Why Does Bottled Water Taste Different From Different Vendors?
W$SV+q(rT I'm starting this Health and Fitness Program at my church and there are all these interesting facts about Health & Fitness and lifestyle.
e.DN,rhqI {S9gOg One thing that has stuck out is that fact that bottled water can taste different from one company to the next. My understanding is that water is pure color-less, odor-less and flavor-less.
=5B5 ov, I've heard that bottled water can taste different because different companies use different filtration systems. Then I've heard that it's the bottle you're tasting. Finally, of course everyone knows all bottled water (except for the Wal-Mart brand) is made by gnomes who melt down large crystal-clear glaciers in Alaska using their magical hats. The reason some bottles of water taste different from others is because different gnomes have different hats which produce different tastes.
V'W*'wo ro<w8V9.a In all seriousness, I really need to know why. I've Googled and everything and I haven't found a straight answer.
Wn Sq_.RU Thanks, Everyone!!!
TsoxS/MI" {Hl(t$3V` Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
f9b]Y Taste some distilled water- that is your baseline. Good distilled water is 'flat' and flavorless- there is NOTHING in it but H2O, and almost non-measureable traces of the pipes, plastic, etc. it passed through. Distilled water is literally 'made' in the factory- all 'personality' is removed by the processing.'Natural' water picks up flavors from the rocks, minerals, soil types, etc. it passes as it moves on the surface or underground.
<5pNFj}0;X Tap water tastes different because it starts as 'natural' water, then picks up tastes from the filtration and processing, pipes, etc.
Tr:@Dv.O MOST bottled water in the US is someone's tap water... maybe filtered a bit more. An amount of water that costs less than a penny being sold at over a buck a bottle- sweet scam, huh?
oYf+I More interestingly, most people in blind taste tests perfer their own tap water to most bottled waters!
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