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专辑名称:Radio:ACTIVE 97vQM
歌手姓名:McFly c\OLf_Uf
唱片公司::Super LG;U?:\
发行日期:2008年7月20号 B{!*OC{l
专辑流派:Rock W~j>&PK,?
专辑语言:英语 pvhN.z
文件大小: 57 MB '$5Qdaj
音乐格式:mp3 `J%35
压缩比特率:192k AmB*4p5b
g17 fge6%
简介: O96%U$W
小飞侠 McFly2008新砖Radio:ACTIVE "f:_(np,
After three phenomenally successful studio albums with Island records, pop-punk teen sensations-cum-serious artists McFly decide to go it alone and release their fourth album, 'Radio:ACTIVE' on their own Super Records label. As a band constantly striving to make a creative statement taking them beyond their boy band status, this release is something of a lunge into the unknown for the band. Originally released (to much controversy) for free as a supplement to The Mail On Sunday, 'Radio:ACTIVE' receives a more conventional release here with several bonus tracks. Includes the single 'One For The Radio', a song written about the band's endeavour to be regarded more seriously in the press. Ou{VDE
McFly 即将面世的大碟Radio:ACTIVE 便会步Ray Davies 和Prince 的后尘,于7 月20 日 ... (上课时间有暑期日间或夜间). 当前时区GMT++8, 现在时间是2008-7-6 07:01 AM / "@cv{
iMusiCulture "随报纸附送 McFly 唱片" }#2I/dn
有没有幻想过买报纸送唱片会是什么景况?在香港,要花钱买报纸的时候,很难会看见有乘客于港铁上阅报,当报纸免费派发,你顿时发现香港人十分关心社会,很难会看到乘客手上只拿着一份报纸阅读。若有一天,唱片随报纸附送,香港唱片业一定可以复苏。 i2E@5 v=|Y
McFly 即将面世的大碟 Radio:ACTIVE 便会步 Ray Davies 和 Prince 的后尘,于 7 月 20 日随 Mail on Sunday 附送,乐队预计今次与 Mail on Sunday 的合作,能够将后者的销量推至三百万的关口,达至双赢局面。据官方资料显示,Mail on Sunday 的销量平均有二百二十万份,有 McFly 的协助,要穿三百万这关口应该易如反掌。 `]F#j ]"
若大家希望从唱片铺购买 McFly 的全新大碟 Radio:ACTIVE,便要耐心等候,乐队全新大碟将于九月面世。 7 )*q@
资料来源 95sK ;`rE+
http://www.imcdaily.com/news/20080626b.html 3|BB#;
专辑曲目: M8${&&[;
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1. Do Ya ak\[+wQ
2. Falling In Love rPK 1#
3. Everybody Knows <xUX&J=;
4. Smile ~p
5. One For The Radio lBLL45%BIN
6. POV lX64IvG8+o
7. Corrupted `#?]g !
8. The Heart Never Lies H18pVh
9. Going Through The Motions t**MthnW
10. The Last Song 5%"sv+iO
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