Piano music by Federico Mompou - Stephen Hough
,x.2kb 50Kv4a" @m99xF\e Product Details
V1= (^{p8 !~5=tK Composer: Federico Mompou
A[mm_+D> Performer: Martin Jones
Pp9nilb_( Audio CD (July 6, 2004)
(qQ|s@O Number of Discs: 4
|vLlEN/S Format: Box set
u}L;/1,B Note on Boxed Sets: During shipping, discs in boxed sets occasionally become dislodged without damage. Please examine and play these discs. If you are not completely satisfied, we'll refund or replace your purchase.
&8^1:CcE Label: Nimbus Records
5&X c{SD=wRt,y Piano music by Federico Mompou - Stephen Hough/压缩格式 APE (EAC) & CUE | Covers | DDD | 76'48 |文件大小 184 MB | RS
b#2$Pd:( Gramophone Award Winner / Penguin Guide Rosette
Db5y";T Om/mpU/U cYafQyU 61}hB>TT: Recorded in St. George's, Brandon Hill, Bristol, 22, 23 July 1996"Fasciniating, hypnotic, mystical. Commended." - BBC Music Magazine
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faJ>,^V# N!hS`< } G;CB%qXI "A bell is not so much a metal dome, ringing with vibration, but rather every bell ever rung - wedding, funeral, sanctuary, or cow - with all their smiles and tears. (...) Bells are one of the principal 'presences' in Mompou (his grandfather had a bell foundry)(...)'' - Stephen HoughFederico Mompou (1893 - 1987) was born in Barcelona, studied and lived in Paris, but would spent most of his life quietly in his hometown. At one time he had the opportunity to study under Faure, whom he greatly admired, but his legendary shyness prevented it.''The music of Federico Mompou is the music of evaporation. The printed page seems to have faded, as if the bar lines, time signatures, key signatures, and even the notes themselves have disappeared over a timeless number of years. There is no development of material, little counterpoint, no drama nor climaxes to speak of; and this simplicity of expression - elusive, evasive and shy - is strangely disarming. There is nowhere for the sophisticated to hide with Mompou. We are in a glasshouse, and the resulting transparency is unnerving, for it creates a reflection in which our face and soul can be seen.'' -Stephen HoughContents:
M^$liS.D w' gKE'c 1893年出生于巴塞隆纳的西班牙作曲家蒙波(Federico Mompou),早年在Liceo音乐院随塞拉学习,1911年赴巴黎从菲利普(I. Philipp)与拉克罗斯(F.M. Lacroix)学琴,同时跟随卢梭(M.S. Rousseau)习和声与作曲。一次大战期间返回故乡并写作了部份钢琴作品,蒙波称这些没有小节线、无调号与终止式的作品为“原始样式”。1921至1941年间旅居巴黎并打开国际知名度,除了钢琴曲之外,他还作有歌曲、宗教音乐以及吉他曲等作品。蒙波受法国音乐的影响颇大,尤其他的钢琴音乐,令人联想到萨替的作品!他单纯简洁、时而神秘的作曲风格,相当独特而富个性,和二十世纪大多数的音乐形成鲜明的对比。本辑最特别的是由作曲者亲自诠释自己的作品,1974年录于巴塞隆纳,版权来自西班牙最著名的Ensayo公司, 优异的录音与传奇性的演奏,实属经典之作。
~l=Jx* *z{.9z` ~LKX2Q:S )ZP-t!).G# 蒙波 Federico Mompou 演奏自己作品:钢琴音乐全集
>aaHN1Ca 艺人名称: 钢琴:蒙波Federico Mompou 录音:1974年
_H(:$=$Q 唱片公司: 双木林
@jp}WwC/ 音乐类型: 古典
eK]$8l|LI 唱片编号: B6515
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J|Xu]fg0 http://rapidshare.com/files/3869 ... Stphn_Hgh.part1.rar \B<A.,i4 Part 1
?R;K`f9< http://rapidshare.com/files/3870 ... Stphn_Hgh.part2.rar 5%5z@Ka Part 2
@}^eyS$|! http://rapidshare.com/files/3869 ... Stphn_Hgh.part3.rar TP5?%SlJ Part 3