getCountType(){ s^
return countType; p4\r`
} Z#-:zD7_
public int getCountId(){ DI P(
return countId; a0vg%Z@!
} t@a2@dX|
} Vb=Oz
CountCache.java QzjLKjl7p4
/* g$++\%k&
* CountCache.java NH?q/4=I0W
* ?a8 o.&`l
* Created on 2007年1月1日, 下午5:01 yQ33JQr
* a88(,:t
* To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under ~w<u!
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose {Jv m *
* Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. :R/szE*Ak
*/ ` |p3@e
package com.tot.count; B&l5yI
import java.util.*; L'1p]Z"
/** s!\:%N
* vJX3fE}F
* @author x Z3b)j2D
*/ :hre|$@{a
public class CountCache { E!d;ym
public static LinkedList list=new LinkedList(); r!qr'Ht<
/** Creates a new instance of CountCache */ (lDbArqy
public CountCache() {} &ukYTDM
public static void add(CountBean cb){ ZDVz+L|p
if(cb!=null){ GqFDN],Wp
list.add(cb); ,tdV-9N[O
} UjNe0jt%s
} Ppw0vaJ^
} _m;#+`E
CountControl.java /cPezX
/* l{:7*U{d
* CountThread.java lyBae?%&
* Q@]QPpe
* Created on 2007年1月1日, 下午4:57 `0@onDQVc=
* O|t@p=]
* To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under j@jaFsX|
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose S>W_p~@
* Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. nf,R+oX
*/ CzP?J36W^
package com.tot.count; nLn3kMl4
import tot.db.DBUtils; b'
import java.sql.*; oy I8}s:
/** 5iE-$,7#L
* &|;XLRHP}
* @author 3h:"-{MW.
*/ OK{_WTCe>
public class CountControl{ \,YF['Qq
private static long lastExecuteTime=0;//上次更新时间 ),#%jc2_^
private static long executeSep=60000;//定义更新间隔时间,单位毫秒 <ID/\Qx`q
/** Creates a new instance of CountThread */ MfJ;":]O!
public CountControl() {} &5]&6TD6
public synchronized void executeUpdate(){ `XAlzI
Connection conn=null; B}Q.Is5
PreparedStatement ps=null; un{LwZH
try{ _9%R
conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); /%E X4
conn.setAutoCommit(false); ]a4rA+NFLB
ps=conn.prepareStatement("update t_news set hits=hits+1 where id=?"); 89*txYmx
for(int i=0;i<CountCache.list.size();i++){ RAw/Q$I
CountBean cb=(CountBean)CountCache.list.getFirst(); ~x:\xQti
CountCache.list.removeFirst(); Ks|qJ3;
ps.setInt(1, cb.getCountId()); DnbT<oEL
ps.executeUpdate();⑴ ZWZRG-:&H
//ps.addBatch();⑵ 5Jo><P a
} /U
//int [] counts = ps.executeBatch();⑶ Czj]jA(0f
conn.commit(); fq-zgqF<
}catch(Exception e){ K-%x]Fp=
e.printStackTrace(); 3lw
} finally{ (;RmfE'PX
try{ "bI'XaSv
if(ps!=null) { aS
ps.clearParameters(); Up:<NHJT
ps.close(); ,BGaJ|k
ps=null; ~Z74e>V%
} n<
}catch(SQLException e){} F` /mcyf
DBUtils.closeConnection(conn); )f#raXa5+
} (/x%zmY;/U
} b`?$;5
public long getLast(){ S8+GM
return lastExecuteTime; yV;_ ]_EO
} u\LbPk
public void run(){ 8ZmU(m
long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); tOQ2947zk
if ((now - lastExecuteTime) > executeSep) { >ZAb9=/M)F
//System.out.print("lastExecuteTime:"+lastExecuteTime); ]: VR3e"H
//System.out.print(" now:"+now+"\n"); )U6-&-07
// System.out.print(" sep="+(now - lastExecuteTime)+"\n"); "eqN d"~
lastExecuteTime=now; t0$}
executeUpdate(); ;ps0wswX
} 6N7^`ghTf
else{ J.nJ@?O+
//System.out.print("wait for "+(now - lastExecuteTime)+" seconds:"+"\n"); -&L(0?*qo
} $K_G|Wyi
} 3>Ne_kY
} h'Gs$o7#P
//注:如果你的数据库驱动支持批处理,那么可以将⑵,⑶标记的代码前的注释去掉,同时在代码⑴前加上注释 >!o||Yn
2 E
类写好了,下面是在JSP中如下调用。 KwEyMR!
<% Qn=#KS8=J
CountBean cb=new CountBean(); eSAB :L,K
cb.setCountId(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("cid"))); A6ar@$MZ
CountCache.add(cb); &bh%>[
out.print(CountCache.list.size()+"<br>"); <=1nr@L
CountControl c=new CountControl(); H1!u1k1nl
c.run(); 75>)1H)Xm
out.print(CountCache.list.size()+"<br>"); /'