艺术家:Colin Hay 专辑名称:"Are You Looking At Me" EzNmsbtZ(
压缩格式:MP3 | 压缩比率:CBR 192 Kbps 48000 Stereo | 47:05 | 文件大小:68.72Mb|发行时间:2007 |音乐风格:| Genre: Rock/pOp | Songwriter U^pe/11)H
简介: SF_kap%JM
It was Christmas of 1983 that I received Cargo by Men at Work on cassette, packaged with Zenyatta Mendatta by the Police, as a gift from my cousin. Though history may have been kinder to the Police, as long-term popularity is concerned, Cargo was the better of the two albums, and Business as Usual, their debut, was arguably equally good. I even enjoyed their less than perfect final studio album, Two Hearts. That’s just to say, I’m a fan. Fast forward almost two decades: my band’s drummer and I went to catch the recently reunited Men at Work in Atlanta hoping for a good laugh – we hadn’t had many good experiences with '80’s band re-unions so our expectations were pretty low. We could hardly bring ourselves to clap: they weren’t good – they were incredible. We stood there, jaws agape, amazed at the excellent showmanship, musicianship, and raw talent, as they tore through a perfect mix of hits, individual solo-material, rarities, and even new songs – truly one of the best concerts I’ve ever seen. 00;=6q]TA
There’s a certain beauty that can occur in a collaboration – just like Sting’s solo material, though very good, didn’t carry the same power of the Police’s collective output, Colin Hay’s solo career has been spotty at best. There have been the occasional gems – like the very catchy “Into My Life” from Wayfaring Sons, or the beautiful Cockburn-esque “Waiting for My Real Life to Begin” from Topanga – but overall, though Hay’s approach has matured via building on the folk music styles of Men at Work’s pre-major label days, the songwriting output of his solo career just isn’t as memorable as Men at Work. &OI=rvDmo
Enter Are You Looking at Me?, Colin Hay’s new solo-album. Recorded almost entirely in his home studio, Are You Looking at Me? is a giant step in the right direction. The title track is easily one of the most interesting, if not the catchiest, song released so far in his solo career: a quirky autobiographical piece chronicling his rise to, and fall from, stardom, told in a manner that only Colin Hay could pull off. With a wink from his wandering eye and a smile full of crooked teeth, he sounds somehow comfortable where he is – and he should be: with the release of "Are You Looking At Me", Colin finds himself in a very good place. The production is perfectly matched to songwriting, and the songwriting is solid. Now, that’s not to say the CD is perfect: in all honesty, the lead-off title track is actually so strong that it’s hard to not find yourself somewhat let down by the rest of the c.d., at least on a first listen, but taken as a whole this is a really enjoyable release. Other standouts are the beautiful ballad, “Lonely without You” and “Land of the Midnight Sun”, a pleasant pop song which in many respects reminded me of what Men at Work might be doing if they were still together today. +e?ixvld
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No, Are You Looking at Me? is not a new Men at Work record, but when compared to Colin’s solo-career it’s a very strong CD. and well worth owning. It this is a sign of things to come, I hope he keeps it up. 6 Dg[b
(Colin Hay/Columbia) #v&&GuF
在1982年的美国演艺界,据说人们遇见过去没有见过的艺人时,最常提出的问题之一是,“你是澳洲来的吗?”原因很简单,因为有好些来自澳洲的艺人,突然都开始在美国获得了惊人的成功。例如,影星梅尔吉柏逊(Mel Gibson)以疯狂卖座的“冲锋飞车队”(Mad Max)崛起,而继“空中补给”(Air Supply)、“小河乐队”(Little River Band)和瑞克史普林菲德(Rick Springfield)之后,一支名叫“工作者”(Men at Work)的澳洲乐队也异军突起,席卷了美国、甚至全世界的排行榜。 vjXvjv{t
他们以带有雷鬼色彩的风格、近似于“警察”(Police)合唱团的节奏感,加上富有吸引力的吉他叠句、如泣如诉的萨克斯风、以及独特的幽默感,以出道首张专辑“Business as Usual”轰动国际,打破了美国排行榜有史以来艺人首张专辑在冠军宝座停留最久的纪录,而他们风趣而前卫的音乐录影带也获得MTV的强力放送,使得他们的单曲也跟着连连夺下排行冠军。
远在南半球的澳洲,其实向来不乏杰出的音乐人才。出生于苏格兰的歌手柯林黑(Colin Hay),在十四岁那年移民澳洲,后来进入墨尔本的一所大学就读。1979年,他前去应征一支正在招募团员的乐队,遇见了就读于同一所大学的吉他手朗史特莱柯特(Ron Strykert),两人谈论起十二弦吉他,发现彼此志同道合。几个月之后,他们决定自己组团,网罗擅长键盘乐器的另一位同学葛瑞格汉姆(Greg Ham)和鼓手杰瑞史派瑟(Jerry Speiser),把乐队命名为“工作者”。 i6X/`XW'
不久,他们又吸收另一位团员,曾经受过古典小提琴训练的贝斯手约翰瑞斯(John Rees),底定了阵容。接下来的两年间,他们努力的每天在墨尔本一带的酒店表演,不断的实验各种不同的音乐风格,逐渐成了全澳洲还没有跟唱片公司签约的乐队之中,酬劳最高的一支。 r,b
到了1981年,他们终于获得CBS澳洲分公司的合约,公司并且安排一位来自美国的制作人彼得麦可伊安(Peter McIan)跟他们合作。由于对前途还没有把握,他们当时还非常节俭,每个人每星期只拿十块钱,圣诞节的时候“奢侈”一点,拿四十元。 m2_&rjGz
在麦可伊安的制作之下,“工作者”于1982年春天完成了首张专辑“Business as Usual”,并且以柯林黑谱写的“Who Can It Be Now”当作首支单曲推出,立即造成轰动,专辑更夺下澳洲排行十个星期的冠军,改写了历史。接着,他们前往美国宣传,为佛利伍麦克(Fleetwood Mac)担任暖场,获得热烈的反应,甚至被媒体拿来跟“警察”、“汽车”(The Cars)和“交通”(Traffic)等乐队相提并论。 ;Rnb^t6Z
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MTV非常欣赏他们的音乐录影带,予以强力放送,使得他们打开了更高的知名度,“Who Can It Be Now”也随即开始风靡,首先在1982年七月十日打进美国排行,获得第八十三名。经过十六个星期的爬升之后,这首歌终于在十月三十日登上冠军宝座,成了哥伦比亚唱片有史以来第三个以首支单曲夺得冠军的艺人或团体。有趣的是,这也是有史以来第十二首以问句当作标题的冠军曲。 1/&j'B
十一月中旬,“Business as Usual”登上全美专辑排行冠军宝座,蝉联十五个星期,相当风光。只可惜,正如“空中补给”,“工作者”也无法长期拥有美国歌迷的支持,在推出第三张专辑“Two Hearts”之后,于1985年宣告解散,不过却让人留下相当深刻的印象。 _&dGo(B
专辑曲目: @EZXPU
Track List: zM@iG]?kc
01 Are You Lookin' at Me x%(!+
02 Lose to Win ;l`8w3fDt
03 Here in My Hometown Lqch~@E&%#
04 Up in Smoke T.(SBP
05 No One Knows %hTe%(e
06 This Time I Got You )E4COw+
07 Lonely Without You -_4! id
08 What Would Bob Do ,]cd%w9
09 Pure Love RMvlA'c
10 Me and My Imaginary Friend SU#|&_wtr!
11 Land of the Midnight Sun xeHu-J!P
12 I Wish I Was Still Drinking ar^`r!ABEh
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