越狱第三季第四集中女主角Sara死了!|What Happened to Dr. Sara Tancredi on Prison Break??Submitted by
admin on 2007, October 9, 2:14 PM. prisonbreak
Find out the answer inside…

Yes, Dr. Sara Tancredi (
Sarah Wayne Callies) was decapitated and her head stuffed in a box. So what really happened to SWC?
TVGuide interviewed
Prison Break executive producer
Matt Olmstead to get to the bottom of things:
What was your understanding as to why she didn’t want to come back? It seems strange that she refused to return in any capacity. Doesn’t it seem strange to you? It looked like a pretty good deal on the face of it. We definitely came up in money. Thirteen episodes would have allowed the character to have a proper exit. We were willing to push the start date back [to accommodate her maternity leave], which would have meant her coming in [around] Episode 10, but that wasn’t accepted. So then we offered to come up [to Canada] before she gave birth and film at her house. Pretty good money and she wouldn’t even have to leave her house. That wasn’t accepted. So it was a little curious to me and to others why she was taking such a hard stance. [Maybe] she felt that she was made certain assurances about being part of the show this season. And in fairness to her, those assurances were given, because she was such a valuable member of the show…. Also, she’s up [in Canada]. She’s comfortable. She’s starting a family. Maybe she didn’t want to have to fly down and have to do this stuff. Or maybe she felt like she wanted to be part of the show [full time], not just half the season. Perhaps she felt a little jilted. Our [original] plan was to definitely keep her for [all of] Season 3, but after a couple of times of getting it kicked back from the network, we had to come up with a new idea and that necessitated her character being killed.
Read the full interview here.
Sarah Wayne Callies response via her spokesperson:
“As hard as we all tried, the
Prison Break powers that be and I were unable to find a way to meet both the needs of the story and the needs of my family. We parted wishing each other well. I had a wonderful time working with the creative team and have a world of respect for all of them; they took great care of Dr. Sara. I’m also enormously grateful to the fans. They’ve been so gracious and supportive, and I hope they continue to enjoy the show.”
There’s also a video interview with
Wentworth Miller,
Amaury Nolasco, and
Dominic Purcell with E! here.
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