struts2的struts.properties配置文件详解 So=nB} b[?
struts.action.extension 6%.
The URL extension to use to determine if the request is meant for a Struts action qggk:cN1
用URL扩展名来确定是否这个请求是被用作Struts action,其实也就是设置 action的后缀,例如login.do的'do'字。 QM ZUt
struts.configuration ZS XRzH~0
The org.apache.struts2.config.Configuration implementation class qo6LC >Qg
org.apache.struts2.config.Configuration接口名 M%&A.j[
struts.configuration.files ySQ-!fQnP
A list of configuration files automatically loaded by Struts \-
struts自动加载的一个配置文件列表 r]8x;v1
struts.configuration.xml.reload eA?uny
Whether to reload the XML configuration or not *
是否加载xml配置(true,false) +YkW[a\4
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struts.continuations.package a|QE *s.
The package containing actions that use Rife continuations 7}ws
含有actions的完整连续的package名称 .?rbny
struts.custom.i18n.resources 1E5a(
Location of additional localization properties files to load @S}/g/+2
加载附加的国际化属性文件(不包含.properties后缀) K`QOU-M@}
0]T.Lh$3 k0|`y U
Location of additional configuration properties files to load F qeV3N
加载附加的配置文件的位置 ~u /aOd
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struts.devMode fJN*s
Whether Struts is in development mode or not iHAU|`'N)
是否为struts开发模式 ZV'$k\
struts.dispatcher.parametersWorkaround hv+|s(
Whether to use a Servlet request parameter workaround necessary for some versions of WebLogic Go>wo/Sb
(某些版本的weblogic专用)是否使用一个servlet请求参数工作区(PARAMETERSWORKAROUND) &5\^f?'b7
struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation O'k+7y
Allows one to disable dynamic method invocation from the URL Q
允许动态方法调用 n*4lz^LR
struts.freemarker.manager.classname r&}(9Cq&"y
The org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager implementation class =p<?Hu
org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager接口名 1T ( u
struts.i18n.encoding ;{vwBDV!'
The encoding to use for localization messages I@2 uF-
国际化信息内码 [SVhtrx|%
struts.i18n.reload NJtQx2Sd'H
Whether the localization messages should automatically be reloaded lT2 4JhJ#
是否国际化信息自动加载 -? s&pKi
struts.locale -fE.<)m=!
The default locale for the Struts application JVtQ,oZ
默认的国际化地区信息 &FSmqE;@^
struts.mapper.class 4({(i
The org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.ActionMapper implementation class ,P{m k%=9
org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.ActionMapper接口 =;0wFwSz
struts.multipart.maxSize o*">KqU`b
The maximize size of a multipart request (file upload) VYZU eh
multipart请求信息的最大尺寸(文件上传用) f`jc#f5+'
struts.multipart.parser A /(lK q
The org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart. b_TS<,
MultiPartRequest parser implementation for a multipart request (file upload) `K*b?:0lp
专为multipart请求信息使用的org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart.MultiPartRequest解析器接口(文件上传用) *z'8j
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struts.multipart.saveDir #`(WUn0H?
The directory to use for storing uploaded files K=dR%c(
设置存储上传文件的目录夹 K{@3\5<
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struts.objectFactory (-0ePSOG
The com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory implementation class j~E",7Q'
com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory接口(spring) 0V$k7H$Z
struts.objectFactory.spring.autoWire =^&%9X
Whether Spring should autoWire or not hA}~es=c
是否自动绑定Spring k|vI<:'p,
struts.objectFactory.spring.useClassCache !ErH~<f%K
Whether Spring should use its class cache or not %c|UmKKi
struts.objectTypeDeterminer /ASaB
The com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ObjectTypeDeterminer implementation class ~1
com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ObjectTypeDeterminer接口 yF13Of^l./
struts.serve.static.browserCache 7y^%7U \
If static content served by the Struts filter should set browser caching header properties or not 2f>PO +4S{
是否struts过滤器中提供的静态内容应该被浏览器缓存在头部属性中 fX~'Zk\u
struts.serve.static j}1zdA
Whether the Struts filter should serve static content or not @L/o\pvc
是否struts过滤器应该提供静态内容 jN31hDg<z
struts.tag.altSyntax Yd
Whether to use the alterative syntax for the tags or not $e1=xSQp4
是否可以用替代的语法替代tags ;5_{MCPM
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struts.ui.templateDir `B/0i A
The directory containing UI templates .Jx9bIw
UI templates的目录夹 [XVEBA4GI
struts.ui.theme +Hvc_Av''
The default UI template theme VhL{'w7f
默认的UI template主题 rxnFrx
struts.url.http.port ?BA]7M(,4
The HTTP port used by Struts URLs r;BT,jiX
设置http端口 {n#k,b&9B
struts.url.https.port G!w"{Bk?9
The HTTPS port used by Struts URLs >F1kR\!
设置https端口 5r~#0Zf*
struts.url.includeParams {]_uMg#!
The default includeParams method to generate Struts URLs &LO"g0w
在url中产生 默认的includeParams Od+6 -J
struts.velocity.configfile U,#yqER'r
The Velocity configuration file path '* mH*?Y
velocity配置文件路径 &Z(K6U#.
struts.velocity.contexts kiUGZ^k\s
List of Velocity context names $mf
velocity的context列表 k@zy
struts.velocity.manager.classname XO#/Fv!
org.apache.struts2.views.velocity.VelocityManager implementation class `&\Q +W
org.apache.struts2.views.velocity.VelocityManager接口名 X%z }VA
struts.velocity.toolboxlocation L,y6^J!
The location of the Velocity toolbox 8n1'x;
velocity工具盒的位置 !cKz7?w
struts.xslt.nocache =qN2Xg/
Whether or not XSLT templates should not be cached rpeJkG@+
是否XSLT模版应该被缓存 SJD@&m%?[