zb>f;[ 压缩格式 MP3 | 压缩比率 320 kbps CBR |音乐风格 Rock | Full CD Covers | 文件大小Size: 101 MB
v`#j 54q4CagFq mF[o*N* "Many years from now" must have seemed like an understatement to 16-year-old Paul McCartney, wondering if he'd still be needed or fed at the age of 64. As it turned out, all doubt as to the latter had ceased by his 22nd birthday (though few could have predicted he'd end up washing down those meals with the liquid pride of Seattle). As to the former? Now that McCartney, as of the date of this album's release, has reached that mythic age, his greatest work is 40 years behind him, his solo peak over 30 years gone. Does the world need a new Paul McCartney album? The answer is yes, at least as much as it needs anything else that passes for music these days. With Memory Almost Full, Macca is back. No, it's not Ram or Band on the Run. It might not even be Flowers in the Dirt--in 1989, he had a full band, the support of Linda, and Elvis Costello as a collaborator. Here, he's on his own. Literally: on the majority of the tracks, everything but the strings is multi-instrumentalist Paul. But the surprise is that it's one of his freest, loosest affairs in years, sonically reminiscent of the Tug of War/Pipes of Peace era with nods to Abbey Road in the album-closing medley, McCartney's gravelly tones on "Gratitude," and 2007's version of "Her Majesty," the palate-cleansing "Nod Your Head." It's a surprise because of the album's inescapable sense of retrospection ("Ever Present Past," "Vintage Clothes," "That Was Me") and even a bit of weariness. The next-to-last song is "The End of the End," after all, in which McCartney tells us about what he'd like to happen "on the day that I die." (He wants "songs that were sung/to be hung out like blankets/that lovers have played on/and laid on while listening to songs that were sung," and will likely get his wish.) But it never gets overwhelming, for McCartney mostly resists his tendency to get plodding and maudlin. In fact, Memory Almost Full must be the most sanguine album made during the dissolution of a marriage since...well, ever. "What went out is coming back," he sings in "Vintage Clothes," and from the sound of things, that may not be just wishful thinking. What's past is prologue; if we're lucky, what to come may be McCartney's late renaissance.
(O)\#%,@R 中文名称:Memory Almost Full
Q0zW ]a 资源类型:MP3!
{fGd:2dh 发行时间:2007年06月05日
\H Wcd| 专辑歌手:
Paul McCartney DA<F{n.Z: 地区:英国
YSR mt/ 语言:英语
sU) TXL'_! 简介:
!c3```* 专辑介绍: EMVk:Vt] Paul McCartney在上个世纪的六十年代开始发飙,先是与John Lennon相识加入乐队Quarrymen,接着又是随着beatles红遍了这个大大的世界,岁月不饶人的,如今,这位大爷还是活跃在琴弦上,也为自己脚趾加手指都数不过来(因为这是他的第21张专辑了)的唱片新添了一张很棒的辑子,这就是今天的《Memory Almost Full》。
\#4m@ 这张专辑是完全是他私人的记忆专辑,绝对可以用来怀古的那种,“这张专辑有几处地方可以说是很私人化的,其中的许多曲目都是对过往的回顾,它们都是我从记忆深处提取出来的,就像是孩提时的记忆,还有对利物浦的回忆,对逝去的夏日的回忆。专辑能唤起人们心底珍藏的点滴,一点情绪化,一点摇滚,但是我很难真正用一句话涵盖它给人的感觉。”
?M *7@t@ 这也是他自2005年的热卖唱片的再接再厉,也是他加盟新公司Hear Music的第一张全心创作专辑,很棒,值得收藏!!!
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yfmp$GO: o&(wg(Rv 传奇,没有句点
>5)<Uv$ 王者,终将再临
f~w>v QWrIa1.JC 摇滚金交椅,大哥真性情,披头四传奇-经典再续
j$3rJA%rN 他的音乐,不需要我们用任何文字来对人动之以情……
%KGq*|GUu si_W:mLF{a c |>=S)| 让保罗麦卡尼他自己,说给您听……
Vy-28icZ` '3A+"k-}mh R/^@cA 我其实早在上一张专辑“Chaos And Creation In The Backyard”[*2005年9月发行]发行之前就开始筹备【Memory Almost Full】这张大碟,我跟我的巡回演唱乐团成员兼专辑的制作人大卫卡恩[David Kahne *自2001年起为麦卡尼制作“Driving Rain”、“Back In The World”等专辑,曾以东尼班奈特的不插电演唱专辑“MTV Unplugged : Tony Bennett”荣获葛莱美奖年度制作人大奖,同时也是凯莉克莱森 (Kelly Clarkson)2007年专辑“My December”的制作人]在2003年秋季于英国著名的’艾比路录音室’(Abbey Road)进行首次的录音工作,这个录音工作刚好卡在中间,因为在当时,我开始跟另一位制作人奈吉尔贾里奇[Nigel Godrich *制作过电台司令(Radiohead)、崔维斯乐团(Travis)、贝克(Beck)的专辑]聊到一个全新的专辑[*这个专辑就成了后来所发行的“Chaos And Creation In The Backyard”专辑]。
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|&>/dyq ,i?) 当“Chaos And Creation In The Backyard”这张专辑的所有事情都告一段落,然后又在2006年获得了葛莱美奖提名,我觉得我要重新回过头去把这张专辑完成,所以,我把专辑拿出来再听一次,看看自己还喜不喜欢,事实尚,我还真的很喜欢呢!刚开始的时候,我只是听了几首歌,我心想说:“好的,我喜欢那首歌,现在,那首歌有什么不对竟的地方呢?”或许是鼓的声音吧!所以,我重新做了鼓声的部份,看看我们会走向什么样的乐风。
#SKfE "(s6aqO$ K&=D-50% 专辑的后头有一段融合了5首歌曲的旋律,那是特地用来表现出怀旧的感觉的,我会这样想,有可能是因为我的人生来到了转戾点,不过,之后,我想起了我跟约翰蓝侬(John Lennon)一起写歌的时光,这其中有许多的东西也都是在回首过往,那感觉就像是我在写" Penny Lane"、"Eleanor Rigby"这些歌曲的时候一样,我用的还是同样的创作技巧! 我知道大家会以不同的方式来诠释这些歌曲,但是,事实上就是这么一回事,我喜欢写歌,所以,我不断的写歌,我从来就没有想过要写一些跟特别主题有关的歌曲,不过,我所想的事情最终还是会变成我所会去做的事情。 专辑的开场歌曲是"Dance Tonight",近来,我买了曼陀林,我弹着曼陀林,然后就弹出了这首歌曲的基本架构,几个礼拜前,我们为这首歌曲拍摄了一支非常有趣的音乐录影带,影带由“王牌冤家”、“恋爱梦游中”的导演米榭冈崔(Michel Gondry)执导,由“巴黎我爱你”女主角娜塔莉波曼与英国影集“办公室笑云”(The Office)男主角麦肯锡库鲁克(Mackenzie Crook)主演,我不想透露影带的情节,你得自己去看,不过,我们拍摄时可是玩得相当愉快呢! 专辑的名称是在我完成了专辑录制之后想到的,对我来说,除了“Sgt. Peppers”专辑之外,我的专辑名称通常都是在这个时候出现的,不然,我想不出我在跟披头四、翅膀合唱团(The Wings)做专辑,或是做个人专辑的时候有想过专辑名称和专辑概念,我思考了一下概括整张专辑的东西是什么,然后,【Memory Almost Full】这个名称就突然浮现在我的脑海,这个名称似乎涵盖了现代人的生活,在现代,我们的脑袋瓜子有可能会超过负荷,我发现我的电话就出现过好几次这样的状况,当我开始跟一些朋友就这个点子进行脑力激荡的时候,几乎每个人从这句话所得到的意义都不尽相同,不过,他们都说很喜欢这个专辑名称,所以,彼此之间对这句话的回应确定了专辑的名称。 在完成了专辑之后,我开始思考专辑的封面,还有我希望它看起来的样子,我真的想要把这张专辑变成是一个人人都会想要的东西,就是那种我知道我会想要把它从CD货架上挑出来的东西,那种会让人好奇的东西,我希望我们最终的概念做到了,专辑的封套上有我的好朋友亨佛莱欧辛(Humphrey Ocean)的蚀刻画作,至于专辑的歌词方面,我热切期待看看大家会对专辑的封面设计做出什么样的诠释。
kOw=c Gt J,f/fPaf7 AY#wVy 近来,我开始进行一连串的宣传行程,我开始听到一些率先听到这张专辑的人对专辑的一些反应,目前听到的都非常的好!我听见别人对这些歌曲的了解,还有他们的一些感觉,这些听来都非常的有意思。我自己也开始谈论这张专辑,我真的非常享受这个自我发现的过程。
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xIB ev9;Ld 我非常享受我跟大卫卡恩一起制作这张专辑的过程,我对于所有的歌曲都感到相当的骄傲,我们共同拥有一段美好的时光,我希望所有即将挑到这张专辑的乐迷能够感染到我们所拥有的乐趣……….
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j^xU 专辑曲目:
qAoAUDm 'T\dkSJv;V B[r<m J vxZg &SRK 01. Dance Tonight
{m[s<A( 02. Ever Present Past
kK 03. See Your Sunshine
pet~[e%! 04. Only Mama Knows
JIzY,%`\ 05. You Tell Me
/Rj#sxtdw 06. Mr. Bellamy
}g~g50ci 07. Gratitude
$EAc 08. Vintage Clothes
KU-'+k2s;p 09. That Was Me
11@]d]v , 10. Feet In The Clouds
2d*_Qq1 11. House of Wax
Fh K&@@_ 12. The End Of The End
089 k.WG 13. Nod Your Head
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