boy, I've missed your kisses all the time, ]>Es4 s
but this is twenty-five minutes too late. u;2[AQ.
Though you travelled so far boy I'm sorry your are twenty-five minutes too late GC}==^1
After some time I've finally made up my mind Wdbed U~`Q
she is the girl and I really want to make her mine .3Oap*X
I'm searching everywhere to find her again to tell her I love her a<bwzX|.
and I'm sorry about the things I've done T1=fNF
I find her standing in front of the church the only place in town where I didn't search "@2-Zdrr1<
She looks so happy in her weddingdress but she's crying while she's saying this S;`A{Mow
Boy I've missed your kisses all the time but this is twentyfive minutes too late &&>ekG9@
Though you travelled so far boy I'm sorry your aretwentyfive minutes too late VRB;$
Against the wind I'm going home again wishing me back to the time when we were more than friends ^s"R$?;h
But still I see her in front of the church the only place in town where I didn't search 5VU2[ \
She looked so happy in her weddingdress but she cryed while she was saying this Y`a3tO=Pd
Boy I've missed your kisses all the time but this is twentyfive minutes too late {F.[&/A
Though you travelled so far boy I'm sorry your are twentyfive minutes too late ye5&)d"fa(
Out in the streetsplaces where hungry hearts have nothing to eat inside my head still I can hear the words she said 9~[Y-cpoi
Boy I've missed your kisses all the time but this istwentyfive minutes too late I9ep`X6Y
Though you travelled so far boy I'm sorry your aretwentyfive minutes too late