挪威仙音《Amazing Grace》Cecilia[mp3/320K][10首]
专辑名称:Amazing Grace %EJ\|@N:
发行公司:Hay House Inc l?o-!M{
发行日期:2007年05月01日 !Ig|m+
专辑艺人:Cecilia ##EB; Y
专辑语种:英语专集 v ]/OAH6D
专辑介绍: nL":0!DTRD
Cecilia is an inspirational singer with a crystal clear and as tonishingly beautiful voice. She is different; an artist somewhere between Celine Dion, Sarah Brightman and Enya. Her unique voice reaches 3 octaves, singing everything from pop to classical. This album includes her famous rendition of Amazing Grace. #90[PASx
专集曲目: ^6)GS%R
01.Amazing Grace cD'HQ3+
02.Prayer of St. Francis DD/>{kff
03.You Raise Me Up _4.]A3;}
04.Angel >op:0on]}
05.From a Distance c|\ZRBdI
06.Ave Maria tp6csS,
07.Over the Rainbow *]}CSZ[>
08.I Believe M1/M}~
09.May It Be eq@am(#&kY
10.The Rose