专辑名称:Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga ,A{'lu
歌手姓名:Spoon I,nW~;OV0
唱片公司:Merge Records 9B&fEmgEc?
发行日期:July 10, 2007 Li? _P5+a
专辑流派:Indie Rock ask76
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专辑介绍: H}p5qW.tH:
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Spoon是一支来自得克萨斯州Austin的独立摇滚乐队,拥有庞大的地下党羽,组成人员有Britt Daniel (主唱,吉他); Jim Eno (鼓手); Rob Pope (贝司) and Eric Harvey (键盘手,吉他,打击,和声). J8;l G
7月10日Spoon带着带着他们的第六张全程专辑再次回到世间. Merge公司即将发行的这张专辑却是未命名,也许到时会以这十首歌名来定.Britt Daniel因此显得极其活跃,不断尝试新的拼写组合像"You Got Yr Cherry Bomb", "Don't You Evah", "Rhthmand Soul", "Black Like Me" (?!). Ofm?`SE*|
而我们也很好奇"Eddie's Ragga" 是否是一首真的Ragga.如果是这样的话,就让疯狂的Spoon来记录吧。 'f
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Spoon is an American indie rock band from Austin, Texas with a wideunderground following. The band consists of Britt Daniel (vocals,guitar); Jim Eno (drums); Rob Pope (bass) and Eric Harvey (keyboard,guitar, percussion, backing vocals). c97?+Y^
The men of Spoon will return to the world of releasing killer studioalbums on July 10 with their sixth full-length. Merge will release thecurrently untitled album, and judging by the names of the record's tensongs, Britt Daniel was feeling a little feisty and very spelling-impaired: "You Got Yr Cherry Bomb", "Don't You Evah", "Rhthmand Soul", "Black Like Me" (?!). X9S`#N
We're also curious to see if "Eddie's Ragga" is indeed a ragga. If so, craziest Spoon record ever! 5j{jbo=!
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01.Don't Make Me A Target 6 o!*bWh
02.The Ghost Of You Lingers Pc:5*H
03.You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb vUNmN2pRJ
04.Don't You Evah $-Yq?:
05.Rhthm & Soul 6`JY:~V"
06.Eddie's Ragga >Hd0l L
07.The Underdog |({ M8!BS
08.My Little Japanese Cigarette Case iu$:_W_
09.Finer Feelings ~B2,edkM
10.Black Like Me @L/p