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  专辑名称:Magic Harp 魔幻竖琴 WNF=NNO-R 艺术家:Andreas Vollenweider >h/)r6 发行时间:June 14, 2005 @vQ;>4 i. 发行公司:Kin Kou wt_?B_nR 音乐品质:mp3/320K nkr, amazon.com:★★★★★ OW[/%U> 0s+rd& 's7 SZ$( 专辑介绍 M rH%hRV6R qw
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gw y$r?t0 3LmBV\[" 当“新世纪音乐”于二十世纪八十年代中时期刚刚在市扬上出现的时候,Andreas Vollenweider(安德列斯.佛伦怀德)就是为数不多的几个被称为“新世纪乐超级巨星“的音乐家。Vollenweider是位来自瑞士的竖琴表演家,1986年他的专辑登上了美国BILLBOARD流行乐、爵士乐和古典音乐排行榜,个人专辑的销售一路飚升。Vollenweider生于ZURICH,从小便浸淫于这个城市如画的美景和父亲温文而雅的品行教育当中,Vollenweider的父亲是欧洲重要的竖琴演奏家。在熟练地掌握了吉它,笛子和其它多种乐器的演奏后,年青的Vollenweider开始根据他的个人要求,热爱上了竖琴。他不但懂得了使得竖琴表演更加有节奏感的演奏技巧,而且通过追加电子装置,扩大了竖琴的音域。八十年代初期,Vollenweider同CBS唱片公司签约并发行了专辑“BEHIND THE GARDENS BEHIND THE WALL",他那轻快的打击乐节奏、奇特的充满异域风情即性竖琴演奏开始风行欧洲大陆。发行了三个专辑后,Vollenweider于1987年凭借DOWN TO THE MOON一曲获得了自己的第一个格来美奖。在接下来的几年里,Vollenweider继续坚持他在音乐上的创作原则,而不是为了保持商业上的持续成功。在1991年的专辑BOOK OF ROSE里,他开始尝试扩展在作谱上的能力,并且同时保持他富于个人特色的音乐的完整。发行专辑COSMOPOLY两年后,通过一个漫长的休整期,Vollenweider于1998年发行了专辑KRYPTOS。 Bcd0 )P(d66yq'u When Swiss harpist Andreas Vollenweider first arrived on the scene 25 years ago, he was a harbinger of a new instrumental music. That music is captured on this collection, which spans Vollenweider's career. The fantasy whimsy of "Behind the Garden..." is here, as well as intimate duets with violinist Mark O'Connor and singer Milton Nascimento. Like a ballerina with ADD, Vollenweider danced and leaped among complicated time signatures, polyrhythmic percussion, global sounds, and soaring classicism. But what held it together was the sound design of albums that were concept works, most of them a seamless flow from beginning to end. Pulled out of context, tracks are simply faded out and Vollenweider's gift for drama, musical storytelling, and moodier textures is sacrificed to focus on the more pedestrian, smooth-jazz elements in his music. But that doesn't detract from his mastery of the harp, not to mention just about every other stringed instrument he touches. Although Magic Harp by and large replicates 2001's The Essential Andreas Vollenweider collection, there are a few notable bonuses. One is an exhilarating live recording of "Moonday" from a 1987 concert in Tokyo. A bonus DVD contains three music videos revealing Vollenweider's visual imagination (and not a little bit of corniness). An additional montage of concert footage is more tantalizing than satisfying. The orchestral performance clips of his unreleased Tales from Kira Kutan leave you wanting more, and a concert from 1981 reveals what a different time that was, when Vollenweider was hip and audiences literally grooved to his music. };VGH/}&s ^~YmLI4 专辑曲目 7y)|^4X2 :`Zl\!]E`o 1. Moon Dance $+)x)1 2. See My Love 9^C!,A{u4 3. Dancing with the Lion =w;xaxjL 4. Behind the Gardens u6bB5(s`& 5. Belladonna _6QLnr&@j 6. Angoh 9cw4tqTm 7. Night Fire Dance zM9) .D
H 8. Pyramid W&~iO 9. Flight Feet & Root Hands ;>QK}#' 10. Pearls & Tears ui#1 +p3G 11. Cor Do Amor !~$ YD*"S 12. Stella ke;*uS 13.Hey You!Yes You...(edit excerpt) V;(*\"O 14. Moonday - Live in Tokyo (Special: unpublished song) Jj^<:t5{rN |0vHy7CE [#3Cg%V