ARTIST: R. Kelly o!";&\,Ip
TITLE: Live: The Light It Up Tour 8l, R|$RKP
LABEL: Jive/Zomba ?/SI A9VK
GENRE: R&B {5$.:Y
GRABBER: DVD Decrypter U1Z.#ETnM
ENCODER: Lame 3.97 / -V2 --vbr-new 4}4K6y<q
QUALITY: 186 Kbps Avg / 44.1 KHz / Joint Stereo h]DS$WZ
PLAYTIME: 1h 47min 39sec total 3%g\)Cs
SIZE: 143.0MB 78iu<L+If
RELEASE DATE: 03-20-2007 5$(qnOi
RIP DATE: 06-26-2007 ncGg@$E
专集曲目: +8rGStv
01. Gigolo/Bump, Bump, 2:54 CPw=?<db
Bump/Hotel/Wonderful U|Du9_0
02. So Sexy/We Thuggin'/Used To Me 6:24 tY1M7B^~
Spending/Home Alone/TP-2/Strip For You AWY#t&
03. The Greatest Sex/The Greatest Sex 8:03 zB8 @Wl
Interlude d^0vaX6e}
04. Ignition/Fiesta/Your Body's 9:57 \5MW65
Callin'/When A Woman's Fed Up/Down Low F@76V$U.
(Nobody Has To Know) 4490l"
05. Interlude/It Seems Like You're Ready 9:01 :#?Z)oQpT
06. I Wish/Snake/Thoia Thoing/Get This 8:16 `<0{U]m
Money M[C9P.O%w
07. The Zoo/Feelin' On Yo Body/Feelin' On 9:13 K!JXsdHK
Yo Booty Opera .5i\L OTd
08. Ooh Na Na/R&B Thug/Bump & Grind/Sex 8:04 3XCePA5z
Me/Hey Mr. DJ/You Remind Me/Mind 2hlb$N-hk
Telling Me No ':}
09. Sex In The Kitchen/Interlude 10:27 AB!P(
10. Sex Weed/Kickin' It With Your 8:03 g3}K
Girlfriend/Poem/Slow Wind ?l6NQ;z
11. Trapped In The Closet Chapters 1, 2 & 10:34 ^9{mjy0Q
3 ^F>C|FJ2
12. Love Street/Red Carpet 3:30 yc#0c[ZQu
13. Ladies' Night (Treat Her Like 10:14 lji&]^1
Heaven)/Steppin' In The Name of Love X0h`g)Bbf
(Remix)/Happy People th$?#4SbR
14. End Credits 2:59 (iwZs:k-
Release Notes: XS L*e
Source Audio: AC3 2.0 1Q&\y)@bT
Best-selling R&B producer and artist R. Kelly performs at the Paramount Theater D8`dEB2|S
in Oakland, California and ten high-definition cameras roll to capture the stage !rK,_wH
show from every angle possible for this, the smooth singer's first-ever live qmWK8}F.cE
concert video release. A blend of past hits and tunes from Kelly's 2007 release HF2w?:
is driven by such songs as "I Believe I Can Fly", "Bump and Grind", and vZDM}u
"Fiesta". QoGvjf3z
The other release did not list its source audio track in the nfo, which is |>/T*zk<
required. Also, I checked around, many sites are missing 5gdsV4DH$
track 12, so there's a possibility it may have been pred incomplete. The first ~^<ju6O'
chapter of the main program was not included because it's pretty much all 9^ DXw!
applause. ^#-i%V%
But we included the End Credits chapter since there's a nice interlude of music B4hT(;k
going on. D 7D:?VoR
Sorry for the repack, we hate wasting the disk space of sites and the credits of 5uVSbo.
couriers, but our previous release clips slightly on certain portions of most of 7K 8tz}
the tracks. j}uVT2ZE%
*J ]2"~_.
上面的介绍全是英文看得懂的就看吧.看不懂的可以完全忽视的...这张专集因为是现场版的.听着更有激情...而且效果很好,演唱的也都是他的名曲.很棒的专集.喜欢R&B和喜欢R.Kelly的朋友别错过哈... Ju0W
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