很小的时候就听身边的人说过“人靠衣装,马靠鞍”这句话,说的是其貌不扬的人穿上华丽的衣装后也会显得耀眼夺目这样一个常理。所以,在我们的周围,每个人都在make up,都试图通过外表的装扮提升自己的形象。可是,藏在makeup下太久,大家都不太记得彼此最真实的样子了。于是,有些勇敢的人开始尝试makeunder。你已经大概猜到makeunder是什么了,对不对?

Makeunder refers to a change of appearance in which a person is given a simpler look, especially>Makeunder(素面朝天)指某人一改往日形象,只化淡妆或不化妆、也不做发型的样子。
Actress Jamie Lee Curtis, in the September issue of More magazine, appeared in "before" and "after" pictures. The before picture showed her in all her Hollywood glamour, with perfect makeup, stylish hair, haute couture dress and shoes, and being fussed over by three assistants. The after picture showed her "authentic self," as she called it: no makeup, no fancy coif, and an outfit consisting of a simple sports bra and spandex briefs that showed off a bit of pudginess. She had had, in other words, a makeunder.