- 注册时间2007-03-17
- 最后登录2017-10-26
- 在线时间46小时
- 发帖1660
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- 铜板3994
- 人品值2133
- 贡献值0
- 交易币0
- 好评度1663
- 信誉值0
- 金币1
- 发帖
- 1660
- 铜板
- 3994
- 人品值
- 2133
- 贡献值
- 0
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1663
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 1
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h{CL{>d \K5DOM "# i`(XLi}k 專輯名稱:The Magnificent Adventures Of Heartache -)w@f~Q 歌手姓名:Jason Reeves =m!-m\B/ 唱片公司:Unsigned C].iCxn 發行日期:Sep. 2007 fa-IhB1!K 專輯流派:Indie/ Folk qB~rQPa 0]'7_vDs| (uXL^oja Jason Reeves is a 22 year old songwriter and musician from Iowa City, Iowa that now lives in Los Angeles, California. His fourth and newest CD "hearts are magnets" features band members from Five For Fighting, Alanis Morisette, OneRepublic and more. It was produced by Mikal Blue and Curt Schneider at Revolver Studios in Westlake Village, CA. Jb0`42 tRs [ YK lNz7u:U3 "There’s always a fine line to walk when it comes to earnestly soulful singer-songwriters armed with acoustic guitars. For every Elliott Smith whose lyrics are consistently pure genius, there’s a thousand more clichéd hacks drowning in self-sorrows and emo. So where does Iowa native and recent Los Angeles transplant Jason Reeves fall within the fray on his latest EP? rV2WnAb[H& :y+2*lV Ever the discerning critic, I was pretty much sold just by seeing the album’s beautifully lush cover art and, because I’m such a sucker for a good metaphor, the title Hearts Are Magnets. But now that I’ve rambled for 90-something words without ever actually mentioning Reeves’ songs, let’s get to the music itself. ]s]vZ )P%ZA)l%_o lG9bLiFY 01. Someone Somwhere eX?OYDDC0j 02. Happy Accident Tl%`P_J)-S 03. You In A Song EMh7z7}Rr 04. Reaching ERUz3mjA/ 05. Pretty Eyes !02`t4Zc- 06. Entwined ~Y `ldL 07. Sunbeam Lights ,`|3KE9 08. Never Find Again y<?kzt 09. New Hampshire 0g
+7uGp: 10. Old Fashioned Letters l}a)ZeR1 11. Just Friends Sxnpq Vbk 12. The Fragrant Taste Of Rain u__9Z:+ 13. Gasoline s(5Y 14. Photographs & Memories ]GMe\n 15. The End n D0K).=Q 16. Untitled *M[?bk~~ aI%g2q0f ,g%0`SO 試聽官網 : http://www.myspace.com/jasonreeves D60aH!ft cm&nd'A't ; ^*}#Xd 下载地址:http://www.sharebig.com/d/stqoxuvyt/0GrBaN446F2328E0B/The%20Magnificent%20Adventures%20Of%20Heartache.rar.htm mi=Q{>rb iNWw;_|1 密码:allanzhulei