M0 =K#/ Valentine's Day
jD'\\jAUdm -linkin park
+.]v> RE7 I" My insides are turned to ash so slow
#!C/~"Y*`| And blew away as I collapsed so cold
M|7xI A black wind took them away from sight
kf.w:X"i And held the darkness over day that night
-=QA{n And the clouds above move closer looking so disatisfied
lP\7=9rh^x but the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing
gQ/-.1Pz$ Z[Uz~W6M] I used to be my own protection but not now
U''/y\Z Cuz my path has lost direction somehow
6# ,2 A black wind took you away from sight
S0,p:Wey And held the darkness over day that night
`a98+x?JF And the clouds above move closer looking so disatisfied
N And the ground below grew colder as they put you down inside
" :@5|4qK but the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing
)lBke*j~ .Hc]?R] So now you're gone and I was wrong
LoqS45-) I never knew what it was like to be alone
o-yZ$+V ,*wa#[ On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
3g^_Fq' On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
(Lp<T! " On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
ENr\+{{% On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
'%l<33* (I used to be my own protection but not now)
i4JqU\((] On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
<TC\Nb$~ (Cuz my mind has lost direction somehow)
IBo)fE\O On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
(O"Wa (I used to be my own protection but not now)
o{37}if On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
&H(~ (Cuz my mind has lost direction somehow)