- 注册时间2007-02-01
- 最后登录2017-10-26
- 在线时间29小时
- 发帖1717
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板4734
- 人品值2015
- 贡献值8
- 交易币0
- 好评度1715
- 信誉值0
- 金币0
- 发帖
- 1717
- 铜板
- 4734
- 人品值
- 2015
- 贡献值
- 8
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1715
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 0
- 所在楼道
龙骑士片尾曲 没有51file的帐号,贴两个可以下载的地址吧:) u`*$EP-% ... 200612249195927.wma zq#gf http://www.1tchina.com/1tchina/yyz1962/12.Keep.Holding.On.mp3 ooYs0/,{ zfml^N 下面是歌词 gp{P _ ============ Qcs0w( Artist: Jem Lyrics etP`q:6^c Song: One In Every Lifetime Lyrics FFF7f 5F It’s time to move out of the darkness N9f;X{ Use what feel inside Ahg6>7+R. Your faith alone will guide you zjx'nK{eI Feel the turning tide QO,ge<N+N % o0.8qVJi It’s in your heart =OA7$z[ It’s in your soul LA837%) Don’t be scared, keep believing {+QQ<)l^tJ I know you know deep inside jRjQDK_"ka That your time has come MP 8s} GlXzH1wZ Once in every lifetime U3c !*i If you do believe (]<G)+* Man can move a mountain SY2((!n._ Change the course of history f6HDfJmE How far we’ve come sE(mK<{pk So far, from home pC)S9Kl j%*<W> O Trust in your path, you’ve been chosen |:`gjl_Nf Become your density RAEiIf!3 Lead and they will follow you 04z2gAo Your truth will set you free @/?$ ZX/e[ TUd=qnu It’s in your heart W}oAgUd It’s in your soul VoUAFEcs Don’t be scared, keep believing *:,7
A9LY I know you know deep inside %G~%:uJ5 That your time has come ((_v>{ 4T#Z[B[ Once in every lifetime .aR$ou,7 If you do believe <H!;/p/S Man can move a mountain "{(4 Change the course of history JE+{Vx} How far we’ve come gMZ?MG So far, from home 4,R1}.?BzJ .gHL(*1P (Instrumental Break) ;0\ b;sjw5cm_ Once in every lifetime v~HfA)#JK If you do believe UbV} ! Man can move a mountain Bbx.RL.V Change the course of history t)~v5vr How far we’ve come #bLeK$ So far, from home )kNyl@m uH!;4@uI [Thanks to Mazakai for lyrics] "7a;Apq* 0bk094 Artist: Avril Lavigne Lyrics axi%5:I Song: Keep Holding On Lyrics }+f@$L
You're not alone Eq/%k $6#1 Together we stand "Mmvf'N I'll be by your side /!0{9F< You know I'll take your hand jCbxI^3A When it gets cold .W%{j()op And it feels like the end |"a%S,I' There's no place to go you know I won't give in )<jT;cT!& No I won't give in. $PNIuC?= M3dNG]3E Chorus : enJE#4Z5&s (@?PN+68| Keep holding on N;\by<snN 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through $
V"7UA22 Just stay strong ojd/%@+u+Y Cause you know I'm here for you R|AGN*. There's nothing you can say, nothing you can do O ijG@bI8 There's no other way when it comes to the truth *tT}y(M So keep holding on %.D@{O Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. C"ZCX6p+$ eq\{*r"DCK So far away I wish you were here O-vvFl#4 Before it's too late this could all disapear kST Before the doors close, this comes to an end R:v`\ But with you by my side I will fight and defend I'll fight and defend yeah yeah. "I]% aK0 aOj5b>> Chorus X"{s"Mc0G U(=cGA.$ Hear me when I say, when I say -pR1xsG I believe nothings gonna change, nothings gonna change destiny RyxIJJui What ever is ment to be =X2EF Will work out perfectly yeah yeah yeah yeah wLC|mByq Lalalalalalala... u]ZCYJ> ,Tyh._sa Chorus c;bp[Y3R 8P'>%G<m [Thanks to Shawn for corrections]