加州夢 The Mamas and Papas -California Dreaming
em\ 9'L^ 由 四 名 成 員 組 成 的 Mamas and Papas , 66 年 憑 一 曲 《 California Dreamin' 》 唱 到 街 知 巷 聞 , 大 碟 銷 量 至 今 累 積 逾 2,000 萬 張 , 可 惜 樂 隊 後 期 飽 受 成 員 內 訌 及 毒 品 問 題 困 擾 而 人 氣 下 跌 。
California Dreaming The Mamas and Papas n Ps7c %
All the leaves are brown, And the sky is gray )u/H>;L P
I've been for a walk, On a winter's day Pfm_@'8
I'd be safe and warm, If I was in L.A. !2z?YZhu
California dreaming ?{U
On such a winter's day Q}!mx7b0]
Stopped into a church, I passed along the way 63.wL0~
Well, I got down on my knees, And I pretend to pray + J{0 E
You know the preacher likes the cold +=]!P#
He knows I'm gonna stay M)+$wp
California dreaming 9elga"4:'
On such a winter's day !A>z(eIsv`
All the leaves are brown, And the sky is gray cZ(elZ0~
I've been for a walk, On a winter's day 9_QP !,
If I didn't tell her, I could leave today = <j"M85.
California dreaming 0]D{Va
On such a winter's day [tg^GOf '
w,O,W[C v3GwD00 i~3u>CT 不知道大家有听过这首老歌没有,我很早就听过但是不知道叫什么是谁唱的,今天无意间在网上发现了。
下载地址:http://news.tom.com/images/piclib/ls/jzm.mp3 @h*fFiY&{