“九”句英语闯天下 %`bLmfm
之耍赖九句 ;<86P3S
游戏时耍赖︰ AX/=}G
That doesn't count. \XZU'JIO
那不算! *{HGLl|=
We weren't playing for real. *sIi$1vHu
我们不是玩真的。 hg(KNvl
欠钱时耍赖︰ c>M_?::)0
Money has been really tight lately... 4mki&\lw`
最近手头有点紧…… ;]|m((15G
I've had so many other expenses... BASO$?jf4
我有太多其它的费用要付…… 1OuSH+
犯错时耍赖︰ ^Z#<tN;
It's not my fault. ]%b0[7[
那不是我的错。 ?U7&R%Lh`
He / She made me do it. FuIWiO(
他(她)要我做的。 Z#H@BWN7
交通违规时耍赖︰ h;&&@5@lM
I didn't see the sign. 0;.e#(`-
我没有看到标胖尽? |j\eBCnH3
规避责任时耍赖︰ h}Fu"zK
It's not my turn to... Yk(NZ3O
这次不是轮到我…… z1z=P%WK
I didn't know anything about it... jJiCF,m
我对此事一无所知…… g`y/_
之恭贺新禧九句 E;ndw/GZjR
祝新年新气象: (\5<GCW-
As the new year begins, let us also start anew. Lx|w~+k}
一元复始,万象更新。 JI28}Cxs0
祝新年财运佳: Nj! R9N
Happy New Year and hope you strike it rich! ZYpD8u6U
恭喜发财 cj,&&3sbV
May wealth and riches be drawn your way./May you walk the path of prosperity. &