配配看啊 哈哈 xskz)kk
血型和个性真的有关系吗 I7]8Y=xf
Are different blood types really associated with different personality traits, or is it just superstition? f
血型和个性真的有关系吗?或者只是一种迷信? /PKN LK
Jill Wesson is hiring staff for her company’s new office in Taipei. She’s started going through a pile of applications, taking note of work experience, and skills in computers and foreign languages. But one bit of information keeps turning up, and she can’t make heads or tails of it. {_*yGK48n
“Why are all of these people telling me what their blood type is?” she asks. “What difference could that make? It’s an office, not a coal mine – nobody’s going to need a blood transfusion.” \Vk:93OH21
East Asia’s obsession with blood types comes from the work of Furukawa Takeji, a Japanese doctor who nearly a century ago was sure that personality was caused by blood type. According to his theory, each blood type had a distinctive, corresponding personality type: .e-#yET
Type A people are conservative and passive, and are concerned with appearances. Although type A people are superficial and have a touch of mental instability, they are very patient and finish what they start. 0> \sQ,T
eyxW 0}[
Type B people get along well with others because they are straightforward, and are noted for their creativity. But type B people are also moody and become bored and annoyed easily. 2~[juWbz
Type O people are stubborn and impulsive. Their redeeming quality is that they are loyal to their friends. kq-) ^,{y
Type AB people are indecisive and picky. They tend to be demanding and impatient, and they have trouble seeing things through. [V`r^
8{ I|$*nB
Despite any real evidence to support these ideas, Takeji’s theory quickly caught on. By 1930, standard job application forms included a blank for blood type, and today market researchers use it to predict buying habits, and ordinary people use it to choose friends and romantic partners. noj0F::m`j
“I’m type O,” says Sandra, who Jill eventually hired as a receptionist, “so my boyfriend should ideally be another Type O or a Type B. Type A probably won’t match.” yf,z$CR
And what about type AB? x?<FJ"8"k
“Type O with Type AB? That’s out of the question.” EdX$(scu~B
血型和个性真的有关系吗 !VzC&>'v^9
吉尔-威尔森正为她公司在台北的新办事处雇用员工。她开始查阅一堆申请书,记下工作经验、电脑相关技巧和外语能力。但是有一个小信息一直出现,她实在搞不懂为什么。 ~$J2g
“这些人为什么要告诉我他们的血型?”她问道,“这会有什么不同吗?这是办公室,不是煤矿——没有人需要输血。” [G3E%z
东亚对血型的沉迷源自日本医生古川竹二近一个世纪前的著作,他确信个性是血型造成的。根据他的理论,每种血型都有相关的独特个性: RM/ 0A|
A型的人保守、被动,在意外表。 A型的人虽然肤浅、精神有点不稳定,但他们很有耐性,而且会坚持把他们开始的工作做完。 CvdN"k
XK vi=0B
B型的人和别人处得好,因为他们很直率,并以他们的创意闻名。但是B型的人也很情绪化,很容易觉得无聊、觉得烦。 cz$2R
,#K'PB4 E
O型的人顽固、冲动。作为补偿的气质,是对他们的朋友很忠诚。 ;AG()NjOO:
19] E 5'AI
AB型的人犹豫不决、爱挑剔。他们比较苛求、没耐性,他们没办法坚持到底。 W@esITr
+w~oH =
不管有没有任何支持这些想法的实证,竹二的理论很快流行起来。到了1930年,标准的工作申请表已经包括了填写血型的空格,现在的市场调查员用这种方法来预测购买习惯,普通人则用它来选择朋友和情人。 Uw:"n]G]D?
“我是O型。”桑德拉这样说,她最后被吉尔聘用为接待员。“那么理想上我应该找另一个O型或B型的人当男朋友。A型的可能不合适。” d_P` qA
那么AB型的呢? u%!@(eKM-
“O型配AB型?想都别想。” W%Fv p;\`
血型和个性真的有关系吗 R@2X3s:
Are different blood types really associated with different personality traits, or is it just superstition? '<uq3?5
血型和个性真的有关系吗?或者只是一种迷信? jiC>d@~y
v` r:=K
Jill Wesson is hiring staff for her company’s new office in Taipei. She’s started going through a pile of applications, taking note of work experience, and skills in computers and foreign languages. But one bit of information keeps turning up, and she can’t make heads or tails of it. oL<St$1
“Why are all of these people telling me what their blood type is?” she asks. “What difference could that make? It’s an office, not a coal mine – nobody’s going to need a blood transfusion.” dF2RH)Ud
D/' dTrR
East Asia’s obsession with blood types comes from the work of Furukawa Takeji, a Japanese doctor who nearly a century ago was sure that personality was caused by blood type. According to his theory, each blood type had a distinctive, corresponding personality type: D43z9z-:L
Type A people are conservative and passive, and are concerned with appearances. Although type A people are superficial and have a touch of mental instability, they are very patient and finish what they start. e:W{OIz:
Type B people get along well with others because they are straightforward, and are noted for their creativity. But type B people are also moody and become bored and annoyed easily. 8b=_Y;
Type O people are stubborn and impulsive. Their redeeming quality is that they are loyal to their friends. T8NxJmYqB
Type AB people are indecisive and picky. They tend to be demanding and impatient, and they have trouble seeing things through. wKHBAW[i]
Despite any real evidence to support these ideas, Takeji’s theory quickly caught on. By 1930, standard job application forms included a blank for blood type, and today market researchers use it to predict buying habits, and ordinary people use it to choose friends and romantic partners. BJ0?kX@
“I’m type O,” says Sandra, who Jill eventually hired as a receptionist, “so my boyfriend should ideally be another Type O or a Type B. Type A probably won’t match.” 048kPXm`
bPMhfK2 %
And what about type AB? wyG;8I
“Type O with Type AB? That’s out of the question.” R}ecc
!!y a
血型和个性真的有关系吗 .wr>]yN
吉尔-威尔森正为她公司在台北的新办事处雇用员工。她开始查阅一堆申请书,记下工作经验、电脑相关技巧和外语能力。但是有一个小信息一直出现,她实在搞不懂为什么。 nj4/#W
“这些人为什么要告诉我他们的血型?”她问道,“这会有什么不同吗?这是办公室,不是煤矿——没有人需要输血。” eDB ;cN
东亚对血型的沉迷源自日本医生古川竹二近一个世纪前的著作,他确信个性是血型造成的。根据他的理论,每种血型都有相关的独特个性: K|@G t%Y
tMe ~vq[
A型的人保守、被动,在意外表。 A型的人虽然肤浅、精神有点不稳定,但他们很有耐性,而且会坚持把他们开始的工作做完。 QS j]ZA
1 {)Q[#l
B型的人和别人处得好,因为他们很直率,并以他们的创意闻名。但是B型的人也很情绪化,很容易觉得无聊、觉得烦。 %>s|j'{
O型的人顽固、冲动。作为补偿的气质,是对他们的朋友很忠诚。 Y^]rMK/;
AB型的人犹豫不决、爱挑剔。他们比较苛求、没耐性,他们没办法坚持到底。 .p$(ZH =~
2TuU2 f.
不管有没有任何支持这些想法的实证,竹二的理论很快流行起来。到了1930年,标准的工作申请表已经包括了填写血型的空格,现在的市场调查员用这种方法来预测购买习惯,普通人则用它来选择朋友和情人。 y> (w\K9W
“我是O型。”桑德拉这样说,她最后被吉尔聘用为接待员。“那么理想上我应该找另一个O型或B型的人当男朋友。A型的可能不合适。” H[|~/0?K
那么AB型的呢? _XT pU
/7LR;>B j