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/* %ZZW
p%uf **SiteFileFetch.java }m-+EUEo9 */ d##'0yg package NetFox; UmA'aq import java.io.*; C)0JcM import java.net.*; U~{sJwB J(x42Q}*S 7Ust7% public class SiteFileFetch extends Thread { Q
1e hW OYNPZRu _cXLQ)- SiteInfoBean siteInfoBean = null; //文件信息Bean w]VdIS long[] nStartPos; //开始位置 C!8XFf8e long[] nEndPos; //结束位置 Z@I.socA FileSplitterFetch[] fileSplitterFetch; //子线程对象 k6vY/)-S long nFileLength; //文件长度 E#=slj@ boolean bFirst = true; //是否第一次取文件 r!vSYgee boolean bStop = false; //停止标志 `kdP)lI
` File tmpFile; //文件下载的临时信息 7TjK;w7xS. DataOutputStream output; //输出到文件的输出流 7#BpGQJQ wZA(><\ //负责整个文件的抓取,控制内部线程(FileSplitterFetch类) "`AIU}[_I public SiteFileFetch(SiteInfoBean bean) throws IOException UlN+ { D20n'>ddg siteInfoBean = bean; 71?>~PnbH} //tmpFile = File.createTempFile ("zhong","1111",new File(bean.getSFilePath())); L-lDvc?5c tmpFile = new File(bean.getSFilePath()+File.separator + bean.getSFileName()+".info"); Z?^~f}+ if(tmpFile.exists ()) ;-1yG@KG { ,nELWzz%{ bFirst = false; nRmZu\(Ow| read_nPos(); A9[ELD>p } x;cjl6Acm else 'bpx { M#Vl{ b nStartPos = new long[bean.getNSplitter()]; 9_mys}+ nEndPos = new long[bean.getNSplitter()]; k]=Yi; } $6a55~h|( =sk]/64h`` }. x&}FqXE OJUH".o } jc|"wN] :N<ZO`l? 7Xu.z9y public void run() )r#^{{6[v { dM{xPpnx //获得文件长度 ~97T0{E3 //分割文件 T
_O|gU //实例FileSplitterFetch 8Ilg[Drj* //启动FileSplitterFetch线程 iv*Ft.1t //等待子线程返回 0#
D4;v try{ "+2Hde1 if(bFirst) `4&
GumG { (0Xgv3wd nFileLength = getFileSize(); U!L<v!$ if(nFileLength == -1) 3sf+u oV { >900O4 System.err.println("File Length is not known!"); IGj%)_W } P%v7(bqL4+ else if(nFileLength == -2) OYEL` !Q { VQ/<MY C System.err.println("File is not access!"); |.x |BJ } .r/6BDE" else {BBL`tg60 { Azun"F_f for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) [WDtr8L { AKVll nStartPos = (long)(i*(nFileLength/nStartPos.length)); gu[3L } h^h!OQK Q for(int i=0;i<nEndPos.length-1;i++) DbdxHuKa> { !YlyUHD nEndPos = nStartPos[i+1]; );*A$C9RA } E }aTH nEndPos[nEndPos.length-1] = nFileLength; 5fK#*(x } LY%`O#i. } Cebl"3Q G!J{$0. x;,H>!r"i //启动子线程 }\E2Z[ fileSplitterFetch = new FileSplitterFetch[nStartPos.length]; ^d! (8vh for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) YPraf$ { +SGM3tY fileSplitterFetch = new FileSplitterFetch(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL(), 85P7I=`*d siteInfoBean.getSFilePath() + File.separator + siteInfoBean.getSFileName(), G'/36M@ nStartPos,nEndPos,i); !A(*?0` Utility.log("Thread " + i + " , nStartPos = " + nStartPos + ", nEndPos = " + nEndPos); oe$Y=` fileSplitterFetch.start(); IiG~l+V~ } ^Tbw#x]2 // fileSplitterFetch[nPos.length-1] = new FileSplitterFetch(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL(), lS.*/u*5 siteInfoBean.getSFilePath() + File.separator + siteInfoBean.getSFileName(),nPos[nPos.length-1],nFileLength,nPos.length-1); 1>$fLbmkI // Utility.log("Thread " + (nPos.length-1) + " , nStartPos = " + nPos[nPos.length-1] + ", 6>! ;g'k nEndPos = " + nFileLength); ho#]i$b}f2 // fileSplitterFetch[nPos.length-1].start(); _VFxzM9f -z]v"gF?Px o7N3:) //等待子线程结束 [:geDk9O#' //int count = 0; Tti]H9g_ //是否结束while循环 Cf'O*RFD boolean breakWhile = false; =FkU:q$ $*ujX,}xG vDgf} while(!bStop) :^+ aJ] { &[*F!=%8 write_nPos(); tkBp?Wl Utility.sleep(500); 0p\cDrB? breakWhile = true; Y4]USU!PA zK`z*\ kK]JN for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) /xmUu0H$R { <QGf9{m if(!fileSplitterFetch.bDownOver) Omkl|l9 { wV- kB4^4 breakWhile = false; &BnK[Q8X break; F.)b`:g } x4jn45]x@ } #F\}PCBe' if(breakWhile) 5`oVyxJ< break; +5Yf9 &CCp@" + (B@:0}> //count++; >r] bfN, //if(count>4) JTw\5j // siteStop(); |tC`rzo } _{ z.Tu U$R+&@; './j<2|;U System.err.println("文件下载结束!"); `a}!t=~#w } qkpnXQ catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} .!T]sX_P } d5gYJ/Qv ?ic 7M )jbYWR*& //获得文件长度 N5u.V\F!z\ public long getFileSize() L4I1n l { zG|}| //} int nFileLength = -1; ;h>s=D,r try{ (P
{o9 URL url = new URL(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL()); V
QE *B HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection (); 1df}gG httpConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","NetFox"); +$Q33@F5l J,ZvaF LyM" int responseCode=httpConnection.getResponseCode(); hC@oyC(4 if(responseCode>=400) WyH2` xxX { $Yh7N5XH, processErrorCode(responseCode); FCv3ZF?K return -2; //-2 represent access is error sr!m } 2x-67_BHY= Wu]Dpe b&s"/Y89 String sHeader; r'7>J:cy= #Jt9U1WbF @RW=(&<1 for(int i=1;;i++) E"7 iU { tZR%s //DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(httpConnection.getInputStream ()); 5/<?Y&x //Utility.log(in.readLine()); vzVXRX sHeader=httpConnection.getHeaderFieldKey(i); ^<fN if(sHeader!=null) oTj9 /r { d4h1#MK if(sHeader.equals("Content-Length")) n gA&PU { swv1>52{ nFileLength = Integer.parseInt(httpConnection.getHeaderField(sHeader)); {]1+01vI- break; |IL..C } `!<RP' } %dMq'j else sFaboI break; <%fcs"Mb } OM,-:H, } B>, O@og catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace ();} Op^r }7 catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} k^-HY[Q9 jRP.Je@t ;`IZ&m$ Utility.log(nFileLength); j#e^PK < I_s4Pf[l .[Ezg(U}ze return nFileLength; .c~`{j} } SS;[{u! {VqcZhqy/l dLQV>oF //保存下载信息(文件指针位置) L1;IXCc= private void write_nPos() :=u Ku'~ { c}K>#{YeB try{ R(Y4n w+Y- output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)); FV|/o%XqK output.writeInt(nStartPos.length); ]i\C4* for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) Yhu
6QyRV { 9l9h*Pgt // output.writeLong(nPos); ,Q~C
F;qe output.writeLong(fileSplitterFetch.nStartPos); ^i}*$ZC72 output.writeLong(fileSplitterFetch.nEndPos); 5(kRFb'31F } ajFSbi)l output.close(); :|i jCg+ } '(M8D5?N- catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace ();} / 0Z_$Q&e catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} bM`7>3
d7E } 5nL,sFd z.itVQs$I X2PQL"` //读取保存的下载信息(文件指针位置) 86(8p_&zC private void read_nPos() o)<c1\q { _+z5~6> try{ 3(|8gWQ DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(tmpFile)); z>HeM
Mei int nCount = input.readInt(); N-
E)b nStartPos = new long[nCount]; S7SD$+fX nEndPos = new long[nCount]; $agd9z,&m for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) T^9k,J(rM { @m14x}H nStartPos = input.readLong(); SenDJv00 nEndPos = input.readLong(); 8':^tMd } M5DW!^ input.close(); F6 ?4E"d } ,#Y>nP0 catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace ();} 5N=QS1<$5 catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} ?ysC7(( } mup<%@7m NIn# =#qf0 private void processErrorCode(int nErrorCode) Vm
NCknG { ; n tq% System.err.println("Error Code : " + nErrorCode); IN2FO/Y@ } ZujPk- !
Ff/RRo x5/O.5>f //停止文件下载 fbaQXM public void siteStop() v{7Jzjd { 6BT o% bStop = true; ;Js-27_0 for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) fg1_D fileSplitterFetch.splitterStop(); -ZXC^zt x O`#a= UR;FW` } ^F@z+q } /DPD,bA //负责部分文件的抓取 +[$d9 **FileSplitterFetch.java 5e^t; */ $@y<.?k>UP package NetFox; 96Kv! Cnp\2Fu/ H4#|f n import java.io.*; f>d aK9$( import java.net.*; ]=T`8)_r) k.b->U DpG|Kl|d public class FileSplitterFetch extends Thread { Y0`=h"g \%fl`+` Hk)IV"[R String sURL; //File URL w#EP`aM2$= long nStartPos; //File Snippet Start Position |y+<|fb,a long nEndPos; //File Snippet End Position 'urn5[i int nThreadID; //Thread's ID Jr/|nhGl5 boolean bDownOver = false; //Downing is over =bt/2nPV boolean bStop = false; //Stop identical {ir8n731p
FileAccessI fileAccessI = null; //File Access interface 'xO5Le(=M >U/m/H' #sLyU4QV public FileSplitterFetch(String sURL,String sName,long nStart,long nEnd,int id) throws IOException FM\yf]' { Qs(WyP# this.sURL = sURL; $ekJs/I& this.nStartPos = nStart; qi!Nv$e this.nEndPos = nEnd; [o]^\ay nThreadID = id; ]F:5-[V# fileAccessI = new FileAccessI(sName,nStartPos);//定位 IBYRuaEB } \-A=??@H vb 2mY }%z {tn public void run() e.X*x4*>~ { 9|19ia@[\ while(nStartPos < nEndPos && !bStop) i}C9 { hq}kAv4B= D,FX&{TYU p-d2HXo try{ CF|c4oY 82 URL url = new URL(sURL); ESdjDg$[u HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection (); .GG6wL<$? httpConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","NetFox"); )m .KV5K! String sProperty = "bytes="+nStartPos+"-"; .qBL.b_` httpConnection.setRequestProperty("RANGE",sProperty); E .2b@ Utility.log(sProperty); /:-8 ,` YKF5|;} H=2sT +Sp InputStream input = httpConnection.getInputStream(); `Mj>t( //logResponseHead(httpConnection); Y](kMNUSg B J,U,! di^E8egR$ byte[] b = new byte[1024]; j. 1@{H int nRead; ` drds while((nRead=input.read(b,0,1024)) > 0 && nStartPos < nEndPos && !bStop) KjK.Sv{N { ~";GH20 nStartPos += fileAccessI.write(b,0,nRead); m0XdIC]s //if(nThreadID == 1) fJ
\bm // Utility.log("nStartPos = " + nStartPos + ", nEndPos = " + nEndPos); $]eU'!2) } ^HpUbZpat) [ 0?*J<d :by EXe;3 Utility.log("Thread " + nThreadID + " is over!"); ySyA!Z bDownOver = true; @=@7Uu- //nPos = fileAccessI.write (b,0,nRead); a`]Dmw8@ } BEn,py7 catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} +6cOL48" } ]w2nVC3 } 4`(b(DL] fQZ,kl yk1.fxik' //打印回应的头信息 AcF6p)@_ public void logResponseHead(HttpURLConnection con) P+tnXT>nE { _T,X z_ for(int i=1;;i++) Yvky=RM { :Iy4B+ String header=con.getHeaderFieldKey(i); eC+S'Jgf if(header!=null) 2"Oj*
; //responseHeaders.put(header,httpConnection.getHeaderField(header)); r*e<`Is Utility.log(header+" : "+con.getHeaderField(header)); NkWU5E!
else OMaG*fb= break; x'Uv;mGo }
Yxe%: } %bs6Uy5g)a ZbS*zKEW `/WX!4eR, public void splitterStop() UZsn14xSA { E038p]M! bStop = true; :Taequk } 6 w"-& +4<Ij/}p zR)9]pJ- } GwHp@_> J|vriI; Qyn~Vu43 /* Mp8BilH-T **FileAccess.java lO?dI=}] *//文件访问(定位,写) 0taopDi;d package NetFox; aTJs.y-I~ import java.io.*; ?V3kIb ;xp^FKP G5JZpB#o public class FileAccessI implements Serializable{ {yPJYF_l 8KQD
w: //RandomAccessFile类用于在任意一个文件的特定位置上读/写字节 &<Gs@UX~w RandomAccessFile oSavedFile; MoIq)5/ long nPos; 7 (}gs?&w T@V<J' "RZVv~BD public FileAccessI() throws IOException >5,nB< { Xbm\"g \ this("",0); n*7Ytz3#' } x>Hg.%/c[ ^Q)&lxlxpx ryk(Am< public FileAccessI(String sName,long nPos) throws IOException .i^aYbB$X { 6xLLIby, oSavedFile = new RandomAccessFile(sName,"rw"); '"#W!p this.nPos = nPos; qXI>x6?* oSavedFile.seek(nPos); JqX+vRY;dd } XeGtge/}T })zYo 7 lwY2zX&%)/ public synchronized int write(byte[] b,int nStart,int nLen) KW17CJ@ { U_1syaY! int n = -1; #q[k"x=c try{ *^]lFuX\&E oSavedFile.write(b,nStart,nLen); Us5P?} n = nLen; U9uy(KOW } ups]k?4 catch(IOException e)
2aROY2 { 4T]n64Yid e.printStackTrace (); VeLuL:4I } 6jdNQC$#B 3%"r%:fQB/ bV'^0(Zv return n; K6C@YY( } X`REhvT @wzzI 7}C u0Nag=cU } H<hFA(M U{^~X_? ENmfbJ4d~ /* v6Vd V.BI **SiteInfoBean.java h x_,>\@ */ p5 !B package NetFox; 4P1<Zi+< epWTZV(1x H)eecH$K public class SiteInfoBean { p2(U'x
c [;rty<Z^b nPAVrDg
O private String sSiteURL; //Site's URL g~>g]) private String sFilePath; //Saved File's Path DU@ZLk3 private String sFileName; //Saved File's Name %Ls5:Z= private int nSplitter; //Count of Splited Downloading File L?WF[nFR G;^}, %< {$dq7m( public SiteInfoBean() tEj-c@`"x- {//nSplitter的缺省值为5 Oa8lrP`( //default value of nSplitter is 5 >?pWbL this("","","",5); BqF%2{ } '+@q gj\'1(Ju n0/H2>I[ public SiteInfoBean(String sURL,String sPath,String sName,int nSpiltter) =th(Hdk17 { -AJ$-y sSiteURL= sURL; 0`{3|g sFilePath = sPath; Rh=,]Y sFileName = sName; aGl*h"& this.nSplitter = nSpiltter; LF2@qv w D jbDap i< qHAZ)Tz } 51,RbADB l6YToYzE2 fV 6$YCf public String getSSiteURL() BA1|%:. { 1$Jria5n return sSiteURL; ,KM-DCwcG
} {iz,iv/U p "J^ T7wy{; public void setSSiteURL(String value) Lc0U-!{G { [<2#C#P:6 sSiteURL = value; ,-4SVj8$P } 7wO0d/l_ S:\a&+og k|O?qE1hP public String getSFilePath() pl-2O $ { *@E Itj ` return sFilePath; dBB;dN } _tl,-}~ }I1A4=d H
3e(- public void setSFilePath(String value) \`nRgYSE { Q|!}&= sFilePath = value; w<m)T } vf|lF9@U } Fw/WD gK`o;` ^ public String getSFileName() +IRr&J*P { pPC_ub return sFileName; 0:,8Ce } X2Z
E9b [(hB%x_" Oq7R^t`b public void setSFileName(String value) oj8_e xx { `u. /2]n sFileName = value; Ca&p;K9FR } #P)7b,3pe gwf*M3( 1X5*V!u public int getNSplitter() |Lq -vs? { /~4wM#Yi8 return nSplitter; m]Sv>| } i8]2y wR x5` @ 3?}W0dZ$d public void setNSplitter(int nCount) Z5oX "Yx { .U66Uet>RX nSplitter = nCount; `I\)Kk@*b9 } RR%[]M#_T } BQs~>}(V isdEs k#A. Z[(V0/[] /* 7 Q`'1oE? **Utility.java $Iu N(# */ EB/.M+~a package NetFox; ?=UIx24W eX+FtN +cDz`)N,, public class Utility { ^kS44pr\Q FUq>+U!Qu uV\ _j3,2 public Utility() d1MVhE { *jBn
^ R^fk :3 AADvk_R } :4{;^|RgU WWO@ULGY //线程睡眠 V4('}Q! public static void sleep(int nSecond) +
lha= { Bn[5M[ try{ #WOb&h Thread.sleep(nSecond); 7c:5Ey } jq4'=L$4 catch(Exception e) 4z~%gt74O] { Fu
K(SP3 e.printStackTrace (); ";)SA,Z } D^E+#a 1 } [jOvy>2K] 7_AR()CM //日志 A[,[j?wC public static void log(String sMsg) jslfq@5v { R*C System.err.println(sMsg); 12NV } g{`r WKj Jb~nu m[@7!.0=
public static void log(int sMsg) \"E-z.wW= { P]Hcg|& System.err.println(sMsg); Dn[iA~ } 9Q!X~L|\S } ,W'?F9Y\ {kLL&`ii WsA(8Ck< /* ^:b%QO **TestMethod.java w% Ug9 */ g@&@]63 package NetFox; ;'o:1{Y \XG18V& %H-(-v^T* public class TestMethod { #-QQ_ kUl:Yj=& (I?CW~3# public TestMethod() b,?@_*qv+ { ///xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe hBSci|*f try{ u}Q@u!~e9 SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost/xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe","L:\\temp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); ` "Gd/ //SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost:8080/down.zip","L:\\temp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); V9v80e {n4 SiteFileFetch fileFetch = new SiteFileFetch(bean); t^|+|>S fileFetch.start(); =w~phn } SI:+I4i catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} {y{&tzZ 67uUeCW DhQYjC[ } #+1*g4m~B ]LvpYRU$P %hYol89F public static void main(String[] args) KcGM=z?: {
+["t@Q4IQ new TestMethod(); &{s`=IeN } GC{)3)_ t } x<
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