1*c0\:BQ;z Ggxrj'r 耳朵总有被一首歌感动的时候 &9jUf:g J0 在verycd上拖了近一个月的音乐专辑终于在音箱里回响,来自lizz wright 的首张专辑《salt》,选了一个安静的时候静静来听,其中的一首歌完完全全把我征服了。 +e{djp@m Blue rose 蓝色玫瑰 优雅的旋律,清雅的吉他弹拨,鼓点轻轻地点缀,lizz 带有浅浅沙哑的声音吟唱而来,舒展丰满的声线在在旋律里优雅地穿梭,如同专辑《salt》封面的咖啡色彩一样,此刻的心情是清朗明净的,有些许淡淡的不惑情绪参杂其中,莫名的一丝忧郁如歌词中浅蓝的天空一样:blue as the crying sky . ;GSfN 副歌部分如今反复在耳边回旋,绕梁之感,连绵不绝: skmDsZzw P /f ~ h!JjN$ Maybe she is just a morning glory E|8s2t Lost in a tangle of vine X*p:&=o Maybe she is just a morning glory #nMP(ShK Lost in a tangle of vine? 6):sO/es q) zu}m 因为实在难以找到现成的音乐下载连接,大家可以在这个地方听听 4`^TC[ 或者到我的音乐盒子听歌 {~B4F}ES 我的音乐盒子-blue? TZ[Fu{gZ $fU/9jTa blue rose lyrics: ? a*$1la'Uf Blue as the crying sky duiKFNYN With no thorn, AND no THISTLE 'nmYB:&! Only AN open face *}Ae9 Staring at the waking world R&-W_v+ Eb{4.17b Maybe she is just a morning glory LcQ\?]w`] Lost in a tangle of vine ND99g Maybe she is just a morning glory `6l24_eKf Lost in a tangle of vine se*pkgWbz 'Rar>oU Her arms stretch wide LeRh(a`=$ To receive a life JOE{&^j And her ROOTS go deep into the BLACK EARTH for strength 4*ty&s=5OJ And she blooms and 'amex {F{[!. Maybe she is just a morning glory @Ig,_i\UY: Lost in a tangle of vine &55uT;7] a Maybe she is just a morning glory =f{Z~`3 Lost in a tangle of vine N;Gf,pE ?M1 QJ She blooms while the people sleep 4HYH\ey Only the TRAVELERS SEE HER !Z9ikn4A To those who RISE with the noon day Sun 1<Ztk;$A She is a closed mystery []]LyWk HWao3 Lz AND Maybe she is just a morning glory 5kL# V Lost in a tangle of vine kH(3 OH, Maybe she is just a morning glory 94>7-d Lost in a tangle of vine h.+,*9T\ Lost in a tangle of vine e\bF_ N2VA Lost in a tangle of vine })=c:h& s-YV_