You've got a lot of choices
导读:《越狱》(Prison Break)结束了,《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)还在不可预期的将来。今年的漫漫暑假要怎样度过呢?本文介绍了多部强档美剧,保你有个精彩、充实的暑期生活!
无论你想回顾上一季的影视作品,还是展望下一季,暑假都是个再好不过的机会。 l?"^2in.
SUMMER vacation is a perfect opportunity to reflect alt="" width="188" border="0" src="" /> i 1w]j
新剧抢先看 Lots of new series
别担心。虽然《越狱》结束了,但即将到来的下一季中仍有很多精彩剧目等着你去欣赏。对于那些没看够《格蕾的解剖》的粉丝们,推荐大家看看《急救小组》。该剧讲述了一群急救队的故事。他们在到达急诊室前奋力抢救病人。而《仁爱》则重点描述了一群忙碌的护士如何平衡职业和感情生活。 Don't worry. Prison Break may be over, but there are plenty of new dramas planned for the coming season. For fans who can't get enough of Grey's Anatomy, there's Trauma, about emergency medical technicians trying to save lives before they get to the emergency room. Mercy will follow busy nurses trying to juggle their professional and romantic lives.
另外,有几部新科幻片要特别和喜爱《英雄》的观众们分享一下:《首日》--讲述的是几名幸存者在经历地球毁灭后走到了一起;《未来闪影》--全世界的人在2分钟内被洗脑,而那些幸存者则亲眼目睹了自己恐怖的未来;《V星来客》--是《迷失》中饰演朱丽叶的演员伊丽莎白-米歇尔主演的新剧,讲述了一群邪恶的外星人的故事。 Heroes fans may be happy to hear about new sci-fi shows like Day alt="" width="188" border="0" src="" /> #Tzs9Bkaca
接下来还有《异世奇案》:一部基于人类轮回理念的玄幻剧。剧中,侦探们揭秘委托人的前世悲剧,并借此解决他们在现世中遇到的问题。 And then there's Past Life, a mystery show based on the idea of reincarnation. Detectives solve problems in their clients' current lives by uncovering tragedies from their past lives.
episode 剧集
glimpse 一瞥
technician 技术人员
uncover 揭示
alien 外星人
apocalyptic 启示录的
breach 违背
fearless 无畏的
intrigue 密谋
juggle 耍弄
onscreen 在银幕上的
reincarnation 重生
scary 可怕的
sitcom 系列幽默剧
supernatural 超自然的
witch 巫婆
workplace 工作场所
Prison Break 《越狱》
Gossip Girl 《绯闻女孩》