- 注册时间2007-04-12
- 最后登录2009-11-02
- 在线时间1小时
- 发帖1266
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板3445
- 人品值1399
- 贡献值0
- 交易币0
- 好评度1024
- 信誉值0
- 金币0
- 发帖
- 1266
- 铜板
- 3445
- 人品值
- 1399
- 贡献值
- 0
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1024
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 0
- 所在楼道
NuI9iU jFb?b6b
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Is Is[Alternative/Punk] i?;Kq~, 'f|o{ 专辑名称:Is Is B1Oq!k 歌手姓名:Yeah Yeah Yeahs |'2d_vR 唱片公司:Dress Up/Fontana Records BORA(, 发行日期:2007-7-24 LHmZxi? 专辑流派:Alternative <6=c,y t:c.LFrF /L#?zSt
mcok/,/ L8n|m!MOD 专辑简介: y_9Ds>p!T 6zn5UW#q 2007 EP from the New York Post-Post-Punk trio featuring five 'new' studio tracks! This EP was recorded in a whirlwind one day in New York and features songs written on the road while they toured Fever To Tell. Three of these blistering tracks previously appeared on their live DVD Tell Me What Rockers To Swallow but this is the first time any of them have been recorded in a studio. Five tracks: 'Rockers To Swallow', 'Down Boy', 'Kiss Kiss', 'Isis' and '10x10'. Dress Up. 5:Uso{ Qci]i)s$js -{_PuJ "
3mni>*q7d 曲目列表: y3ikWnx 59-c<I/}f 01. Rockers To Swallow Qei"'~1a 02. Down Boy (9h`3# 03. Kiss Kiss &~w}_Fjk 04. Isis BluVmM3Vj 05. 10 x 10 9{uO1O\
E!AE4B1bd u]gxFG"
专辑打包下载地址:http://www.sharebig.com/d/sjbdbl ... 20Isis%20Ep.rar.htm u2[w# kNL\m[W8$
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