讨伐日本檄文 QKG3>lU
日本恶邻,乖戾之帮,其性鲜仁寡义。狡黠而好斗,悭吝且荒淫,繁礼做伪,土猾猖乱,曾以弹丸之域,倾举国之兵,欲强立“大东亚共荣圈”。 3z8i0
因横暴无度,得罪天下,数十余国,合力伐之。至西元1945,兵败请降。上至天皇,下至臣民,无不摇尾求全。 '$9o(m#
狂妄之气已夺,而张扬黩武之心未死。于邻邦只做恭迎可怜之状,伏地请免,苦求脱罪,一不赔款,二不做忏。今内阁高官数人,悍然参拜靖国神社,侵夺之心不灭,图霸之势昭然!国会屡议出兵海外,复强占钓鱼岛,右翼谬丑,几番跳梁。 ^jL '*&l
我中华为谋天下之和平,委屈隐忍,恭让退避。不与之刀兵相争。日本非不返躬自省,且得寸进尺,狂妄凶悍,自为己有称雄天下之力,而视我中国为羸弱之帮。辱华事件频仍,挑衅恶行累累。 |6E_N5~
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今历数中,日两国古今之事,多有憾恨,唯以我中华予日本以文明,宗教,礼法,繁荣,而日本予中华杀戮,侵夺,歧视,破坏。为最大之恨也! 9bM\ (s/
大汉既立,震慑四方,虽有强兵,不施暴虐,乃册封日本为“汉倭奴”,视为儿孙,呵护扶植,数百年不失恩宠。 QUrPV[JQ
而日本冥顽不化,竟于唐朝初建,趁衅纵害,忘恩负义,举兵侵夺。我大唐皇帝雷霆一击,倭奴败北,天皇鲜廉寡耻,委屈求活,附首称臣。再做臣虏。 -> cL)
日本发难,我尚修好。唐虽掩有东亚,而不思加兵东瀛。屡遣唐使,告慰扶桑,教以儒学,佛法,科技,文明。 #EPC]jFk
日本虽历代承恩,却不思回报。又于明朝中期,兴海盗,举贼兵,骚扰临海,强占土地,祸害生灵,毁坏城郭。我大明皇帝,遣将军邓子龙,麾师数万,大败倭寇于朝鲜。关白丰臣,气结僵毙。日本又故计重演,弃刃投降。明天子虽恨之,终以宽宏气度,纳降许和,不加谤斥。通好如故,扶助依然。 0fsVbC
至清后期,日本西乡隆盛变法维新,国力始强,忽生邪恶,居恶毒野心,欲占我中华,以怨报德,大行掳掠!甲午一战,北洋水师与之本不分胜负。日本趁间歇之机,猝然猛攻,致使水师全军覆灭!贼兵克朝鲜,破东北,入台湾,夺琉求。杀戮甚惨。此后其狂嚣狼唳,自诩为“神州”,侮视我中华为“**”。数典忘祖 ,妄图扩张。从此中,日之仇,万卷难书! nKx)R^]k
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一次大战,我中华本为战胜之国,德夷败北,山东复得。而日本竟持强欲入主齐,鲁,我中华学子,振臂一呼,齐心协力,于“5。4”共赴国难。声震天下。日本方知我中华实为不可欺凌之帮,畏首退缩,缄口不言。 FdU]!GO-X
至西元1931,日本又窥窃东北,自炸铁路,装神弄鬼,“9。18”大举发难,夺我疆土,扶植傀儡,篡称满洲。使我疆域割离,生灵涂炭。时我中华中原大战方息,无力北平倭寇,日本更疯狂骄横,先于上海闸北挑衅,后于西元1937年双7之日,大举兴兵!从此中华大地,狼烟四起。徐州,武汉,淞沪,太原,昔日和平都市,尽做沙场。冬月始临,南京陷落。倭寇大肆杀伐,奸淫,掳掠,焚烧,我三十万同胞,惨然蒙难,倭卒刀砍老翁,枪挑婴儿,竞相斩杀,以暴为乐。金陵古都,化做人间地狱。其民性之恶劣,凶狠,淫乱,贪婪。昭彰天下。而我后方将士,前线士卒,临危不退,长沙浴血,关口奋战,尸横万里,犹不屈服!! {&51@UX
法兰西虽为强国,战至经年乞降于纳粹,而我神州男儿,岂为屈膝苟活之辈?孔曰成仁,圣贤古训。孟言取义,非为空谈! |mEWN/@C
是以气愤风云,志安社稷,高鸣金鼓,诛杀倭奴。民众亦斩木揭竿,纷纷从征,八载抗战,一朝成功,倭寇乃弃刀卸甲,降伏跨下。 ./YR8 #,
惟脸皮厚若城墙,居然又磕头求命,苟且偷生,我中华见其社稷崩溃,民不聊生,于是生恻隐之心,不施报复。 @>2pY_
而日本竟于经济复苏之后,又生侵夺之志。问尔心地,是禽兽否?羊犬之辈,尚知廉耻,惟日本民性,反复无常,以怨报德,潜蓄异谋。屡屡以小人之心,度君子之腹。依仗强帮,蠢蠢欲动。是可忍,孰不可忍! EeuYRyK
我等虽生于太平治世,一不敢忘先辈之耻,二不可藐右翼之狼子野心。大中华为抗击外侮,乃以两千万生命,筑就东拒倭寇之长城!先人之血未干,同胞遗骨尚存。国破家亡,憾恨千载,未历百年,安能忘哉!今中华五十六族,齐心戮力,共伐日本右翼,以维五洲和平。 ] ,|,/~
无论于网络,立站声讨,于媒体,口诛笔伐,于现实,抵制日货,于沧海,舍身保钓,于外交,维护尊严,皆为护国复兴之举措! =X$ ieXq|
唯13亿同胞协力同心,共诛右翼,方显我中华撼摇山岳,填平东海之力量。昔日盘古以斧开天,东瀛小帮,何不可以腰斩。愚公之铲移山,扶桑僻壤,何不可以削平。我中华热血之士,若集结为一,则其仰天怒吼,可震碎东洋四岛,其剑气冲迫,可分割扶桑落日。人人以沧海一粟之力,协力灭倭,倭奴不灭,我中华则永无宁日,汗青昭彰,岂可忘怀! $dL..QH^K
遍传檄文,使天下知我族有拘迫之难。如律令。 yXJhOCa
英文版 9K+>;`
Denunciation of the Japs ~7]V^tG
Japan, an absurd country, is a vicious neighbour of China, which lacks benevolence and honour. Been cunning and fund of fighting, the Japs are mean and dissolute while pretending to show a complicated etiquette, its people are basically reckless and violent. Though tiny territory it has, it raised all its troops to establish the so-called “Great East Asia Prosperous Circle” forcefully during World War II. Because of the extreme cruelty which hurt the people all around the world, over a dozen countries fought against it. {r^_ g(.q
In the year of 1945, the Japs are defeated. From their emperor to the common people all the Japs are begging for their lives. Although their arrogant was gone, the militaristic idea was still in their inner heart. So in appearance they were begging for mercies and forgiveness from its neighbours and were eager to escape from any punishment, in fact, nor did they compensate for the victims nor make any confession. 98[uRywI
Nowadays, several high-ranking officials paid their visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, where class A war criminals are enshrined. The Japs has reoccupied the Diaoyu Island of China and its diet has discussed repeatedly to send troops abroad, while for several times its right-wings had performed their misdeeds which showed obviously that they still have the thought of invading other countries and then dominating them. &LLU@ |
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China has given in and made concessions not to fight against it for the peace of the world. However, instead of reflecting themselves, the cruel and insatiable Japs regards China as a weak state and believes that they themselves could dominate the whole world. The Chinese are frequently humiliated and provocative acts occur now and then in Japan. RTOA'|[0M
Recalling what has happened between the two countries from ancient times, there were more pities and sorrows. Although China had given Japan civilization, religions, courtesy and regulations and prosperity, the Japs had given China killing, invasion, discrimination and ruins, which is the biggest regret. fQ<sq0'e\
After the establishment of Han dynasty, the Han government did not have any wrong doings though being powerful and having a strong army, instead it had conferred Japan the tile of “Han Wonu” (Wonu was the ancient Chinese name for Japs, which basically refers to the appearance and figure of the ancient Japs who were ugly and short) to Japs and regarded them as its offspring, caring for them for hundreds of years. [|(|"dh@^H
But the Japs were thick-headed and devoid of all gratitude, and invaded China in the early period of Tang dynasty. The Tang emperor was angry and defeated the Japs completely, the emperor of Japan once again gave in and begged for his life. <FT7QO$I
Being challenged by the Japs, we still tried to foster cardinal relations with it. Although Tang covered the whole east Asian countries, it never thought of invading Japan. Instead, the Chinese government sent its ambassadors for several times, comforting the Japs and teaching them Confucianism, Buddhism, technologies and civilization. The Japs learned and inherited all the things through dynasties but never thought of repaying. +}:Z9AAMy
Again during the Ming dynasty the Japs robbed ships, harassed the China near sea, occupied the costal areas of China forcefully, killed innocent people and destroyed cities by raising its unrighteous troops. The Ming emperor sent a troop of scores thousand soldiers led by General Deng Zilong. The Japs suffered a severe defeat in Korea, and its general Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉とよとみひでよし) was killed too. Once again the Japs played their old trick and surrendered by laying down their weapons. The Ming emperor was angry though, with greatest generosity he still accepted their surrender without any scolding. China still treated the Japs as what it used to do, giving helps and care. !=[Y yh
Towards the later period of the Qing dynasty, through Meiji Restoration (明治维新めいじいしん) advocated by Saigō Takamori (西乡隆盛さいごうたかもり), the Japs were becoming strong in national power. It was at that time that the Japs thought of invading China with a heartless mind by looting violently, returning evil for good. In the Jiawu Battle (1894) between China and Jap, the North Sea Navy of China and the Japs were equals, however the Japs attacked violently during the resting intervals which led to the eventual defeat of the North Sea Navy. Then the Japs defeated Korea, occupied the Northeast of China, invaded Taiwan and deprived Liuqiu (called Okinawa by the Japs), killing huge number of people. After that the Japs were more ambitious, calling Jap the “divine state”, China “sina”. They totally forgot their origins and were planning to expand its territory. Since then the hatred between the two countries was beyond deSCRIPTion. ) c@gRb~
During the First World War, we China were among the victory countries, while Germany who had occupied Shandong peninsula was defeated, thus China regained the peninsula. However the Japs wanted to occupy it by force. On May 4 of 1919, the Chinese students went to street, making concerted efforts to protest against it, which was known around the world. 1.3#PdMR,
Till then the Japs began to understand that China was not a country that could be humiliated, and withdrew its army without any comment. In the year 1931, the Japs pried into the Northeast again, bombing warlord Zhang Zuolin whom they supported by themselves, pretending that they knew nothing about it. On Sept 18, 1931 the Japs further occupied the Northeast of China with large troops and established the so-called “Manchu” by fostering a young emperor. Thus China was divided and the Chinese people were plunged into the abyss of misery. At that time, Chinese government was not able to fight the Japs in the north as the heated war had just ceased in the central plains of China. The Japs became even more insane and ambitious. First they provoked in Zhabei of Shanghai and then they directly sent troops on July 7, 1937. zoq;3a5cqB
Since then war alarms raised everywhere in the Chinese territory. Xuzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai, Taiyuan, all of which had used to be peaceful cities, became battle fields. KOcB#UHJ
When winter was approaching, Nanjing was occupied. The Japs were slaughtering, raping, looting, firing without slightest hesitation there and over 300, 000 compatriots were killed cruelly. The Japanese soldiers were even enjoying their brutality, chopping old men with swords, puncturing babies with bayonets and competing in killing. In a short notice of time, the ancient city became a hell. The vileness, cruelty, absurdity, and greed, all these characters of the Japs had thus been exposed to the whole world. z*.AuEK?
While the Chinese soldiers, whether in the back or in the front never withdraw in the face of danger. In the battle of Changsha and Guankou, soldiers were fighting desperately and would not give in when many of them died. As a powerful nation, France surrendered the Germany after years of fighting, should the Chinese people give in and live on in degradation? Confucius asked us be benevolent, which is also the precepts from ancient time; Mencius mentioned to sacrifice, which is not something nonsense. So all the soldiers became angry and they drummed to fight against the Japs while comforting the ordinary people, many of whom voluntary joint the army to fight. After eight long years of fighting, the Japs discarded their weapons and surrendered. As they begged for their lives in a disgraceful manner and the Chinese people saw its society was in a desperate state and its people lived very hard lives, so we showed our mercy without taking any revenge. y=3 dGOFB
But after the economy recovered, the Japs thought of invasion China once again. Ask yourselves, the Japs, isn’t this the behaviour of beasts? Animals like sheep and dogs even have a sense of honour, while the character of the Japs is inconstant, who return evil for good and think something evil in the deep of their minds. Frequently they gauge the heart of a gentleman with their own mean measure and were going to move with the support of its powerful master. s(,S~
If this can be tolerated, what would not be tolerated! Although we were born in the peaceful era, first we should not forget the disgrace suffered by our ancestors; second we should not underestimate the ambitiousness of the right wing of the Japs. With the cost of over 20 million Chinese people’s lives the Chinese people had built a Great Wall to resist the Japs. While the bloods of our ancestors haven’t dried and their bone ashes are still there, the invasion and this regret in the history should not be forgotten only after scores of years. Today, all the 56 ethnics of the Chinese should make our own efforts to fight against the right wing of the Japs in order to maintain peace for the world. iE%" Q? Q/
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So we should set up websites to denounce the Japs on the Internet, make speeches and write articles to denounce the Japs through the media, resist the Japanese products in the reality, protect the Diaoyu Island for our motherland and keep the dignity in dealing with foreign affairs, all of which are the measures to protect the Chinese interests. ~A0]vcP
Only when all the 1.3 billion Chinese people united to denounce the right wing of the Japs, the great power of Chinese which could move the mountain and fill the East Sea can be shown. Pan Gu, the famous legendary figure who was very powerful, could split the heaven by using his axe, why couldn’t we split a country as tiny as Japan. Yu Gong, the perseverant legendary figure, could remove a mountain, then why couldn’t we wipe out the territory of the Japs. When all the righteous Chinese are united, their hatred could shatter the four islands of the Japs, their angry could separate the dying Japs. Thus everyone should contribute his or her effort to fight against the Japs. We should not forget that we Chinese would never have comfortable days as long as the Japs still exist in the world and our glorious deeds will be recorded in the history. 5!c/J:z
This denunciation should be spread around the world and let the people around the world know the subjected difficulties we are facing.