- 注册时间2006-12-24
- 最后登录2017-10-26
- 在线时间1小时
- 发帖1553
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板4458
- 人品值1927
- 贡献值2
- 交易币0
- 好评度1551
- 信誉值0
- 金币0
- 发帖
- 1553
- 铜板
- 4458
- 人品值
- 1927
- 贡献值
- 2
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1551
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 0
- 所在楼道
喜欢雨天,仿佛整个世界一下子变得清净了,房间内柔和的灯光,冲一杯咖啡,伴着窗外雨水小声的旋律,听抒情的音乐、看一部爱情电影或者玩联机游戏,这是个慵懒惬意的天气,也容易多愁伤感起来,思绪无束缚地随意飘忽,从过去到未来,从现实到幻想... |q9,,i}! |
3hT {
D6"~fjHh [+Yl;3&] Ace Of Base,20世纪90年代欧洲乐坛最富传奇色彩的舞曲流行组合,和ABBA、Roxette同来自瑞典,成员四人为Jonas和他的两个妹妹Linn、Jenny以及好友ULF,姐妹俩担任主唱。然而正如众多金属乐队都有震撼人心的柔情金属一样,这支舞曲组合也有一首超级动听的抒情歌曲,就在前些天整理硬盘的时候删除了他们的所有动感舞曲,只留下了这首不一样的《Everytime It Rains》。 (bM)Nd IH*U!_ ` 这首歌由Linn单独演唱,温情而忧郁的嗓音,特别注意其中很多处细微的颤音,自然平稳,饱含深情,使得这首歌更具感染力~ y_;]=hEL 3m?@7 F 翻译一段Amazon上的我完全赞同的乐评: ID_|H?. 这无疑是Ace of Base最棒的歌曲,毫不夸张地说,或许也是迄今为止最美丽的抒情歌曲。Linn负责单独演唱整首歌曲,而她的妹妹Jenny可能就是一旁敬畏地看着她。没有人能有Linn那样充满忧郁的嗓音,完美地与歌词和音乐结合在一起。如果你只能完整地听一首Ace of Base的歌,向上帝祈祷是这首吧,你将肯定会一遍又一遍地反复聆听! oR!n bm
rytGr9S Ace Of Base - Everytime It Rains 7/[TE -d\AiT
" {,\]l&o Download A?^A*e Lyrics yd{Y}. K*J4&5?/ I see dark clouds out my window dVjcK/T< I know the storm is coming any minute 8N</Yi|n And the thunder just confirms my fears a)YJ4\Qg[ And I know the tears are in there #r78Ym'aI I'll be crying unable to stop }D&"z8mP Look here comes the very first drop <yPq;#z(! - I1cAt 看见窗外乌云密布 5e~ j 我知道暴风雨随时来临 a
5~G 雷声证实了我的这一担心 /gMa" 5?, 我知道眼泪就要涌出 .Bm ^3A 我将不停地哭泣 #VP-T; Ahe 第一滴泪已经出来了 8ItCfbqa6 H-nFsJ(R!c Cause every time it rains EN5G:hD I fall to pieces 7TMDZ* So many memories the rain releases %N?W]vbra
I feel you... I taste you 'b?#4rq} I can not forget n0>5'm%ES Every time it rains... I get wet YL0WUD_> 1( QWt 因为每个雨天我都会心碎 %B*<BgJ;4F 雨水冲破记忆的阀门 gdkLPZ<< 我感觉到你,回味着曾经美好的时光 +8?R+0P 这些我都无法忘记 o`JlXuG?o 每次下雨...两眼湿润 vfk7J5y Darling I am still in love with you c,{& As time passes by it just intensifies sM);gI14 I know I'll never be with you again v#T?YK I'll never find another with that kindness in his eyes 0%q{UW2 I'll be trying unable to stop mfp`Iy"}+ Look here comes the very first drop ~{3o(gzl 5Xq.=/eX 亲爱的,我依然爱着你 8k* 时间只会令这份爱更加强烈 hSLwiX~ 我知道我们不会再在一起 9~Y)wz 我想再也不会遇到另一个如此亲切的人了 [TpA26#TTO 但我仍将不断尝试 tDuUAI54 Cause every time it rains g z)wUQ|W I fall to pieces [E..VesrM So many memories the rain releases xC=3|,U I feel you... I taste you E@'CU9Fo I can not forget d=.n|rS4
W Every time it rains... I get wet uHujw.H/y On sunny days I'm all right y5Z<uwXc I walk in the light "`V"2zZlj And I try not to think about ^bY^x+d The love I live without K"t:B 0|wKR|zW 天晴的日子我会很好 8) ebXc 走在阳光下 l{D,O?`Av 我尽量不去想这份不属于我的爱情 0qotC6l~_w But every time it rains _z"ci$[ I fall to pieces
5K_N So many memories the rain releases w;h\Y+Myyk I feel you... I taste you p8}5x 2F I can not forget f;_K}23 Every time it rains... I get wet H*:r>Lm= Cause every time it rains I1}{~@ I fall to pieces =4w^)'/ So many memories the rain releases CoKj'jA I feel you... I taste you )ZuQ;p
I can not forget #4|i@0n}D Every time it rains... I get wet
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