1、 澳大利亚驻上海留学生编辑1名(在读留学生)
[ i#Gqx>'w 工作内容:根据公司要求负责澳中在线博客栏目中留学生栏目内容的中英文双语文字创作编辑工作。
@!O{>` 薪资:面议或电议。
:[03upyS 有意者将中英文简历、联系方式、在校学生证明图片附件发送至公司邮箱
|:[vpJFK 咨询电话:34280836-8003 Beatrice
P?7b,a95O 咨询MSN:
sue19870910@hotmail.com >AFpO*q" f`rz)C03 A part-time student writer/editor, native Australians preferred. This job is based in Shanghai.
B Job Description:Responsible of writing/editing bilingual blogs as requested by the company
R/|{?:r?:x Salary:Negotiable
_~DZ:%c Interested candidates should email
aconline@126.com, with his/her Chinese and English CVs and a proof of student identity attached. Please put “apply for part-time student writer/editor” as the subject.
dig76D_[e Contact number:34280836-8003 Beatrice
p ivS8C MSN:
sue19870910@hotmail.com 2oASz| @'4D9A 2、 中国赴澳大利亚留学生编辑1名(在澳留学生)
r!iuwE@ 工作内容:根据公司要求负责澳中在线博客栏目中留学生栏目内容的中英文双语文字创作编辑工作。
h!GixN? 薪资:面议或电议。
x2Q4E 有意者将中英文简历、联系方式、在校学生证明图片附件发送至公司邮箱
Tyl"N{ _ 咨询电话:34280836-8003 Beatrice
KVy5/A/8c 咨询MSN:
sue19870910@hotmail.com l/NK.Jr XS/TYdXB8 A part-time student writer/editor, native Chinese preferred. This job is based in Australia.
s$6#3%h Job Description:Responsible of writing/editing bilingual blogs as requested by the company
|_m;@.44?U Salary:Negotiable
Ka{Zoi] Interested candidates should email
aconline@126.com, with his/her Chinese and English CVs and a proof of student identity attached. Please put “apply for part-time student writer/editor” as the subject.
5Oq ;V:7 Contact number:34280836-8003 Beatrice
Vrh],xK7 MSN:
sue19870910@hotmail.com MEUqQ4/Gl