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1.2 公司概况

1.2.1 BCG 中国办事处简介

BCG于 1980年代率先在大中华区开拓管理咨询业务市场。1990年在香港设立的办事处,确立了我们对中国的长期投入以及致力于中国管理咨询业务的信心。BCG 其后在 1993 年于上海设立
办事处,使我们成为在中国大陆第一家设立中国合资企业的跨国咨询公司。随着 BCG 在大中华地
区的业务逐步扩展,BCG 于 2001 年设立了北京办事处,以便更好地为越益广泛的大中华区客户提
供服务。虽然台北办事处成立的年资最短,但 BCG自 1990 年代中期起已开始为台北客户提供资询服务,我们经常派遣香港办事处的咨询顾问到台北处理本地和国际客户的项目事宜。现在,台北办事处已成为 BCG 在大中华区咨询业务增长的关键成员之一。我们把整个大中华区归在一个统一的咨询业务体系:从人员配置、培训到职业发展都是一体化管理的,项目团队的成员也是从整个大中华区调配。随着大中华区的业务拓展以及中国在全球业务增长的重要性不断提高,我们在 BCG 全球网络中也愈加重要。现在正是为 BCG大中华区开拓璀璨未来而打下坚实基石的关键时候。BCG把除日本外整个亚洲地区的办公室作为一个体系。这个体系被称为“东亚及东南亚”体系。亚太地区还包括澳大利亚—新西兰体系和日本体系;“东亚及东南亚”体系同时又再细分为四个区域:东南亚区、大中华区、韩国和印度。每个区域都在总体网络下独立运营和管理,每个咨询顾问虽有自己的常驻办事处,也同时隶属于该区域。

1.2.2 BCG 北京办事处

北京办事处是 BCG 在中国成立的第三个办事处。目前它是我们大中华地区持续发展的一个重要的驱动力。当地媒体经常引述 BCG 员工对企业策略和中国主要行业发展的看法。BCG 许多领域的国际专家也经常造访北京,与客户、政府官员、学者和媒体见面。BCG 北京办事处位于北京市的金融和商业中心。离许多跨国机构的驻大陆办事处、中国企业办事处以及政府机构都不远。员工融合了当地和国际的专业人士,具有跨行业的咨询经验。


1.3 企业文化

1.3.1 We are a partnership of individuals.

(1) We collaborate without conforming. 
(2) We value ideas above tenure.
(3) We respect individuality.
(4) We embrace flexibility.

1.3.2 We believe in passionate engagement.

(1) We put our clients first, and we measure our success by their success.
(2) We empower our clients as partners and share the credit for-and the excitement of-discovery.
(3) We insist on the truth, whether or not that is what the client wants to hear.
(4) We seek to be a catalyst for creative and practical transformations.
(5) We foster our clients' ability to achieve and sustain superior results.

1.3.3 We work to expand the possible.

(1) We build on experience without repeating it.
(2) We create sustainable competitive advantage through innovative solutions.
(3) We invest in our people so that they are able to realize their leadership potential at BCG andbeyond.
(4) We are committed to creative and practical results.
(5) We change the rules of the game.

1.4 组织结构

1.4.1 全球网络

1.4.2 U.S. locations

Atlanta, GA、Boston, MA、Chicago, IL、Dallas, TX、Houston, TX、Los Angeles, CA、Miami,
FL、New York, NY、San Francisco, CA、Washington D.C.

1.4.3 International locations

Amsterdam, The Netherlands、Athens, Greece、Auckland, New Zealand、Barcelona, Spain、
Bangkok, Thailand、Beijing, China、Berlin, Germany、Brussels, Belgium、Budapest, Hungary、
Buenos Aires, Argentina、Cologne, Germany、Copenhagen, Denmark、Dusseldorf, Germany、
Frankfurt, Germany、Hamburg, Germany、Helsinki, Finland、Hong Kong, China、Istanbul,
Turkey、Jakarta, Indonesia、Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia、Lisbon, Portugal、London, England、Madrid, Spain、Melbourne, Australia、Mexico City, Mexico、Milan,Italy、Monterrey, Mexico、Moscow, Russia、Mumbai,India、Munich, Germany、Nagoya, Japan、New Delhi,India、Oslo, Norway、Paris, France、Prague, CzechRepublic、Rome, Italy、Santiago, Chile、Sao Paulo,Brazil、Seoul, Korea、Shanghai, China、Singapore、Stockholm, Sweden、Stuttgart, Germany、Sydney,
Australia、Taipei, Taiwan、Tokyo, Japan、Toronto,Canada、Vienna, Austria、Warsaw, Poland、Zurich,Switzerland

1.5 开展业务

1.5.1 Branding

Based in the firm’s Vienna office, the branding practice works not only to build brands but an
entire customer experience. Consumer: Based in the firm’s Paris office, the consumer practice
explores a variety of challenges faced by consumer and retail business. Corporate Development:Based in the firm’s Berlin office, the corporate development practice uses BCG’s “proprietary
value-management methodology” in an effort to help clients create value and maximize
shareholder return.

1.5.2 Deconstruction

Based in the firm’s Boston office, the deconstruction practice was launched in 1998, and looks at ways in which the value-chain linkages, which once defined our economy, are breaking down.

1.5.3 E-Commerce

Based in the firm’s Chicago office, the e-commerce practice uses a comprehensive,
cross-disciplinary approach to help companies understand how the Internet affects their business.

1.5.4 Information Technology

Based in the firm’s Cologne office, the information technology practice does its best to make sure
client companies achieve one, overarching goal – the integration of business strategy and

1.5.5 Strategy

Based in the firm’s London and Chicago offices, the strategy
practice serves as a support mechanism to the firm’s other
industry practices, ensuring that BCG maintains its leadership
position in a field it played a part in defining.

第四章    笔试相关Questions to Expect

We have a client who operates a national distributionnetwork and produces different types of products for the home-home building, home improvements, etc. This clientis trying to decide if it should go into doors, specifically wooden doors for homes. Tell us what you think the market size for wooden doors would be. Is it big enough to be attractive? Let’s talk through the logic of how you would evaluate whether or not our client should enter this market. Take your time before answering. According to one BCG interviewer, this ishow the company prefers to start the first round interviews. Begin this question by doing a 10- to 15-minute “estimation exercise,” which consists of questions such as: 

–How many doors are there in the United States?

–What’s the market for wood doors in the United States?

After asking questions like these, you should be able to come up with a number-say, 500 million doors. You should even have a notepad and pen on you so that you can jot down ideas and keep track of your thoughts. For the next 20 to 25 minutes, you should talk about the issues that thecompany might be thinking about before entering the market, by asking questions such as:

–What is the competition like in the market?
–How will the manufacture of wooden doors affect the company’s labor costs?

Interviewees should always remember that “there are several ways of approaching the problem,and during the interview what the interviewers are most interested in is your logic flow, the typesof questions you ask, and how you structure the questions. Asking questions that are wrong is tantamount to not asking them at all.” One recent interviewee notes, “BCG is looking forpeople who will think carefully before answering; this is very important in the case interview.Don’t say the first thing that comes to your mind, even if you’re certain about it. If you’re tryingto choose between appearing to be slow and appearing to be a cocky idiot, choose the former.”








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