From the Oscars back to the slums
"Slumdog Millionaire" child actor Rubina Ali, 9, waves as sheis welcomed back to her home in suburban Mumbai, India, alt="麦当娜与收养儿童" src="http://news.iciba.com/uploads/allimg/090923/21595S930-1.jpg" />麦当娜与收养儿童
Madonna and child
While actress Angelina Jolie's international adoptions havegone off relatively quietly, that's not always been the case forMadonna。
In 2006, she adopted young David Banda from Malawi despite alaw that requires adoptive parents to live in the country for alt="杰克逊的葬礼" src="http://news.iciba.com/uploads/allimg/090923/21595TJ0-2.jpg" />杰克逊的葬礼
Rest in peace? Not so easy
Michael Jackson's siblings and children are pictured at thesinger's memorial service alt="“粗口门” 事件" src="http://news.iciba.com/uploads/allimg/090923/21595U535-3.jpg" />“粗口门” 事件
Tale of the tape
“粗口门” 事件
Christian Bale, star of "Terminator Salvation," blew up at thefilm's director of photography, Shane Hurlbut, in July 2008. Baleclaimed that Hurlbut had walked into his line of sight twice andruined his concentration, and betlitted and theatened Hurlbut in alengthy, disturbing tirade that was caught on audiotape。
The tape was released in February 2009 and Bale eventuallyapologized, saying he "acted like a punk."